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  1. G

    Please Help!!

    Good advice from ChuckWagon  <cowboy>
  2. G

    Please Help!!

    First step is to plant some posts in the ground and build a pen so you can work with her.  Based on your description, she seems to be scared and is just displaying fight or flight.  Has she been around people much? Also, if you have a nice gentle calf to put with her, that would probably help...
  3. G

    looking for angus bull names to match my semen codes

    Your 29AN1447= 3x25 is: Rito 3X25 of 5H11 EXT Reg: AAA #+11967377    Bull
  4. G

    Steer getting taller, but not filling out.

    He looks right on schedule to me weight-wise and condition for an 800# Angus steer to finish end of July.  He might be finished by the first of July and can coast at that point.
  5. G

    Steer getting taller, but not filling out.

    Might just be his growth pattern.  Seems like Angus are more prone to growing frame and having a lanky look until they hit about 10 months of age then will finally muscle up.
  6. G

    Unstoppable Calves

    We have had 4 (2 heifers and 2 steers).  The 2 heifers are full siblings born a year apart.  One had a pretty classic Maine Anjou look out of a Maine cow (wide pinned, clean fronted and needs a little more depth) and the full sister we made a terminal market heifer as she was really short and...
  7. G

    Opinions on this Bull calf

    Looks like a pretty nice bull, but as a purebred Angus, he has way too much sheath hanging for me.
  8. G

    Heifer Halter Issue - any advice?

    Treats have to be used carefully and only for specific things like haltering or you will get the spoiled cookie monster.  We had one that wouldn't go in the grooming chute without someone pushing from behind and treats worked well for the limited purpose of getting the steer in the chute.
  9. G

    Heifer Halter Issue - any advice?

    Run her into as small a pen as you have.  Get her caught using whatever methods work and then give her some kind of treat -- cattle cake, hay cube, anything that she likes.  Do it over and over. Have had a couple we just had to rope every time for a month.  Never swinging the rope, but just a...
  10. G

    poor fence builders

    They make my head hurt.  I quit watching those.
  11. G

    PVF Insight produces bull calves

    Used  1 straw got one heifer calf.  She's ok but has worse feet than her mother.  Not impressed by that part.
  12. G

    FINAL UPDATE FROM ROYAL Heifer difficult to setup and won't stand still in ring

    I guess first question is whether she is being tied with her head up for a couple of hours per day - basically just lightly higher than you want her head for show pose.  If not, that will help.  It seems my kid could get them to hold their pose by working them until they would hold it for 5...
  13. G

    breaking donkey?

    From my limited knowledge and experience they are a harsh way to break calves.  Basically the donkey drags them around until they submit. There are a number of threads on here about how to halter break calves.  Get your calf gentle first before ever haltering them and they will generally break...
  14. G

    Muscle Milk

    Show us your muscle
  15. G

    Thoughts on this steer calf. Yellow jacket x Point taken

    I don't care if he is fluffed and puffed -- would prefer that he his not, but standing on level ground would be a good start, and better yet a video on bare ground so I can see his pasterns and feet placement on the move is the best way to help a poster evaluate their critters.  I don't buy...
  16. G

    Thoughts on this steer calf. Yellow jacket x Point taken

    Is he on level ground?  His pose isn't helping him any.  Would like to see him standing more naturally and on the move.
  17. G

    Heifer Show Winners -- "The Look"

    Is Missouri State Fair small in the breed shows?  I saw same thing in other places with the rectangular steer looking females beating the broody types apparently more on muscle.  They were not overly muscled and had decent spring of rib, but had a little more muscle than the broody types and did...
  18. G

    Heifer Show Winners -- "The Look"

    This is an example of what I am seeing -- Reserve Champion Simmental Heifer and this: versus this...
  19. G

    Heifer Show Winners -- "The Look"

    Watching some shows over the past month and perusing the show results, it appears to me that the judges are picking heifers that are more rectangular in their body shape rather than the wedge shape.  These heifers appear to me to be less feminine and plainer made than just a year or two ago. ...