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  1. SKF

    calf keeps falling down

    We have a few do that they get over it. Just keep working with them. You can dump a bucket of water on their face everytime they do and usually they stop doing that.
  2. SKF

    Fall Born Steer for Sale!!!

    I forgot to add I am located in Florida and will be happy to help anyone find shipping. Thanks
  3. SKF

    Fall Born Steer for Sale!!!

    I have this steer for sale. I will be honest with you he is the result of a deal gone bad. I have $1900 into him and would love to get some of my money back so please make an offer. I can not honestly tell you who he is out of. I have been told a Heatwave then it became a Monoply he's probably...
  4. SKF

    Cattle Hauling Price

    When ever we have had cattle hauled we just pay a flate rate. Usually its anywhere from $200-$450. I 've had calves shipped from as far as SD to FL.
  5. SKF

    Limit on Inbox

    Yes you can still receive more messages.
  6. SKF

    Looking for a Judge

    Thank you to everyone who has responded so far. I know several have asked for me to call and I wanted to let everyone know I will start making calls tonight when I can talk on the phone without being interupted by a 3yr old. When she falls asleep is when I get to have me time!! Once agian Thank...
  7. SKF

    Fall 08 Calves - How They Turned Out

    I love this post!! I all ways wonder how some of the calves posted on here turn out. Thanks for posting!!
  8. SKF

    Looking for a Judge

    I am looking for a judge for our show which is Oct. 2, 2010. The show is in Florida and it is a one day show that will include steers, heifers, bulls, and showmanship. Oct. is a great time to come to Florida we are close to the beaches and 2 hrs away from Disney World. If anyone is interested...
  9. SKF

    Oct Monopoly steer Price LOWERED!!!

    Anyone interested in this steer please call me at 941-467-0179 before you exchange ANY money. Thank you!!
  10. SKF


    She looks really good. I wish I needed another heifer!!
  11. SKF

    spring has sprung.

    Nice calves!!!
  12. SKF

    SOS X Heat Seeker

    Very nice!!
  13. SKF

    Heat Seeker bull calf

    Nice calves!! I have always been a fan of Heatseeker calves. Hope you post pics of both in a few months like to see how they turn out. Good Luck!!!
  14. SKF

    What bull will add frame??

    Here's a couple of pictures taken back in Nov. I will try to get some more updated pictures this week and I will measure her to see what her hip height is. She has grown since the pics but still real short. She will be a 1yr old this month. I would be interested in selling her someone was...
  15. SKF

    What bull will add frame??

    We have a I am Legend heifer that is so short she can pass as a miniature club calf. She is very thick, deep, big boned and has hair like a yak but never grew. She has all the right parts and we have a lot in to her so I hate to take her to the market. I thought we would try an breed her to see...
  16. SKF

    "SCHOOL of HARD KNOCKS"...Contribute if U Can!

    When you calf can sit like a dog your in trouble. My daughters first steer many years ago would sit like a dog when he was getting up and not knowing any better we thought it was funny. As he got bigger we learned it was a sign of some serious structure issues. That steer was such a mess that we...
  17. SKF

    Calf chews on EVERYTHING

    There is a steer at my barn that is owned by someone else that chews on everything. I am afraid  with all his chewing I am going to find him dead. He has chewed up several halters, chews on the fence and is now chewing up the shade screen that is on the stall. Do you think he could be jsut...
  18. SKF

    Fall Born Steer Wanted

    Thank you to everyone who responded!!!!!!!! My daughter bought a steer yesterday so we now have all of our new show calves. Everyone has some real nice calves and hope they all find good homes.