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  1. SKF

    WARNING about posting Facebook pictures of your cattle!

    I noticed that the backgrounds were different on the pictures and I don't think in the fall in Texas they have nice green palm trees. lol  Amazing what some people will do.
  2. SKF

    WARNING about posting Facebook pictures of your cattle!

    Thanks! It's crazy what some people will do. I am still shocked about it. To top it off its not even a great picture of the calf I have better What some people will do to make money. Its a shame they don't care at all about the people they are scamming.
  3. SKF

    WARNING about posting Facebook pictures of your cattle!

    I don't like to name people on a public site because they may have kids or other family members on here but I am happy to give the name in a personal message and I all I said about showsteers is if you want to know who it is just go thereto find the website and its a breeder from Texas and my...
  4. SKF

    WARNING about posting Facebook pictures of your cattle!

    Just keep an eye out for that picture on a website from Texas listed on
  5. SKF

    WARNING about posting Facebook pictures of your cattle!

    Message me and I will give you the website. And here my picture that is on his website.
  6. SKF

    WARNING about posting Facebook pictures of your cattle!

    Just found out that some of the other calves on his site do not belong to him and he is advertising them as his and even stole a video of a calf from Youtube that was already sold in another sale!! WOW what a liar!
  7. SKF

    WARNING about posting Facebook pictures of your cattle!

    Well a girl from our area just called and talk to this person about his calves for sale and he said the heifer is a Walks Alone that is about 4 months old and she will be in a sale at the end of the month and that the heifer is in Buffalo, Texas right now! Well he had the sire right but she is 3...
  8. SKF

    WARNING about posting Facebook pictures of your cattle!

    I have tried contacting the person. Want to hear what they say before making their name public but if you want to know send me a message and I will let you know. I don't know what the laws are about doing this but since posting about it on FB I have heard from other people having the same thing...
  9. SKF

    WARNING about posting Facebook pictures of your cattle!

    Tonight I was just looking at several different cattle web sites and I as I was looking at this one site in Texas I see a familiar picture under calves for sale. It is my heifer!! This is a heifer born this fall at my barn and is still at my barn in Florida! I like to post pictures of our calves...
  10. SKF

    Opinions on Walks Alone Heifer

    Thanks everyone. I will update as she gets bigger.
  11. SKF

    Opinions on Walks Alone Heifer

    Thanks! The cow is a very plane made Jazz x Angus and the she has no problem calving. She weighed 79lbs.  Good luck on your Walks Alone calf! After this calf I am using a lot more Walks Alone.
  12. SKF

    Opinions on Walks Alone Heifer

    Here is one of our fall born heifers, a Walks Alone x Jazz heifer that was born Oct. 6th.  Would like some opinions on her. Thank you!
  13. SKF

    Pregnant cow question

    We have a cow that does the same thing when she gets to the last month or so of her pregnancy and once she calves she stops doing that. I would say its just pressure from the calf on her bladder. It happens to people when they are pregnant and I am sure it happens to some of the cows too when...
  14. SKF

    buying a steer where do I look?

    I see your located in North Florida, we are located in SW Florida and we have several fall born calves that we will be selling in March. You can check us out on Facebook at (Silver King Farms)  or you can go to our website If we...
  15. SKF

    Bull to use on some plainer cows

    Walks Alone,  We used him this year on a very plain made Jazz x Angus cow and he added a lot of thickness, bone and hair. We are going to use a lot more Walks Alone on our plainer type cows this year.
  16. SKF

    NEED ADVICE...ANY WILL DO anyone use rocky balboa or unstoppable

    We have used Rocky several times on our heifers and always get a good solid calf that will be small, sound and hairy. This year we got a set of very small twin heifers and one really nice very large, big bone, square hip and hairy heifer but she is not like most of the Rocky calves we have had...
  17. SKF

    Carnac and Walks Alone heifer calf pics

    The WA's dam is a Jazz x Angus
  18. SKF

    Carnac and Walks Alone heifer calf pics

    The first 2 pictures are of our Carnac heifer. In the first picture she is the black calf in the middle and is only 10 days old in the picture and the other 2 calves are a month old. You can see the size difference. She is a big heifer! The 3rd picture is a Walks Alone heifer that is 7 days old...