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  1. SKF

    Chickens around cows?

    I was told that you should not have chickens if you have cattle because the chickens can make them sick. Is this true or not? My daughters got some chickens and they are free range around the barn with the show calves. Need to know if we need to get rid of the chickens. Thanks!
  2. SKF

    has anyone About time bull

    I dont know about BW's but my daughter raised an About Time steer and heifer. Both did well in the show ring, very sound, hairy and great dispositions! The heifer has turned out to be an excellent cow!
  3. SKF

    Tiger Woods?

    I really like our Tiger Woods calf born last week.
  4. SKF

    Check out our 2010 calves

    I was going to post pics on here but was having trouble. All the pictures of our 2010 fall calves on posted on our web site under 2010 calves, Just wanted to know what everyone thought of our calves. Thanks!
  5. SKF

    was looking at a couple Paddy calves tonight!

    We have a couple of Paddy cows and they have been great cows. They are very gentle and my kids had a lot of fun showing them when they were young. They were very hairy when they were young and as mature cows plus their calves have been hairy and gentle.
  6. SKF


    We just started our calveing season and so far 2 sets of twins! The first set we lost the bull calf and the second set we lost the heifer calf. On both sets the 2nd calf was not position right and had to be pulled. The set born today were large calves for being twins, 80lbs. Both sets out of the...
  7. SKF

    I Am Legend Calves

    Ours has a great attitude but she never grew. She looks like a really hairy dexter.
  8. SKF

    FL. Show! Charlotte County Prospect Show

    Oct. 2 is the Charlotte County Propspect Show at the Turner Center in Arcadia, Fl. Enties are availiable in or pm me and I can email you an entry form and a copy of the rules. There will be a top 5 steer and heifer we will also have a bull class. Showmanship will include...
  9. SKF

    Hardee County Preview Show

    Who is judging this year?
  10. SKF

    bulls to produce quiet cattle for club calves

    I agree on Full Flush calves being nut cases and so have our Heatseekers and All About You's . Our Sunseekers have all been big puupy dogs.
  11. SKF


    Looks good!! What program did you use to build it?
  12. SKF

    hairy ears

    Every calf we have ever had that had hairy ears end up with a ton of hair. We have had calves that were slick during the summer but had hairy ears and by fall they had tons of hair. When ever we had a calf with hair but not hairy ears once they lose the baby hair its hard to get them to grow...
  13. SKF

    County Fair of a lifetime

    Congrats! (clapping)
  14. SKF

    Glover sale

    Where are the video's posted?
  15. SKF

    Late Fall Born Steer

    No we will not be at the Fl Cattlemen's show next month. We will be at most of the shows after that and we will show him unless we sell him. Are you going to the show next month?
  16. SKF

    Late Fall Born Steer

    We live in Southwest Florida in Punta Gorda. What part are you from?
  17. SKF

    Late Fall Born Steer

    He did real well he took 3rd out of 10. The judge had nothing but good things to say about him. So we were happy with it. He gets better everyday.
  18. SKF

    Late Fall Born Steer

    He is a Nov calf and I am asking $1000
  19. SKF

    Late Fall Born Steer

    Still available. He will be at the Ga. Jr. Beef Futurity in Perry, Ga this week. :)
  20. SKF

    heatwave...temperature not bull!!!

    Here in South Florida it has been hot as usual. High 90's- low 100's and 100% humitity!! This week we have had sooo much rain that our barn is a mud hole. Luckly today we stayed dry and hope it stays that way for a while.