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  1. Mueller Show Cattle

    Cattle transport

    I'm guessing that Tennessee is not a brand state? Anyway, Wyoming have brand inspectors to verify that the cattle or livestock being shipped in or through Wyoming have a matching brand to the paperwork. If the livestock do not have brands on them, then it will say no brand on the paperwork. If...
  2. Mueller Show Cattle

    Cattle transport

    Different states require different things, In Wyoming they require health papers and brand paperwork when coming into Wyoming.
  3. Mueller Show Cattle

    Question about Seman Tank

    I would buy a MVE 20/20, same tank that I own. It holds 540 straws which is way more than you need for 20 cows. But I AI 20 head also and it is more than I need but all the tanks out there except shipping tank hold that many straws. You can buy a 10 liter tank that still holds 540 straws (6...
  4. Mueller Show Cattle

    Question about Seman Tank

    Ditto, did the same thing. I bought a used 20/20 tank off craigslist a couple years ago for $300 that is in great shape and was close to where I live. It was dry and had been for a year, so I took a shot with it. I filled it and waited 3 months before putting semen in it to monitor it to make...
  5. Mueller Show Cattle

    Almost afraid to ask... breeding suggestions.

    Harley, I don't know of anyone more of a walks alone fan than me, been using him since he was first promoted. But I think the calf will be too short, I use him on my tall Maine cows. I think your best shot for a home run is a heat wave clone.
  6. Mueller Show Cattle

    dehorning older calf

    I have a question that this brings up, I have a 2 year old heifer that has a scur, that I believe is a scur. I had her dehorned as a calf, she has what I believe is a scur on only one side of her head as it is loose and wiggles. But she was dehorned as a calf and don't know if they were scurs or...
  7. Mueller Show Cattle

    Cow dead..Answers?

    I know cows are not the brightest animal, but a bred cow of mine made me look stupid last winter. I had a cow down (not in labor) that could not get back up, even when we walked close to her and pushed on her, she would try and try but could not get back up. I called my vet out and it was an...
  8. Mueller Show Cattle


    Yes it does sound crazy, like I said I did not know much about it and how the PAP test works. But the girl that had the 2 steers die only had them a week. She only said that her steers looked like their briskets looked big and the next morning they were both dead. So there would have been no way...
  9. Mueller Show Cattle


    I started a post on this last year cause I did not know much on High Altitude Disease (Brisket Disease). But I am a 4-H leader and had a girl that bought 2 red Angus steers in Kansas last year and brought them back to Wyoming, she lived at approximately 6,500ft altitude. Both of her steers got...
  10. Mueller Show Cattle

    Keep cow after C section?

    I have seen cows that have had c-sections and breed back no problem, but I think it is a case by case. I would say if she recovers fine, I would breed her along with the rest of your cows, if she does not take and stays open, ship her, I would treat her no different then your other cows if she...
  11. Mueller Show Cattle

    School me on Cameras

    Like Mtnman said, I would get a hard case for it, I see it as cheap insurance for the camera. I also have a wide neck strap, is worth it. My camera is actually a Cannon 40D and suspect Mtnman's is a Cannon 70D, we forgot to put the zero in it. If you take care of the camera, it will take care of...
  12. Mueller Show Cattle

    School me on Cameras

    Jason me and my wife have a Cannon 4-D that was purchased a couple years ago which was a top of the line camera (professional) then, I think now they are up to a 6 or 7D. But for lenses, depends on what you plan to shoot with it (High speed, long distance, really up close shots etc). If you plan...
  13. Mueller Show Cattle

    What do you think of Fort Worth Steer Show?

    I have wanted to go to Ft. Worth Stock Show for some time, been to NWSS, Nile and American Royal for National Shows. I don't know if I want to go to Ft. Worth after hearing all this, these kids deserve more than they received, if they are at the back of the class and the 10 are picked before the...
  14. Mueller Show Cattle

    Great 4-H Fundraiser

    Kudos to Poor Boys Steak House in Casper Wyoming. They had purchased the grand champion steer and a class winning steer this past July in our County Fair. They just held a 4-H fundraiser tonight, serving the steers meat tonight (from T-bones, ribeyes, fillet, New York strip), splitting all...
  15. Mueller Show Cattle

    Ft Worth

    I was in the same alley of the barn just 20 ft from both Danny D and Damn Proud in Denver with my stock. I liked both of the bulls but liked Danny D just a little more cause he is TH free and Damn Proud is THC. Neither did very well in Denver.
  16. Mueller Show Cattle

    Paul Harvey...God Made a Farmer...Super Bowl Ad

    Very touching commercial to me even if I was not a Dodge truck owner, glad to see it on the Super Bowl and be a Dodge owner with this commercial. For those that missed it here are links to it, voted best commercial on this website...
  17. Mueller Show Cattle

    Superbowl Predictions

    Want to see what the SteerPlanet members think as predictions for the Superbowl outcome. I think it is going to be a very close match up, I would not bet money on either, I think both teams match up very close to each other and I just don't know who will win or who has the better chance to win...
  18. Mueller Show Cattle

    Thanks Freddy!

    Thanks Freddy (Jamie and Kay Fred with Fred's Ranch) for the wonderful Charolais heifers. I am very happy with the heifers from you, they are fitting rite in with my other cattle, I'm sure they will make great smoke colored clubbies. Thanks you for the wonderful transaction made easy. Hope to do...
  19. Mueller Show Cattle


    Northern Improvement semen has went up over the past 6 months. A year ago I bought it for $30 a straw and bought 10 straws, now all auctions I have seen his semen is going over a $100 a straw. So if companies still have some of his semen, they have pulled it and selling it for a much higher...
  20. Mueller Show Cattle

    Best Bulls in Denver - Poll

    Talladega, is not clubby per say being PB Shorthorn. But looked better than alot of those clubby bulls. I mainly breed clubbies, did not get to spend much time down in the bull display with getting my stock ready for shows.