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  1. DLD


    We used to use graphite powder or mortar dye before we ever used twine.  Heaven forbid that stuff ever becomes "in" again - it will coat everything in sight (and out of sight, too - you'll blow it out of your nose and cough it up for days) and it really didn't do all that much good.  Glue and...
  2. DLD

    at the end of the rope

    Lots of good discussion here, some I agree with, some I don't.  But without re-hashing all of that, I do have one other thought.  How did that steer get transported from the seller to you?  I know that often they get stuck on whatever  semi (or gooseneck) that can be found going the right...
  3. DLD

    FINALLY! Got my pics from State Fair!

    Very impressive showing.  Congratulations to you and your family!  (clapping)
  4. DLD

    Registration Question!

    This is true, but unless your state shows have a different rule, the ACA's 6.25% rule only affects Louisville, Fort Worth (the only national open shows) and the junior nationals. 
  5. DLD

    Hip Height- Fair Classes

    It's not a new idea.  Many of the majors did split market steers by hip height for a few years - I know Denver and Kansas City did.  We did at Oklahoma City and Tulsa - I know there were other state fairs and shows, though I'm not sure which one's.  Bottom line is we've been there, done that...
  6. DLD

    what do you guys get for consigned animals?

    30% is not at all uncommon these days.  Like frostback said, 50% isn't unheard of. 
  7. DLD

    Results of our First State Fair, and What Has Worked For Us.

    Congratulations.  The steer looks nice, you've done a good job with him.
  8. DLD

    Goat with water on his knee - Should I buy him? MORE Pictures added

    I wouldn't buy that one either.  It could be alright - if it is, don't know about the rest of the goat, but he's nice boned. I will say this.  I was with our ag teacher looking at kids at a fairly well known breeder's farm a couple of years ago.  There was a little wether there that was really...
  9. DLD

    Could the black hided deal backfire on people?

    Actually, I'm kind of with AJ on this one. The Angus breed is pretty unique in that the percentage (not to mention sheer numbers) of AI sired calves registered is probably very much higher than any other breed.  There are lots and lots of Angus breeders trying to sell bulls - with very little...
  10. DLD

    Go Bob Bale Feeders

    I don't own one, so I can't speak to the hay conserving part.  But I have looked at them closely, and they are super stout.  I do believe they would outlast about any other bale feeders on the market.  We don't generally use bale feeders for cows (we unroll ours), but if we did, I'd sure...
  11. DLD

    What if you think you can do better?

    I don't know about Stierwalt doing it last year.  If they did, it was their last year to show at Tulsa, so it wouldn't have mattered as much to them.  I know if you place first or second you're already in the ring from showing for breed champion and reserve - not much way out of that.  And I...
  12. DLD

    What if you think you can do better?

    I don't believe Tulsa gives you a choice.  I think you have to sell the one that ends up highest in sale order - it's been that way forever, unless it's changed recently.  If you have a pretty good idea of which one you want to take to Kansas City before you nominate, always put that one in a...
  13. DLD

    county fair weight

    If he likes him best, he'll use him.  I don't believe 1200 will bother him at all.
  14. DLD

    Why won't a Judge use a 1,425 pound steer at a Major?

    At our state shows we do turn in our own weights.  I believe it does lead to less actual shrink (ie stress) on the steers, because it's just routine to weigh the steers filled where they look their best, then take off 3-5 % and turn in that weight, especially on the heavier end (say 1325 or...
  15. DLD

    Looking for any help that anyone can offer on some of these old Maine bulls!

    I had some Warpath daughters.  Bought them from K-Bar out of the first Northern Exposure sale.  Very sound, functional, productive females - they bred back quickly and weaned a big stout calf every time.  Kept them 'til they were 14, they never missed a lick.  They were plainer cows though...
  16. DLD

    Why won't a Judge use a 1,425 pound steer at a Major?

    Right - sorry, I didn't make myself clear there.  I know that most actually are - I believe I said so earlier.  What I meant was who would be the first to use one whose official show weight was over 1400.  That's the difference we're talking about here.
  17. DLD

    Why won't a Judge use a 1,425 pound steer at a Major?

    Fact is that as cow numbers go down, carcass weight is going up.  Packers need more pounds of beef, and if they can't get there with more head, they have to get there with more pounds per head.  I don't think we need to be looking at 1600+ lb slaughter weights as a norm, but there's nothing...
  18. DLD

    Why won't a Judge use a 1,425 pound steer at a Major?

    I think most judges are aware that many (or most) of the good steers showing at 1340 will weigh 1400+ at natural fill.  If you're using that logic, then you have to expect the one's showing at 1425 to weigh 1500.  Gotta draw a line somewhere.
  19. DLD

    Mike Zamudio, AZ, Judge - What's his style, likes, dislikes?

    It's called weigh back.  Here in OK (and I know we're not the only place that does) the top 5 steers in each class are weighed when the class is over - anything over a 5% variation from the weight on your card and you're out.  Are they still all honestly what the steer weighs at their natural...