I called a friend this afternoon, and brought him up to speed on our thread. This friend used to judge a LOT of prospect and progress shows in the Midwest as well as a few State Fairs. He doesn't judge much right now because his kids are showing, but will likely start again in the next couple years.
I asked him to answer the question to the best of his ability. Keep in mind, he did NOT see our thread. I learned a lot...
First off, he said that this is a big problem in the show ring right now. In his opinion, if the 1425 pound steer is the best one there, he would use him and not look back. He went on to tell me a story.
I was judging a very competitive county fair and had in my mind a pretty clear cut favorite picked out. He was sound, finished right, and very well fit with fresh hair...but he weighed 1400 pounds. I studied and pondered, and scratched my head. There were probably 10 legitimate show steers there, but every time I walked them, this steer was the class of the field. I finally stopped second guessing myself and just used him, knowing that the industry would certainly support my decision, and that he was the best one there.
At the backdrop during pictures, I told the family that my decision would have sure been easier if they had weighed him in at 1365 or so, and that he was clearly the best steer there. This family looked at me in total confusion. They knew how to feed, grow hair, clip, and fit...but had no idea that they should have shrunk that steer back. Some of these families just don't want to or don't know.
The next thing he said is movement. Even at a show with big numbers, it can be hard to find a 1425 pound steer that can move. I believe vc eluded to this in his reply.
Another point he made is ADG requirement at some shows. Some steers have to weigh in heavy to hit an ADG minimum or they get docked to a certain ribbon category. If the show has an ADG requirement (which they tell me at orientation), it makes it easier to see which steers are probably showing heavier than they would need to. If its a 2.0 ADG minimum, and a steer is in at 2.09, I know that steer could have been pulled down.
Long and short of it...if he is in fact the best one there, he should get the slap...and every fat steer show should stop weighing steers in. Just have the exhibitor turn in a weigh back card and give them a % allowance from that number. The weigh in number doesn't mean anything anyway.