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  1. savaged

    Gestation date question

    Can you post a picture?  I would think the Benz and Angus calves would be quite different in terms of bone and hair (and maybe color), unless you have one heck of an Angus herd bull.
  2. savaged

    What are your thoughts?

    This is a more recent pic of the heifer from another angle.  I've already put more Benz in the tank.  I think he may be a tremendous heifer safe bull.
  3. savaged

    What are your thoughts?

    I've posted a pic of this Benz heifer previously - she was 50 - 55 pounds out of a Maine heifer.  I think he really adds a clean fronted and fancy look to his calves.
  4. savaged

    Heifer For Sale

    You're going to want to include a pic or two MicKayla - and the classified section would be the proper place to post them.
  5. savaged

    Gold colored calves

    Do you mean more like this color?  This is the result of Monopoly Money X Dream On pure bred.  He is a really pretty color.
  6. savaged

    Size of Cervix & Help Me I.D. these Chickens !

    I bred a two year old first calf heifer this weekend and time bred her at both 72 and 84 hours post CIDR removal.  On the second A.I. her cervix felt considerably larger, and it was also easier to penetrate with the gun. Is this typical variation in the cervix size? OK, part two: My six year...
  7. savaged

    New Cow. Am I mad ?

    How is she bred?  If you can get a heifer out of her (I'd breed her Simmi)  then it may be a great buy.
  8. savaged


    The Benz heifer (below) came  easy and was very low birth weight (50 lbs).  She is growing well.
  9. savaged


    It is likely dehydrated.  Give electrolytes.  Call your vet.
  10. savaged


    Dubai Maine heifer I purchased last October.  She is very correct,  moderate framed,  great hair,  and is developing a very good udder.  She had a nice Mercedes Benz calf this spring.
  11. savaged

    Post pics of your most exciting calves of 2012!

    I really like this Monopoly Money from a P.B. Simmental (Dream On).  I also have a Mercedes Benz heifer from a GCC Dubia heifer that I acquired from Bushy Park's fall sale.  Both have tremendous hair  ;D
  12. savaged

    Quotes your vet just loves to hear:

    "I'm 90% sure that fence is off."
  13. savaged

    Opinions Please

    I can't resist Zach.  Here is my Mercedes Benz heifer, two months.  I'll probably wean her at the end of May as well, can't let you get ahead of me on the hair  :) The red calf is a Monopoly Money X Dream On Steer (50% Simi).  He is coming along well, one month old in this pic.  You'll...
  14. savaged

    Opinions Please

    She looks great Zach,  can't wait to see her this summer.
  15. savaged

    2012 SCF spring calf preivew

    How bout a profile shot on the BIM. 
  16. savaged

    Semen Tank Question - Hopefully not a Stupid One

    When pulling straws I usually use a small flashlight shined into the tank to locate semen before I pull up the canister.  Is there any risk of semen damage related to this light exposure.  It may be a stupid question, but better informed than sorry.
  17. savaged

    Dream On

    I found the baby pic of our Dream On heifer from 2009 - as you can see at two months she was really small.  She was so small that I have very few pictures of her, as I did not have a lot of high hopes for her. The second pic is in September (about 7 months old) at our county fair where she had...
  18. savaged

    Dream On

    I have two Dream On cows, and the one I raised (pictured below at about 14 months) was a very light birth weight.  I have a pic of her somewhere as a calf but could not find it.  She really grew slowly the first 6 months then just took off.  She is moderate framed but carries a lot of mass and...
  19. savaged

    Point Taken Calf Pics

    I am not aware of an Angus bull named Point Taken, so I assume it's the composite/club calf bull.  And yes, you would like to see club calves with a bit more bone, width, and hair.
  20. savaged

    Tips and tricks to get calves to eat creep feed from creep feeder

    If your calves are at least a couple weeks old just put the feeder near where the cows loaf (near water, hay, etc).  Put a couple handfuls of your preferred show feed in the trough.  Now for the hard part:  don't watch and wait - it will drive you nuts.  They will eventually wander into the...