Dream On for me adds Style, Neatness, eye appeal, calving ease, just a perfect design. Isn't really the bull to use for growth but he isn't terrible there neither. Remember the cow is also half of the calf. Sounds like to me the calf got a small BW from both sides of the pedigree. DO's are somewhat later maturing I think, but I'll bet you whatever, that the calf will have some style and a showy look to her as she matures. Our oldest herd bull is a Dream On son, out of a GW MR Maternal daughter, and he hasn't done anything but impress us since I was the high bidder at sale day. At the time I purchased him just because of his CE and the price, to put him with some heifers and then to resale him for a profit. Very Glad I didn't, the best dispositioned bull we've ever owned who stamps his calves the same way. The only characteristic I could ask more of out of him would be a bit more growth. He really sires alot like Dream On. I've Registered heifers and bulls out of him and they have all done nicely. Gonna miss him when he has to go one day! Love the Dream On X Power Stroke crosses, especially the females. OH Breeder, I'll bet that calf will shock you with her style in a few months. Good Luck!