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  1. savaged

    Help with a new calf

    Unfortunately by the 24-hour mark the calve's gut begins to close and it becomes extremely difficult for the calf to absorb the antibodies in colostrum. The calf’s intestine becomes impermeable to large proteins. Studies have shown that at six hours after birth calves absorb about 66 % of the...
  2. savaged

    AI Questions

    I think you may be asking how do breeders - the cow owners, store their own embryo's and semen.  It is all stored on-site in nitrogen tanks, which range considerably in size.  The tanks have storage canisters that allows you to know where each specific item is located.
  3. savaged

    I believe calf Temperment

    Very few I Believe calves were delivered last year as the semen was primarily sold via auction.  This will be his first sizable calf crop.  Hopefully they are of a more consistently calm natured than BIM calves.
  4. savaged

    Stierwalt Chutes

    Reviews / opinions on these versus Sullivan?
  5. savaged

    sexed semen

    That's correct - they are both .25 straws, but the semen count (quality) is what the 3mil and 5mil refer to.
  6. savaged

    Baby calves and BoSe

    I dose all with BoSe within three days - couple of cc's.  I would also highly recommend within the first three days a dose of Inforce (intra nasal) 3 and a clostridial (I use Alpha 7). 
  7. savaged

    Bandwagon calves?

    Like the baldy face on that one.  When was he born?
  8. savaged


    That interesting Terry, because I have done just that the past two years - fed free choice Concept Aide year-round.  I also offer free choice basic trace salt and I have wondered why at times they consume one over the other like crazy.  When I thought about it you are spot-on - they go after the...
  9. savaged

    buying cattle online

    Yes you can - I'd just be careful with how you manage it - but it still sure beats buying depriciable items with it.
  10. savaged

    Maintaineer Heifer Breeding Options

    Well I'll say it again - Mercedes Benz.  Sure safe with calf size, and way, way, better off if she has a heifer over James or I67 IMO.
  11. savaged

    $54,000 STEER

    Since it's Christmas and I happen to have a couple headed to Kenya too, I'll put him on my load for a mere $2000.  That way you can pocket the other eight grand  ;)
  12. savaged

    who would you breed her to?

    Given that info, I'd breed her using a P.B. bull.  Both Maine and Angus will give you that plus calving ease.  Mercedes Benz will give you a Maintainer and a good chance at color like you mentioned was desirable earlier. Hope for a heifer.
  13. savaged

    who would you breed her to?

    Interesting that no one asked.  Yes you do, as well as TH status, and what are the goals for the breeder.  Big difference between going for a maternally bred heifer versus a terminal market calf. Either way I always breed my valuable second calvers for low birth weight and usually maternally...
  14. savaged

    A Thanksgiving Visitor

    I'm having a heck of a time halter breaking him.  ;)
  15. savaged

    A Thanksgiving Visitor

    This guy showed up at my barn about 4 days ago and will not leave.  It's a turkey of course, but what the heck kind of one is it?  I've never seen one like it - body just like a wild turkey but copper colored with white tipped wing and tail feathers.  Anyone know what this thing is?
  16. savaged

    Me vs. Trausch Farms

    Mat John and Dean Kephart of Pinnacle Sires have really impressed me with business I did with them over the past year, including selling them a promotion bull.  They have solid quality bulls and will treat you right IMO.
  17. savaged

    Inexpensive Maine semen?

    I suggest you breed with the semen you want your cows bred to.  I think you are money and herd quality ahead to get calves from better bulls.  Why go to the cost and expense of getting your cows set-up then use low quality bulls or semen?  AI them, and then AI a second time the ones that cycle. ...
  18. savaged

    Need opinions on what to buy?

    Depends on your budget.  A 5 year old cow that has produced three high quality (i.e., high selling/high value) calves from different bulls makes a pretty safe purchase.  But - these come at a significant cost.  Of course, a thorough knowledge base of the cow in question is also important -...
  19. savaged

    Show heifer

    Pic cropped and re-sized. Looks good.