Me vs. Trausch Farms

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Well-known member
Mar 9, 2008
Greenfield OH
rmbcows said:
You are absolutely right Sizzler, in the grand scheme of things, this is my own fault.  My fault for trusting that a company that had built a name for itself had done it the good old fashion way by following honest business practices.  I have a receipt for my calves, it isn't like they walked off the place with no paper trail.  I didn't sell them on commission, all I wanted was a modest price for some pretty good steers.  I've heard every excuse and promise under the sun.  I'll miss using their bulls, Eye Candy clicked very well with my cows, and the calf in my avatar is a Carpe Diem, but I refuse to spend one more penny lining their pockets.  Just sign me "looking for a new semen distributor". lol  Anyone have any suggestions?  ;D

Mat John and Dean Kephart of Pinnacle Sires have really impressed me with business I did with them over the past year, including selling them a promotion bull.  They have solid quality bulls and will treat you right IMO.


Well-known member
Oct 9, 2007
DSCSD said:
rmbcows said:
Just sign me "looking for a new semen distributor". lol  Anyone have any suggestions?  ;D
A semen distributor is only as good as the bulls they promote.... if everyone had the same eye for cattle the world would be a boring place.... that said I look more at these bulls pics to see if the background had been changed.... when they have what else have they changed in the pic? That's 1 reason I enjoy Wade Rodgers bulls.... I feel like im looking at a real bull unlike a lot of Trausch Farms and Matt Lautners that seem doctored up. I don't base what bulls I use off a pic but if you cant be honest about the bull in a pic then obviously your just not an honest person!

A more accurate statement would have been that I'll be shopping for new bulls to buy semen on.  Like I said, I loved Eye Candy and the lack of problems that I had using him.  No spastic paresis, no monkey mouth... so what are some of the other clubby bulls that are fairly worry free?

And on the subject of pretty pics... Just because it's a pretty picture, one that someone has taken the time to groom the animal, and put some thought into the background behind the animal, does not mean it's photo-shopped.  Believe me, you can edit a "real" bulls picture just as easily as you can a picture that someone has taken the time to do right.  And the bottom line for me is the offspring.  I don't really give a care what the bull looks like as long as his calves are what I'm breeding for.  I've used some very pretty bulls that couldn't sire a good show calf to save their hide. 


Well-known member
Aug 31, 2008
We seem to have lost a few responses which is fine as Traushs haven't told their side.On subject of bull promotion and photography in general it doesn't change the animal just your perspective of how it looks.We have all seen make over shots of people and it somewhat the same.Not one of the top 3 or 4 that make a business out of taking pictures will tell you straight out that they photoshop.It has been going on for 25 years just more technology.A good green unclipped calf is what the real traders like as they can make it better.The ones that are 12oclock usually look best at the photo session. I have taken a few pictures and to get one just right takes patience and skill both of which I am a little short on.


New member
Aug 19, 2009
DSCSD said:
A semen distributor is only as good as the bulls they promote.... if everyone had the same eye for cattle the world would be a boring place.... that said I look more at these bulls pics to see if the background had been changed.... when they have what else have they changed in the pic? That's 1 reason I enjoy Wade Rodgers bulls.... I feel like im looking at a real bull unlike a lot of Trausch Farms and Matt Lautners that seem doctored up. I don't base what bulls I use off a pic but if you cant be honest about the bull in a pic then obviously your just not an honest person!

If you think Rosa doesn't edit Wade Rodgers bull pics you live under a rock.


Well-known member
Oct 19, 2014
South Dakota
I do kinda live under a rock.... but like I said " I feel like im looking at a real bull"
Ive been a few places and ive seen a few things in my short amount of years on earth.... I know a little about selecting a background for bulls to make them look the best... what im saying is if you take a pic of a bull in a coral and completely change the background why not change the bull some? ... exactly why I feel you cant trust them.... if the bull is good it doesn't matter whats in the background. but like ive also said before im nobody!


Active member
Aug 10, 2013
So in a situation like this where a company sells your cattle and doesn't pay for it or legally take ownership. I almost could call it cattle theft. What can a person do legally or criminally? Does anybody know?

Pleasant Grove Farms

Well-known member
Sep 19, 2011
I'm pretty sure you can go after them; I know of an incidence not exactly the same but where an animal sold for close to ten grand; turned out the animal had been exposed to a disease, before it left the seller's, where the animal either had to be destroyed or the buyer's farm had to be quarantined for a couple years to be sure the animal didn't develop the disease.

The buyer couldn't be under quarantine for two years so opted for turning the animal over to the state vet for disposal.  The seller wouldn't have anything to do with the buyer's requests for return of the money; the seller wouldn't even answer his phone; so the buyer found an attorney in the state where the sale took place; the attorney said that they had good grounds to go after the money.  The seller was told an attorney would be contacting him shortly and the whole incident would be made public.  The seller immediately called the buyer and a full refund was sent to the buyer.

I know this happened because our son was the attorney involved.  I have made the events as generic as I possibly could but the seller is very nationally known; you'd have never thought it of him.......don't be afraid to bring in an attorney; it shouldn't cost you anything as the attorneys usually take this type of case on contingency.  In this particular case, just the threat of a lawsuit brought about very speedy results.


Well-known member
Oct 9, 2007
The threat of a lawsuit didn't get me anywhere unfortunately.  Filing against them does cost money, and since Christmas will already be short, thanks to the loss of money expected from these calves, my priority for Dec. will be my grandkids Christmas presents.  I have talked to a lawyer, and since they think the case is cut and dried with what I have, I do plan on going to court as soon as the funds are available. 
I know 3 of the 4 calves I sold did very well at the shows and I was very proud of them. (lost track of the 4th)  At one point I was advised to go get the calves, but just couldn't bring myself to involve the kids who had spent their money to purchase these calves.  If there's a loss to be had, it should be mine, not theirs. 
I will say Pleasant Grove, your son was brave.  Sounds like it could've been a really tricky case to get involved in.  Glad they won, chalk one up for the good guys. 


Well-known member
Nov 14, 2007
Why not seek out a lawyer for pro bono? It seems like a cut dry case so it would be a quick one for them to over turn.


Well-known member
Aug 31, 2008
RMB  from past experience your best and cheapest option is the County Attorney assuming it was transacted in the state you live in .It will cost around $85 to file at courthouse .There will be a hearing and judgement rendered.Problem then is collecting judgement.You can not go to someones place and take your cattle back although some have.Regular lawyers have their place but that is the County Attorneys job.I would have thought you would have got it settled as bad P.R. is bad for business.


Well-known member
Mar 5, 2007
  If you win a judgement and can't still seem to collect the debt you can file a lien against assets and possibly own part of the Cow Palace eventually or other very nice properties.


Well-known member
Aug 11, 2010
Why wouldn't a company remedy the situation?  Do they not know that everyone of us on here is going to tell our friends not to use their bulls??  There is no way I am going to purchase a straw or a heifer out of one of their bulls after seeing this. 

As many reps that they have, you would have thought by now someone would have spoken up, just really makes you wonder.


Well-known member
May 3, 2007
Funny part about this is someone from the TF company contacted me about what I posted. So I know they are watching this. You would have thought they would have made it right by now. I guess they do not care about their name or business anymore. Good luck to all those that they owe money to I hope you get it settled.


Well-known member
Nov 14, 2007
Sad thing is, we can all tell it's lagit considering they haven't had a lawyer issue a slander lawsuit against you. Nothing worse then a business run like this.


Well-known member
Nov 27, 2010
cowpoke said:
RMB  from past experience your best and cheapest option is the County Attorney assuming it was transacted in the state you live in .It will cost around $85 to file at courthouse .There will be a hearing and judgement rendered.Problem then is collecting judgement.You can not go to someones place and take your cattle back although some have.Regular lawyers have their place but that is the County Attorneys job.I would have thought you would have got it settled as bad P.R. is bad for business.

I agree with this. A few years ago we had a guy write a check for a heifer that bounced. Tried to get a hold of him and he disappeared. (This guy lived in another state.) I called that county's DA and talked to him he tried to prosecute him but he left the state and they couldn't find him however it wasn't going to cost me a lawyers fee. You might check in to that. Good luck and THANKS for alerting us about this!


Well-known member
Dec 24, 2013
I wasn't gonna add my 2 cents but I really hope you get the money owed to you. A few months ago, I had to evict some people out of a house I own. A judge awarded that they would have to pay all lawyer fees, damage to the house and all the back rent that they still owe. Well when they left, we nwver heard from them and the lawyer sent me the bill that they were supposed to pay. Well I ended up having to pay the lawyer fees so it wouldn't ding my credit. I was told that someone had to pay the lawyer and then maybe I will get reimbursed. The silver lining if there is such a thing in this case is everything they apply for any type of credit it will show up. I can't garnish their wages because the guy gets disability. I'm sure any extra money he gets is paid under the table.

At least in this case with the Traushs you know where they live. I have heard that their new ranch manager that replaced Chris Wilson is a real winner. A friend of ours tried to buy a bull from then but the ranch manager's terms were so ridiculous that our friend didn't buy the bull.


Well-known member
Oct 9, 2007
-XBAR- said:
When they contacted you, what was their reasoning as far as why you haven't been paid?

It's been a multitude of things, waiting on money from selling calves, waiting for this and waiting for that. 

mark tenenbaum

Well-known member
Mar 23, 2009
Virginia Sometimes Iowa and Kansas
It sounds like they are headed for bankruptysy-Id br getting a judgement quick: that way if they have any income which must be listed-they may go chapter 11 to keep thier properties-and at lrast you will get partial payment-depends upon state BK laws O0


Well-known member
Jan 17, 2012
It is awfully funny pretty much their whole staff packed shop and left this year. I know we had them out at the house and at my partners looking at calves, and they didnt want to pay more than $2000 for anything, even our top ones. We later sold the calves out of the pasture for up to $5,000. After reading this I understand why, less to take them to court on and sounds like their capital isn't quite as high as it appears  (lol)