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  1. savaged

    Maine and Club Calf Pics

    Can't see her legs and feet very well, but the Benz heifer looks like she is put together pretty well. 
  2. savaged

    Looking for an artist

    My daughter is beginning her junior year at Liberty U. as a studio and graphic arts major.  She is quite talented I must say! P.M. me your idea and I'll run it by her.  She loves doing this stuff.
  3. savaged

    Failed Breeding

    Have her examined, then you will have a direction to go in.  If it's a treatable diagnosis then do it.  If the vet shakes his head too, then ship her.  Been there done that - throwing a lot of good money after bad.  It's hard, but I've had to ship some that I've been awfully hopeful for.
  4. savaged

    Differences at the county fair.....

    I look at it this way.  Breeding for show cattle and breeding commercial are two very different industries.  I don't think that either really intends to fit the needs of the other, and that's OK.  Judges are not evaluating for commercial cattle, they are judging based on show cattle factors. An...
  5. savaged

    A Good Laugh

    Happens every year at our county fair.  Families will come up to the grooming chute when the calf is all blown dry and just beg to pet them.  People are mesmerized by a cool looking and fitted calf.  (If they only knew what it took to accomplish.....)
  6. savaged

    interesting physics

    Ah the idiocy of youth.  My friend and I spent many a weekend riding sport bikes in southern Ohio. We too took pictures and videos of each other.  Makes me a little queasy now to watch it now.  Thank the Good Lord I'm still here.  :) Now If I can figure out how to never have calving issues...
  7. savaged

    Cattle sales in Ohio

    Highland County Circle Sale - August.  Quality and a good number to view and buy via on-line auction.
  8. savaged


    Clostridium disease is very likely.  Every year I hear of  four to eight week old calves seeming perfectly healthy one day and drop over dead the next.  The common factor is failure to vaccinate. A single dose of Alpha 7 is just way to economical, and cattle values way too high to roll the...
  9. savaged

    Breeding opinions?

    From your tank contents, Benz hands down.  Stylish, good hair, easy calving, and I'll bet if you get a heifer it will be an above average one. The A.I. conception will need to be there of course.  The basic things to ensure are a good health/vaccination/mineral program,  closely managed...
  10. savaged

    calf pictures

    Really like Unstoppable / Irish Whiskey.  Will show, but what a momma she should make!
  11. savaged

    MONOPOLY 2 baby calves

    This has morphed to include original Monopoly, so here is my first one.  A heifer born yesterday. 
  12. savaged

    Breeding advice for my Simm heifer.......

    Yardley High Regard - awful attractive out-cross to Dream On genetics.
  13. savaged

    Inforce 3 question

    I generally give on day three. Great product.
  14. savaged

    Calf Pictures

    Heck I'll post a couple of "before / after" pics.  These are two of my calves from last year that turned out pretty good.  Two different types too - the red steer (Monopoly Money) won our open feeder show, and the heifer (Mercedes Benz) is a really nice P.B. Maine breeding heifer.  Both have...
  15. savaged

    What bulls to use

    Hey Chris I'll give you some advise as I know the dams of these cattle pretty well having raised them both!  First the Capiche has plenty of the Limi traits in terms of bone and frame.  I'm also guessing she is pretty sound.  If I had her I would breed her to a bull like Troubadour.  If you...
  16. savaged

    New calves on the ground

    That is a fine start.  Congrats to your son.
  17. savaged

    Almost afraid to ask... breeding suggestions.

    Clones?  Maybe.    Original?  I just can't justify the price and chances of wasting a straw on a missed A.I.  I guess I'd save that stuff for a flush effort, when the upside is the potential for multiple eggs. Maybe I'm just cheap and cowardly  ;D
  18. savaged

    Swollen Navel

    Anybody using this stuff?          Vetericyn Umbilical, Navel & Udder Gel
  19. savaged

    Breeding Open Heifers

    Mercedes Benz is worth a strong look, great females and low birth weights consistently.    The calf in my avatar is a Benz from a first calf heifer.
  20. savaged

    Almost afraid to ask... breeding suggestions.

    I have a simmy cow that is very similar in traits (at least phenotypically) to her and got an awesome steer out of Monopoly Money.  He sure did pack on the pounds quick, but was moderate, big middled, bone galore, and awesome hair.  One thing to note is like yours my cow has some front to her...