What bulls to use

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Aug 20, 2012
Frankfort, Ohio
I have a cow that is out of a dream on cow and sired by dirty hairy i will be breeding her back for her third calf this summer. I also have a heifer out of a limi cow and sired by capiche that will be bred for her 2nd calf. Just wondered what u guys thought i should use. I will try to post some pics.


Well-known member
Aug 11, 2010
grigsby cattle said:
does anyone know how to downsize pictures to get them on here

You could try Paint.. Go to image resize/skew.. and reduce it a certain percentage..


Well-known member
Mar 9, 2008
Greenfield OH
Hey Chris I'll give you some advise as I know the dams of these cattle pretty well having raised them both!  First the Capiche has plenty of the Limi traits in terms of bone and frame.  I'm also guessing she is pretty sound.  If I had her I would breed her to a bull like Troubadour.  If you want really good commercial stuff any number of angus bulls will give you very good calves.  To show I'd stick with Troubadour.

The 50% simmental cow you have is actually out of a Nicole's Legacy dam (the sire of Dream On).  If you ever want to sell her I'll buy her back!  With that one you can successfully go with a simmy pure bred, other maternal, or clubby.  We won Highland County last year with a Monopoly Money calf out of a cow that could be her twin (and with similar genetics).  I'd say that combo could work for you too.  If you want a high percent heifer then you have a  number of good choices of simmental bulls.  Breed her to any proven "power club cross bulls" if you want a steer to show.  If you want a heifer go with a proven Simmental (Grizzly, Chopper, American Pride) or, for more Maine influence, a Mercedes Benz or I80 heifer or steer could have pretty good value.    That cow can work several different ways.

By the way, what were her first two calves out of?

They look good - it's great to see them grown-up!
Aug 20, 2012
Frankfort, Ohio
thanks doug, the simi's first calf was out of rocky balboa that my cousin is takin as a steer this year. she is due to calve the 10th to red bull. the limi is due to calve the 14th to rocky balboa. i was wanting to breed for heifers since my cousin will be done with 4-h next year but still want to have marketable steers.

if u want to come over and check them out just let me know