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  1. savaged

    Third Trimester ASbortion

    I'd consider the possibility of Neospora.  If I were you I would pull blood and have it tested.  It's a cheap test and you can either confirm or rule out this cause.  Genetic Horizons will run samples for less than five bucks. 
  2. savaged

    THIS IS TO MUCH ----

    Not yet,  but it's coming.....
  3. savaged

    Barn camera setup I need, is it out there?

    Alright, I am fairly tech savvy but I am not sure how the IP address camera works.    I could use a Verizon portable hotspot, but wouldn't I use up all my data allowance quickly (because it is streaming video constantly)?    Or, does it only stream the video when I somehow connect to it with a...
  4. savaged

    Calf Problems

    Let him drag the halter a couple of days.  Working in a small pen, periodically go in with him and pick op the lead, and then, very gradually, teach him to give to pressure - light tugs -  from his left side.  When I say give I mean at first when he even just shifts his weight toward pressure...
  5. savaged

    Inforce 3

    I use the individual doses.
  6. savaged

    Giving Thanks, One Heck Of A County Show!!

    Congrats to the Fletcher family and Chambero - great job!!!!!!!
  7. savaged

    Can You Use Black Iron Pipe for Fencing?

    Have not bought any lately, but that sounds like terribly expensive fence.  I think about $2.00 per LF here locally.
  8. savaged

    Over Due heifer

    Startin to think hoax on this one.  Your heifer's name isn't Te'o' is it  ;D
  9. savaged

    Calving ease sires

    I'd take Benz from that group.
  10. savaged

    opinions on shipping concern

    This past December I paid $250.00 per head for cows from Reiman's sale (Iowa) to Cincinnati.  I will say that I have purchased breds from that area the past two years and each time I did not know the trucking cost until we had them in my trailer and I asked.  $350 seems higher than the average...
  11. savaged

    vaccinating bred heifers

    Cattlemaster Gold or Inforce 3 Spirovac VL5 Alpha 7 Add pinkeye an/or scours depending on exposure & risk.
  12. savaged

    Steer loves to lick my shoes and clothes. Is he lacking some kind of mineral?

    Are you administering any probiotics?  (e.g., Probios, Appetite Express)
  13. savaged

    Shampoo for eZall foamer?

    I'd get the EZ all.  To moderate soap use I always mix the Total Clean soap with water in the foamer.
  14. savaged

    Winter calving advice

    Don't know where you are located, but in Ohio (southern) my club calf bred cows are all stalled when due.  I like to have them where I have quick access to a chute if needed, easy access to the calf for any issues (e.g., nursing), and to easily give the first shots and a dose of pro-biotic I...
  15. savaged

    Another shocking event...

    So do you directly load the "unthawed" straw in the gun directly, or do you stick it in a pocket prior to the gun?
  16. savaged

    Opinions on my Monopoly x Dr. Who heifer

    Don't rule out Grandmaster for that first calf too quickly.  You might get that more maternal animal and a half blood simmy too boot.  As I recall he is heifer safe but double check.
  17. savaged


    I've seen plenty of them in the good sales - Reimann had several nice Irish Whiskey's in particular. IMO the problem is not finding these good enough to be a true donor, it's being able to afford them  <cowboy>
  18. savaged

    Mercedes Benz

    He will make good quality females and will throw some color.  I don't think I would use him on one where your aim is to make a clubby steer.  He will also extend and make a nice front.  This one we had out of a solid black Dubai (high % Maine) heifer.  The cow is very sound and moderate, but...
  19. savaged

    Reimann First Class Female Sale

    You can find compete results at the  Live Auction web site,