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  1. savaged

    Dirty hairy 2

    Hey Zach will we see her at Highland / Brown open shows - and what is her weight?  (I want to see if we might be in the same classes!)
  2. savaged

    I AM LEGEND march heifer. what do y'all think?

    I like her,  is she on full feed and weaned?
  3. savaged

    Is she deep enough?

    As was said no, not yet.  But her belly line is pretty even (she does not cut up to a significant degree in her flank) which to me is a good sign.  Proper feeding/management - and hopefully lots of good hair - should produce a nice result.
  4. savaged

    Monopoly Update

    I'll sell mine - 9 original straws - at a discount.  I don't flush and using 200 dollar semen to A.I. is not my cup of tea.  P.M. me if anybody is interested (south western Ohio).
  5. savaged

    UPDATED Im thinking about selling our "I AM LEGEND" heifer. Pics Added 7/28/12

    You're not going to leave a post like that without a picture are you?  We just have to see her!
  6. savaged

    Best County Fairs

    Ditto for me Zach.  If you can win the Brown & Highland County Open Shows you will be competitive anywhere.  Lots of Ohio State Fair / Ohio Beef Expo champions from these two counties.
  7. savaged

    My Daughter a Weaver Girl!

    That's cool.  You should be proud!
  8. savaged

    Cheap Show Steer. Opinions?

    Out of how many? 
  9. savaged

    feeding show steers on a ramp

    It's such a short period of time(feeding) that I doubt it would have any notable effect anyway.  Assuming the feeding program is good,  I'd spend an extra amount of time daily on hair. If its not a slick show you can get a lot more benefit from an extra half inch of hair.
  10. savaged

    How soon can you....

    CIDR's in at 35 or 40 days puts you at about 45 or 50  days to A.I. date(assuming a 7 day CIDR protocol).    Both are within reason and routinely done.
  11. savaged

    Heatwave 5 Heifer

    I guess I more and more tend towards a feminine breeding female.  They will still throw good show steers when bred that way, and at least it's been my experience that the calves come at more of a consistent quality.  The Heatwave and similarly bred "clubby made" heifers look good in the sales...
  12. savaged

    cow puts to much leg in calf

    We have a Pale Face cow that will trend that way as well.  BoJo really did the trick, so if you could just find some semen...... or another Ali with Alias on the Dam side.
  13. savaged

    Show Calf Prices

    There are not many in the grand scheme that really sell for 20K.  There are a lot of club calves that are marketed and sold for 2K to 5K and do very well.
  14. savaged

    Mercedes Benz

    If it's a market heifer you want, I might agree.  For a three month old pure bred (Maine) breeding heifer I'm pretty satisfied with her type and traits. 
  15. savaged

    Mercedes Benz

    Thanks!  My daughter is working hard and is very proud of her.
  16. savaged

    Mercedes Benz

    I posted earlier pics of this Benz heifer, and this pic was taken today.  She looks like she will have adequate depth, and is very sound/correct.  I bred the dam of this calf (first calf heifer) back to him again.  Birth weight was very low at about 50 pounds.    I'd feel very safe with him on...
  17. savaged

    Time Saver (Wagonhammer / Select Sires)

    Anybody have or see any calves out of him this spring?  Got a few straws in the tank I'm thinking of using.
  18. savaged

    AI question

    Figure $30 -35 to A.I.    It's up to you to have the cows right and ready.  I've never seen anybody slide fees based on conception.
  19. savaged

    Cow not Mounted but has been Riding Everthing Else

    Got a first calf heifer that is due to cycle this weekend and today from about 9:00 to a peak around 1:00 she has been restless and riding the other cows - but nothing has rode her.  I have watched closely and she also has an Estrotect patch on that has not been rubbed.  No idea why she has not...
  20. savaged

    mercedes benz/boomer calves

    Lot #77 Bushy Park October Sale.  This is her Benz heifer calf.