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  1. S

    New Fall baby-

    You could always keep her.  ;D
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    A couple of new females I am thinking about purchasing (For Blue Roan Breeding)

    I'm not for sure what the exact breeding is on this next cow, however the owner told me that he thinks she is a purebred Angus. This black female and the cow pictured above named, "Socks" both come from a commercial herd. 
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    A couple of new females I am thinking about purchasing (For Blue Roan Breeding)

    Was going to wait another day or two to post these pictures, however I decided to go ahead and do it tonight instead.  I've always been a fan of the Blue Roans, and I am currently getting ready to purchase a couple of Angus Influenced females to breed to a Shorthorn Bull.  Would be curious...
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    New Fall baby-

    I kind of thought she might had been a Hereford Cross.  Just wasn't for sure.  Nice pair!  (thumbsup)
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    New Fall baby-

    I like them both.  Especially the color. What other breed does the momma cow have in her besides shorthorn?
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    Shorthorn_Junkie has returned

    Howdy Folks, It's been over 4 months since I've been on here.  Hope everyone has been doing well. Been going through some difficult times here in the past few months, however I am doing ok now.  Just wanted to give everyone a shout and say hello.  Getting ready to purchase a couple of new...
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    Global Warming, give me a break!

    I do pretty much agree with what you said Red, however God still does want us to be good stewards of his planet.  :)
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    recip candidates

    How about "Black Baldies"? I've heard they also make excellent recips. 
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    2 other calves nursing overdue cow, A dumb question?

    Besides the colostrum loss, it can also cause an infection in the udder.  We had a calf that did the same thing a few years ago.  When the cow gave birth to her own calf, her calf ended up dying, and we discovered blood in her milk.  The vet said that her udder had become infected from the...
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    HSUS Strikes Again

    The media knows that most people who live in these urban and suburban areas, who have never been around cattle, or those who don't know anything about cattle, will believe anything they have to say.  It makes me sick, and it reminds me of the reason why I no longer watch the news anymore.  I...
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    Alfalfa Question

    I think a combination of Alfalfa, Clover, and Orchard Grass would be a good mix.    Depending on where a person lives. 
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    What color patterns are your Durham Reds?

    AJ, This isn't the Durham Red Cross, however there is another breed that is called, "Lincoln Red" which is supposed to be a Homozygous red shorthorn.  Here are a couple of pictures that were sent to me sometime back from someone who visited a Lincoln Red Herd.  I believe it was up in Illinois.
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    Any of this old semen worth anything at all...

    JIT, The bull from Timeshare could be anything from "Guinness" to "Seven T's Greg".  You mentioned the Combat bull, which was probably "SPS Combat", and you are correct.  He was owned by Spring Place Shorthorns (Carl Poteet) down here in Chatsworth Georgia where I now live.  Combat was a son...
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    calf legs

    Pretty little guy. I like his coloring.  It reminds me of a Holstein.
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    What would be your dream mating?

    Almost forgot this one. Here's an old idea that Merle Welch at Green Ridge Shorthorns came up with a few years ago.  I don't think it ever happened for some reason. WO Dividend 3J (Leggs)  X  Green Ridge DP Mary 9434
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    What would be your dream mating?

    Interesting matings folks. I thought I would take some time to think about my dream matings, and here is what all I have come up with so far.  Here is some line breeding ideas that I came up with: WO Dividend 3J (The original Leggs)  X Rose T90 Dividend X Rose T90 This next line breeding...
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    Your cattle's favorite food??

    I've knew a guy one time who use to give one of his cows beer.  No joke.
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    Shorthorn Angus x- and Money man calf pics

    I really like the DMS Elizabeth cow.  Thanks for sharing. :)
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    Great Video Clips, Coca Cola and Dollar

    Wow!  I had no idea that there was old film footage of some of those legendary bulls.  It was  good seeing Mandalong Superflag on there also.  Thanks for posting this Ohio Breeder, and for sharing with us.  (clapping) (thumbsup)