Global Warming, give me a break!

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Well-known member
Oct 31, 2007
Wondering what everybody thinks of this article. I am sure it will fire some people up! It touched a nerve with me!  :mad:


Well-known member
Jan 20, 2007
LaRue, Ohio
I love how they show the poor penguins loosing their ice & having no where to go. I guess my feeling are like this: if God wants the planet to warm up, it will. nothing we can do or change will prevent it. Humans are not more powerful than God. That being said, I'm using the new light bulbs because they're supposed to last longer & I've composted for years.



Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
a static population will do more to change all of these problems, as most americans have already done (about 1.7 kids which is less than replacement which is about 2.1).  but for some reason, we need to import 1 million more each year, placing further environmental pressure on fish and rice stocks, and, if we switch from beef, pastures will turn to weeds.  these studies are more about telling other people what to do than anything else.  they are not the problem, your kids being taught by them is.  they have a much larger portion of your child's learning time than you do.  the parents that really affect behavior in their children are the one's who encourage them to go on joy rides when they are 11 (of all races).  this is ultimately a stateist religion, where nothing can exist outside the state.  i'd be really interested in how they are going to address birth rates than anything else.  some have said that as nations get more "advanced" or whatever, they have less children.  we may not have any time to wait for that to happen, in spite of what i posted a while ago that was more optimistic about world resources than i usually am.  xenophobia is such a tired argument, if it's so great, why won't china, japan, venezuela, north and south korea and other homegeneous nations allow others in?  why is it that only america has to deal with this nonsense from the left.  if the left wants us to commit cultural suicide, why don't they just get it over with themselves so everyone else can move on.  i mean, get over yourselves already and put your death where your mouth is.

the new light bulbs have a haz mat warning on them that if you break one on your carpet, you have to have it cleaned up as if it was toxic waste, cuz it is, in some states, including california.  ie you can't put mercury tainted carpet in the landfill.  light timers might help a little bit.


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2007
NW Arkansas
Guys, I can remember 2' snows in the Ozarks, now, they average 2". Talked to Sue McLachlan, and she said " It's a good thing we have a Sneed-bred Bull in our tank, they way the Fescue's creeping in." The Dixon Springs Livestock Extension Resesrach Center has developed a Bermudagrass variety for the Lower Midwest.

Fescue? Michigan?.............Bermudagrass? Illinois?

However, CARS have a lot to do with this. However, cars were necessary to rid cities of Horse manure.

Can't wait for the Rapture.



Well-known member
Jan 20, 2007
LaRue, Ohio
Garybob, not trying to hijack the thread but how close to the tornados were you? I was really worried about you.

Red  (angel)


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2007
NW Arkansas
red said:
Garybob, not trying to hijack the thread but how close to the tornados were you? I was really worried about you.

Red  (angel)
Woulda been right in the middle of 'em, except I was in South Texas ( close to "sancho78017" ) for my Brother-in-law's funeral. Actually, I parked in Eagle Pass and went across to Piedras Negras. Pedro Francisco Avila-Martinez, was always my brother, "Kiko"....I'll always miss him.



Well-known member
Jan 20, 2007
LaRue, Ohio
garybob said:
red said:
Garybob, not trying to hijack the thread but how close to the tornados were you? I was really worried about you.

Red  (angel)
Woulda been right in the middle of 'em, except I was in South Texas ( close to sancho) for my Brother-in-law's funeral. Actually, I parked in Eagle Pass and went across to Piedras Negras. "Kiko"....I'll always miss him.


was anything damaged in your area or at your parents?
So sorry about your brother-in-law.  (angel)  (angel)



Well-known member
Feb 4, 2007
NW Arkansas
red said:
garybob said:
red said:
Garybob, not trying to hijack the thread but how close to the tornados were you? I was really worried about you.

Red  (angel)
Woulda been right in the middle of 'em, except I was in South Texas ( close to sancho) for my Brother-in-law's funeral. Actually, I parked in Eagle Pass and went across to Piedras Negras. "Kiko"....I'll always miss him.

Yes, a little girl died in Siloam Springs & some Ag Structures were damaged, from NE OK, all the way to Harrison.

was anything damaged in your area or at your parents?
So sorry about your brother-in-law.  (angel)  (angel)



Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA

What the WWF omitted to mention was that by March the ice had recovered to 14 million sq km (see the website Cryosphere Today), and that ice-cover around the Bering Strait and Alaska that month was at its highest level ever recorded. (At the same time Antarctic sea ice-cover was also at its highest-ever level, 30 per cent above normal).

it's amazing how evolution is such a centerpiece of the left, but everytime there is a change, they must stop it.  the earth used to be covered with C4 plants, then C02 went down and C3 plants emerged.  I wonder how polar bears have survived all these years with heating and cooling. perhaps they just moved and imposed their opportunism somewhere else.  perhaps they even participated in the seal hunt.  I wonder if those seal lawyers had any success with curtailing polar bear predation.    waaaaaaaaa.

confirmation bias is a tendency to search for or interpret new information in a way that confirms one's preconceptions and avoids information and interpretations which contradict prior beliefs.

The fact is that what has been happening to the world's climate in recent years, since global temperatures ceased to rise after 1998, was not predicted by any of those officially-sponsored models. The discrepancy between their predictions and observable data becomes more glaring with every month that passes.

raise more cows now before it's too late.  we need more C02 and methane now.  do your part, it's an emergency.


Well-known member
Mar 2, 2008
red said:
I love how they show the poor penguins loosing their ice & having no where to go. I guess my feeling are like this: if God wants the planet to warm up, it will. nothing we can do or change will prevent it. Humans are not more powerful than God. That being said, I'm using the new light bulbs because they're supposed to last longer & I've composted for years.


I do pretty much agree with what you said Red, however God still does want us to be good stewards of his planet.  :)



Well-known member
Feb 13, 2008
Some day our chidren andl grandchildren will be learning about the global warming hoax of the early 21st century in History class and they will all be wondering how we were dumb enough to buy into it


Well-known member
Jan 20, 2007
LaRue, Ohio
Shorthorn_Junkie said:
red said:
I love how they show the poor penguins loosing their ice & having no where to go. I guess my feeling are like this: if God wants the planet to warm up, it will. nothing we can do or change will prevent it. Humans are not more powerful than God. That being said, I'm using the new light bulbs because they're supposed to last longer & I've composted for years.


I do pretty much agree with what you said Red, however God still does want us to be good stewards of his planet.  :)

oh yes I do believe that too. That's why we do conservation practices, pick up litter & the light bulb thing.



Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
Dusty said:
Some day our chidren andl grandchildren will be learning about the global warming hoax of the early 21st century in History class and they will all be wondering how we were dumb enough to buy into it

the only difference between today and tomorrow, will be that something else will be used for the same goals, redistribution of wealth and guilt.  when methane generation from all kinds of sources, people of course got concerned.  then they found methane loving bacteria.  C4 plants used to dominate the earth, now there are C3 plants.  why isn't anyone complaining about the extinction of all that diversity when C02 levels were 4 times what they are now.  how can one both embrace and resist evolution?  people are under the false assumption that no new species can be generated in response to the environment.  wait, that's evolution.

Rocky Hill Simmental

Well-known member
Aug 22, 2007
When I took environmental biology, we had to do a report over ways to slow global climate change. My professor was extremely picky over what sources we used so when I would find find a site, I'd have to check every link...
The interesting thing was every single site that said becoming a vegetarian/vegan would help stop or slow global warming was in some way linked with PETA, I discovered. And knowing the fact that PETA makes up half of what they say, I decided that these sources weren't crediatable (not that I'd use them anyway lol).

Methane gases, according to my professor, are only 15% of the cause of global climate change. Not to mention, cattle aren't the only ones releasing methane gases. What about termites?

I don't remember what show it was on but once on RFD-TV (last December, I believe) there was a program about a guy who was breeding environmently-friendly cattle. If I recall correctly, they were angus. Did anyone else see that? 


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
just saw this today.

those polar bears must have struggled back then for someone to lose their quiver in the mountains

"But it would never have emerged if climate change were not melting the nearby glacier."


Well-known member
Feb 3, 2008
Champaign, IL
Rocky Hill said:
When I took environmental biology, we had to do a report over ways to slow global climate change. My professor was extremely picky over what sources we used so when I would find find a site, I'd have to check every link...
The interesting thing was every single site that said becoming a vegetarian/vegan would help stop or slow global warming was in some way linked with PETA, I discovered. And knowing the fact that PETA makes up half of what they say, I decided that these sources weren't crediatable (not that I'd use them anyway lol).

Methane gases, according to my professor, are only 15% of the cause of global climate change. Not to mention, cattle aren't the only ones releasing methane gases. What about termites?

I don't remember what show it was on but once on RFD-TV (last December, I believe) there was a program about a guy who was breeding environmently-friendly cattle. If I recall correctly, they were angus. Did anyone else see that? 

I believe he was referring to breed cattle that were more efficient (Low RFI), thereby reducing feed intake and creating more methane.  Pretty pathetic way to approach having more efficient cattle, IMO. 

If cattle are the source of methane and global warming, why hasn't anyone back slapped Elanco for developing rumensin?


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
because the media's job is to only point out the negative.

did you notice how miserable they were that hardly anyone died in gustav after they sent all those crews down there including brian willams to look over a wall holding back water over an area that has sunk 25 feet since the french settled there.  it's amazing the government would let anyone build and insure them at all there.  it's over a peat bog that is slowly rotting.  move to higher ground before the taxpayers have to pay for more nonsense.  build there on your own risk with your own money for the levees.  IT HAS SUNK 25 FEET SINCE THE FRENCH SETTLED THERE.  IT WILL SINK MORE.  HOW MANY FEET BELOW SEA LEVEL IS NECESSARY BEFORE WE QUIT REBUILDING THERE?


Well-known member
Feb 22, 2008
something else about the hurricane. did anyone see mayor neagan on tv telling the people of new orleans to evacuate before gustav hit land? i live in ohio and i remember hearing on the news before katrina hit that the government had warned neagan and new orleans to evacuate. then when noone left and the hurricane killed a bunch of people neagan tried to say that the government didn't tell them squat and the media went along with it! that really angers me :mad:


Well-known member
May 26, 2007
Saskatchewan Canada
Have you noticed that Al Gore and the WWF and all the other tree hugger groups that are crying wolf, have started to refer to climate change rather than global warming? The reason is that it has now been proven that world temps have actually started to fall. I am really getting tired of these people and groups who are using these "scare tactics" as a source for raising money for themselves and/or their causes. The problem is that they are probably partly right.... the earth's climate is changing... just as it has in all of history. Look around and you can see evidence of major changes. Here where I live, we have proof of an era of very tropical vegetation thousands of years ago, as there is massive amounts of oil. This oil has been formed from the compaction of dense forests and other vegetation. Now we can hardly grow a tree here. I have seen rock cores from drilling rigs with fossils of ocean shellfish in them, yet we live as far from an ocean as anyone can get in North America. At the same time, we have visible proof of rock formations that were created by moving glaciers long ago in the past.

I do believe that we all need to be conscious of environmental issues and we need to do our part to not make " the problem" worse than it already is. I do take exception with Al Gore and all his followers. They are manipulators who are profiting from the moment. Here in Canada, we have David Suzuki, who travels around in his 747 and/or his huge diesel  bus, packing auditoriums.. and speading their tale of how we are destroying the planet..... while at the same time their bank accounts are growing at an incredible rate from the huge $$$ they get for their speaking engagements.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
here's an article.  of course it's fox news so it's as biased as cnn, msnbc, cbs, nbc, abc, but here goes,2933,468084,00.html

He took issue with the AP article's assertion that melting Arctic ice will cause global sea levels to rise.

"When the Arctic Ocean ice melts, it never raises sea level because floating ice is floating ice, because it's displacing water," O'Brien said. "When the ice melts, sea level actually goes down.

decent point.