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  1. hevmando

    Cattle people are an optimistic bunch!!

    With all due respect, haven't they always been.  Feeders have always placed cattle betting on the come:).
  2. hevmando

    Problem with Club Calf Industry...thoughts please

    For those who don't know me, I am a novice/rookie show cattle Dad going on 4 years.  I showed pigs in 4H 30 years ago for the sole reason of being able to play more softball with my neighboring buddies back when our county had 16 clubs and all had at least 1 if not 3 softball teams.  10 years...
  3. hevmando

    Artificial insemination

    Hereford, I assume you are telling the truth and probably a great young man also, but here are my 2 cents.  Your credibility will become suspect when you make claims that over time will be unrealistic to maintain (100% conception rate).  Everyone can have a hot streak where everything goes...
  4. hevmando

    Wow ! This is amazing! Not cattle related

    Thanks for posting JIT!  (clapping)
  5. hevmando

    Problem Calf-need help!!!

    My grandfather raised a blind calf many years ago in a pen by itself.  Took some tlc, but the neighgor still raves about it being the most tender beef he ever ate as the calf was as calm as they come and never got worked up.
  6. hevmando

    Boer goats, not cattle for sale

    I have 2 Jan Boer wethers and 1 Feb wether that could be very competitive if there are any more shows that someone would want to take them to down south.  Were not able to make it to Ak Sar Ben with them.  1 was Res Ch FFA mkt goat at the MN state fair, the other won his class, the Feb was 5th...
  7. hevmando

    Time to bid on private treaty sale

    FYI, if you do make the MN state fair auction and put her in, she becomes terminal.  You do not have to accept the auction opportunity unless you win an automatic that is required to go to the auction.  I am not sure if the champion market heifer automatically has to go to the auction.
  8. hevmando

    Aluminum Grooming Chute

    I have a friend who is willing to sell a used 7' sullivan's aluminum grooming chute and floor/mat for $ 650.00.  It is located in west-central Iowa.  I am located south of Mpls, MN and get down there occasionally and could possibly bring back to MN. SOLD 5.31.11
  9. hevmando

    Breaking a heifer with attitude

    If you have access, for the time, i vote donkey then the next techiques mentioned.  Make sure you either tie the halter so it is loose but can't come off or use a training halter with a loop.  The problem with the training halter is I have had them slip them off.
  10. hevmando

    Ringing in Duramax diesel with Allison

    It occurs about 1700 rpm, accellerating and decellerating.  Seems to be more prevalent when warmed up, after been driving for 1 hour or so.  Talked with tranny shop, of course would not do it consistently when there, but both owners have these trucks, 03 and 01 version and told me this, since...
  11. hevmando

    Ringing in Duramax diesel with Allison

    11-12 mpg city driving 7 miles to work each day.  Got the same going 65mph down interstate with trailer empty, and back with one 800 lb Walks Alone steer on the return trip  460 total miles.  He breaks behind the shoulder slightly but pretty nice otherwise.
  12. hevmando

    Ringing in Duramax diesel with Allison

    I just bought a 2006 GMC 2500HD 6.6 Duramax with 6 spd Allison.  Very happy with the truck but have noticed a ringing noise when it shifts from 1st to 2nd, and 2nd to 3rd.  Last for about 1/2 second and sounds like a bicycle bell.  Anyone have experience with this?  Also it is getting 11-12 mpg...
  13. hevmando

    Blood in Stool

    Had blood in stool last summer, just a little streaking.  Ran a culture that showed no to little cocci but did come up with worms.  A culture is cheap if you want to know for sure.
  14. hevmando

    MN showing clinics or camps?

    Stierwalt is conducting one March 4-6th in Cannon Falls.  See website for info:
  15. hevmando

    no one can know too much

    SASFU thanks for the info.  Being a rookie parent to cattle shows, your points made a lot of sense.  It tells me to teach the kids to see how each action with the halter or stick makes each calf react and use it accordingly.  A showmanship workshop should bring out these points, unfortunately...
  16. hevmando

    Worth County Cattleman's Sale

    Is there a listing anywhere of the calves being offered in Northwood, IA on Sunday?
  17. hevmando

    Need Help

    fwiw we started putting a chlorine tablet meant for a swimming pool in our stock tank.  No algae, no black scum, just rust sediment on the bottom.  Helps the transition to city water at the shows also.
  18. hevmando

    American Royal Jr. Angus Show

    good luck smurf!!  Would be quite a day if u won the jr show in KC and the football game in MN!!  Hope it works out for you!!