Artificial insemination

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Well-known member
Dec 5, 2011
Name is Drew im 21 Certified through select sires. 100% conception last year trying to get my name out there with the big boys. PM me or email me at [email protected] reasonable prices


Well-known member
Dec 5, 2011
i see alot of you are looking on here but not posting come on everyone i gatta start somewhere


Well-known member
Dec 15, 2008
Industry, IL Ph #: 618-322-2582
Hereford399 said:
i see alot of you are looking on here but not posting come on everyone i gatta start somewhere

not many people hire the AI out anymore...  Too easy of a task for just about anyone to do..

if you're serious about it, get an intereship with Select, ABS, or some other higher up bull semen distributor who provides those services... 

Honestly, I don't know how somebody could make any money with gas/ diesel prices-- and still be cheap enough for somebody to want to hire it done...  The only way would be find a big outfit... and they're already contracted out.


Well-known member
May 2, 2011
Nacogdoches, TX
Jody has a point there, a lot of people are going to get certified and doing it themselves, its just to easy of a task.  And if they arent doing it themselves they are generally either having a vet or their distributor do it.  I agree that if you can get on with one of the distributor companies it would probably help you.  The other thing probably working against you, and yes you have to start somewhere.  But your young and you boasted a 100% conception rate.  As Jody asked "How did that happen?" It throws a red flag up because it just is kind of unheard of, even for the best AI Tech.  Yes you have to start somewhere, but with so many people out there with so much more experience, people are more likely to go that route, it sucks to say it, but you cant make a living solely as an AI Tech, unless you are working for like Genex or something.  If it is something you are wanting to do on the side, you may have to start out doing it for free for some people in order to get your #s and experience up.  Thats how I got started doing what I do, I did it for free to help friends and families out and they started to refer me to other people.


Well-known member
Jun 17, 2010
Hereford399 said:
i see alot of you are looking on here but not posting come on everyone i gatta start somewhere

Location location location!
Just because someone looks at a post, does not mean they want to use or even can use the service. Any time the topic of AI comes up, we all look!
Like Jody said, most people do it on their own. We have 25 head, and three of us AI in our household (husband, me and 15 year old daughter). No bull use here, just straight AI.  Amazingly enough, our 15 year old daughter gets the best conception rates out of all of us. I think it is because she is small and concentrated on her job, versus my husband has the worst and his method is to get in and get out (and even at that he is hitting about 70%)! None of us have 100% conception, unless you are talking cows bred (meaning all cows end up bred, even though we AI a few two or even three times before they catch!). Then you can say we achieve 100 percent pregnancies. Except this last year, where one cow did not take her embryo nor catch to three different AI attempts. She was rolled over for this season, hopefully better luck or we will need a bull.


Well-known member
Dec 15, 2008
Industry, IL Ph #: 618-322-2582
twistedhshowstock said:
If it is something you are wanting to do on the side, you may have to start out doing it for free for some people in order to get your #s and experience up.  Thats how I got started doing what I do, I did it for free to help friends and families out and they started to refer me to other people.

Me too... I've even went as far as watching for when some AI companies put a bunch of 'older' semen on sale, such as Top Sires.. One year, I picked up a bunch of old, but reall good Angus semen for $5. a straw-- dang neared what it costs to make the stuff... just to use on neighbors and local's cows and heifers.

Usually someone calls me wanting to get their one or two heifers/ cows AI'd, and they don't want to buy a bull for just a few.. Or they don't want to buy a new bull for the daughters of their exsisting one until they get more of them to keep. 

Most people like that, really don't care what that particular animal gets bred to- just so it's going to have a black calf.  I don't mind donating $5. a straw to gain a friend-- who might let me have my pick of their heifer calves in a few years....  for dirt cheap..


Well-known member
Feb 12, 2007
Serious Advice:

Don't ever tell anyone you can get 100% conception.  Actual bulls aren't that good.  That is an instant tip off that you have either done very few or flat don't know what you are talking about.  Nobody you'd actually want to work for expects anywhere close to that. 

High conception rates depend much more on cow management - their body condition, climatic conditions, accuracy of heat checking, timing of breeding, etc than it does the tech.  High conception rates on large groups of cattle = somewhere in the 60ish to 70ish percent.

Previous posts are correct in that anyone can get trained, many do, and many do them theirself.  Where that changes is when people breed large numbers.  I can AI myself, but I don't do it often enough and am too slow.  We breed between 150 and 200 a year artifiicially.  I hire someone (actually ZNT that posts on here) to breed for me.  He's much better and faster at it than I am.  My time is much better spent managing the tank and keeping the gun loaded and ready to go for him.  Technician price is only a fraction of the total expense.  We have as much money in hiring lots of chute and pen help + drugs as we do in semen/AI tech.

So, if you are serious you have to get good and you have to get fast.  Best way to do that is to get local ranches to let you help and learn in their operation.  Not for free, but for the going rate of "cowboying" or other hired help. 


Well-known member
Dec 5, 2011
twistedhshowstock . i did get 100% cenception rate on 5 cows. that is not un heard of. 100% on 20 + is but not on 5 head. I am doing it for free with my neighbors. I am trying to build more clients and i am actually in school for respiratory therapy with a minor in biology. Thsi is something i love to do i love the club calf industry im trying to get some new connections.I appreciate your post


Well-known member
Dec 5, 2011
chambero Like i said on 5 head 100% on the first time can happen. On 20 + no im being honest its hard to get your name out when people don't know who you are im 21 and i love to do it. got a long time left and im trying ot build contacts with people.


Well-known member
Dec 15, 2008
Industry, IL Ph #: 618-322-2582
Hereford399 said:
I only did ten though.
Hereford399 said:
chambero Like i said on 5 head 100%
so which is it? 

Last year, I was 8 for 10 on a small group of cows.. course the year before i was about 2 for 10 on basically the same set... 

I'm still not a great AI'er... I don't do enough to do them fast enough, and my arm gets tired after a while on a hard breeder or an old cow that twisted up, and bent to hell...

When you get real good, you can even tell which ovary is getting ready to ovulate... and so you put about 3/4 of the semen into that side... now, that's just what I've been told by some people who claim to know what they are talking about... 


Well-known member
Dec 5, 2011
5 my own 5 neighbors and guy who i buy and sell from and to has been doing ai for 30 years and i swear he can be in and out faster than i can take a shot of whiskey sometimes.


Well-known member
Dec 5, 2011
and look now just by me typing something controvercial i got more feedback and i am glad i did thank you everyone for your personal experiences.


Well-known member
Dec 14, 2009
Ruskin, MN
Hereford, I assume you are telling the truth and probably a great young man also, but here are my 2 cents.  Your credibility will become suspect when you make claims that over time will be unrealistic to maintain (100% conception rate).  Everyone can have a hot streak where everything goes right and falls into place, but eventually the pendulum swings and results change.  People will raise an eyebrow and be suspect when you make claims like that, even if they are true, and believe you.  Also, be careful how you challenge, contradict, or question others who could be more experienced than you, it is too easy to come off as a cocky, young, know-it-all.  I don't think, or I at least hope you are not in this category, but it is very easy to jump to conclusions when comments are made, and you may shut doors to opportunities you never knew existed.  Remember, Ag is less than 2% of the population, and those that raise cattle a subset of that.  Everybody knows everybody, or at least can call somebody that knows them.  Don't burn bridges, be polite, honest, work hard, and your opportunities will come.  Good luck.


Well-known member
Dec 5, 2011
thank you i appreciate your honesty. that is what i was hoping to get some wisdom and honesty i thank you very much


Well-known member
May 2, 2011
Nacogdoches, TX
I wasnt trying to doubt your ability or saying you were being dishonest, I was trying to give you advice.  The first time you said it, all you said was 100% conception rate.  It wasnt until it was questioned that you said it was on 10 head, I mean I know a lot of people who were 100%, but it was only on one head. LOL. I was simply stating that when you just said that it is going to throw a red flag up because 100% is often an unrealistic expectation.  I will tell you something I see a lot of out there lately, have had personal experience with them and they irritate me. A lot of young people out there wanting to break out and make a name for themselves in the industry, yet instead of getting out there and putting in the time and effort, they want to spend the time making up grand stories to try and whoo people in. The problem is a lot of times they tell these stories to people that know better, and their credibility is ruined, and people will forever be suspicious.  I am not saying that is what you are doing, I am just saying with the rash of people I have dealt with in the past few months like that, it throws a red flag up.  I think you are doing it the right way, trying to get your name out there and put in the time and effort to get better.  Like Chambero said, if you can get paid then go for it.  But I know right here around here, its hard to get paid for "cowboying" because a lot of it is done by family and friends just helping each other out.  But if you are doing this for someone they should at least pay your expenses.  In this industry there are no shortcuts to making a name for yourself.  It takes time and effort, most of the time without thanks or much pay!!