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    Could use some critiques on a show steer.

    We've had good luck with show chow but we can finishing touch here.  Don't feed him the fitter's edge as that is a grower and you don't need anymore grow.
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    Could use some critiques on a show steer.

    Now, we'll all have a little different of opinion but you prob. should finish him about 1300lb. --give or take SP readers.  If that's the case, your looking at about 600lb--again give or take...To hit that weight you'll have to gain app. 4 lb a day...Give him the groceries girlfriend!  If he is...
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    Hauling a grooming chute

    My husband drives a semi, and we have fiddled with the idea of getting a huge trailer and pulling it behind his tractor.  Put in some living quarters like the horse people.  Maybe a kitchen....let me know if anyone has a sound BIG trailer CHEAP-ha.
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    Hauling a grooming chute

    Jill--I second the pictures if you have time...sounds interesting and I can't quite picture it.  But I appreciate the post as we're about to have the same lack of space issue.
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    sick steer--need expertise, please!

    Right there with ya, Savaged.  Not only is it frustrating but its stressing.
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    sick steer--need expertise, please!

    Anyone know anything about how long shipping fever last and if he will have low immunity after...we've got a show coming up, should we skip?
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    sick steer--need expertise, please!

    Oh, and we vac. as soon as he got here.
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    sick steer--need expertise, please!

    THANKS BRENT!!  I appreciate your input A LOT!!  I have been stressed for a week over this steer.  I will call my vet and run this by her.  Where can I get myactin boluses?  I will def. do some internet searching on shipping fever.  I really appreciate your help and anyone else that wants to help.
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    sick steer--need expertise, please!

    History~ steer came from Kansas and was trailered to Indiana.  Brought to the farm where we bought him from.  Then brought to our house. He has been here just over a month and was doing well.  He came down with a runny nose, and I admit I let it go for about 3 days.  I assumed it was the weather...
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    I'll go with both sides of the fence, I think at those "BIG" shows you do see a lot of name people but to Jill's credit they have put in a lot of time/work.  Some people think its all in the money and maybe it is to some extent but you can't turn those $$cows out and get them up the day before...
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    Grand 4 T Fyer Question

    I am by NO means any kind of expert, shoot you can barely consider us amateurs but we tried this too.  We found in small portions it didn't save us any money but we weren't mixing by the ton.  Just by the day basically.  We based our % off of the other feed ration tags but if you look up their...
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    Lbs of feed

    We'll stick to the 2-3%, I always figure after we've weighted all three figures (2, 2.5, 3) and adjust to how they are looking--need more, holding good...I will say we go a little longer on the time.  We allow them about 40 min.  This is how long it takes my daughters and I to get ready after...
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    meant wasn't of these days i'll reread before i post not after.
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    Not sure where your located but we started having a lot of condensation on our calves with the weather changing last week.  BUT then I notices one of our steers was drying so stupid me started having my daughter blow him out before school.  He ended up coming down with a fever and she said when...
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    Lbs of feed

    We've always followed the feed 2-3% of a steers body weight...someone I know was telling me how much they were feeding their steer and it was way above that ratio... is there any reason to feed way above that--i always assumed you could founder them if you pushed them to hard to fast...I'm not...
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    Showgirls sale

    We went but I didn't write down an entire list of what each heifer went for.  If you have specific lots, I might be able to tell you-especially those that went the first half.
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    10 Things You Might Not Know About Steerplanet

    This is prob. one of those--only funny to us--but here ya go anyway-  my husband and I both read the forum but my daughters are really too young to be interested (YET) so he has taken to using Zach's saying in the car...when someone says something...he'll respond with "Hee Haw Joob, [u][b]I AM...
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    Cattle Insurance

    Whats average cost for a steer?  I know it'll depend on how much you insure them for but is there a scale?
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    upcoming shows in MI, OH, IN?

    Look forward to seeing you there, its funny reading the post about everyone else meeting and they're all so far from us.  We need to get our own SP meetings going here in the mid-west.  Good luck to you at Princeton also.  Last year was our first year attending.  Is it usually a good show?
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    fernwood tonight

    Knabe, I was wondering do you discriminate against pockets also, you know never seeing you, I am unsure how much your natural crevices will hold....