Not to beat a dead horse in the ground about feed rations, but......... (I did a search and didn't find what I was looking for)
We are looking at using this (trying to use a cheaper alternative mix than complete show feed because of $$$$) and are curious about the % of corn to oats ration when mixed with this for growing and finishing steers and heifers. Heifers need to be "fat" to compete.
All things considered equal, what would be a good growing and finishing percentage of corn and oats to use with this? (and still finish steers while keeping hair!!) Not neccessarily looking for a ration, but a standard percentage to go by and we can adjust if need be. For those who use this, any advice/help would be greatly appreciated
We are looking at using this (trying to use a cheaper alternative mix than complete show feed because of $$$$) and are curious about the % of corn to oats ration when mixed with this for growing and finishing steers and heifers. Heifers need to be "fat" to compete.
All things considered equal, what would be a good growing and finishing percentage of corn and oats to use with this? (and still finish steers while keeping hair!!) Not neccessarily looking for a ration, but a standard percentage to go by and we can adjust if need be. For those who use this, any advice/help would be greatly appreciated