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  1. cowz

    MOVED: If you are serious about a May show heifer

    This topic has been moved to Cattle For Sale.
  2. cowz

    A Christmas Poem for you from Cowz

    'Twas the night before Christmas & out on the ranch The pond was froze over & so was the branch. The snow was piled up belly-deep to a mule. The kids were all home on vacation from school, And happier young folks you never did see- Just all sprawled around a-watchin' TV. Then suddenly, some...
  3. cowz

    Question about a new sale sight

    I would agree with Fred, the new Nebraska State Fair facility is TOP DRAWER!  In fact it is amazing.  Would be THE perfect place for a Jr. National or major sale.  Easy access, lots of good hotels and restaurants.  Central to the US.
  4. cowz

    National Western Stock Show Steerplanet Get Together!? 1pm MT Jan. 15, 2011

    It is that time of year again!??  Dr. Libby Frazier of Pfizer has generously offered up the hospitality trailer in the yards to our group again. Seems like we get the most "Planeteers" around for club calf display and Maine sale how about 1:00 pm on Saturday, January 15, 2011?  By the...
  5. cowz

    Congrats Davis Cattle!

    One of our original planeteers, Matt Davis and his lovely bride Katy Jones were married yesterday! A big congratulations and best wishes to the new couple!
  6. cowz

    Look who I found stumpling around the UK.

    Nice! Thanks for sharing ...... those buildings have really stood the test of time...brought back memories of my visit to Scotland and England 2 years ago. :)
  7. cowz

    Christmas Love

    Thank you! ;)
  8. cowz

    MOVED: pups

    This topic has been moved to Classifieds. [TOPIC LINk    Moved per planeteer request
  9. cowz

    How do I Clear Ringworm up?

    For people unfamiliar with fluid film, you can buy a can at your John Deere works!
  10. cowz

    Getting started after college

    If you are 21 you qualify for FSA or Farm Credit loan programs....beat the bushes for lease pasture and corn stocks, calve out some short term (oldies) cows.  With the ready availablity of feed you have in Iowa....sounds hopeful!
  11. cowz

    People's perceptions of organic meats, ranching .....etc.

    I had the honor of being asked to help judge an FFA extemporaneous speech contest last night.  I enjoyed it immensely and really was impressed by the speaking ability and knowlege base of the kids.  The parents on the other hand could stand some agricultural education. A wonderful young man...
  12. cowz

    Oh nancy, where art thou? (NC related)

    I was thinking more along the lines of us getting Knabe a slot on "THE VIEW" talk show.  Maybe he and Whoopie Goldberg could swap beef tenderloin recipes!  I am of the opinion that would be a spectacle to behold.  Whacha think Knabe, you up for the challenge?
  13. cowz

    Oh nancy, where art thou? (NC related)

    I heard that there was a scuffle in the coffee shop when she ordered a soy milk decaf latte and the Karl Marx tofu sandwich.  Knabe, of course, ordered his burger medium rare with Idaho fries and a cowboy coffee.  Peta showed up to fine the coffee shop for allowing a meat eater inside.
  14. cowz

    Oh nancy, where art thou? (NC related)

    A POEM  *AHEM* ......FROM OUR ESTEEMED MR. HUCKABEE.....(LOVE,LOVE, LOVE IT!) Here’s a story about a lady named Nancy A ruthless politician, but dressed very fancy Very ambitious, she got herself elected Speaker But as for keeping secrets, she proved quite a "leaker." She flies on government...
  15. cowz

    American Royal Livestock Judging

    This link gives more detail and the top 10 4H teams:
  16. cowz

    Oh nancy, where art thou? (NC related)

    YIKKKESSSSS!  I am laughing so hard I am not sure if I can type this..... BUT....somewhere out there in the magic kingdom of DC.....there is a $5000 per hour LEAR JET warming up to haul Princess Pelosi back out to bankrupt California.  Love and kisses, girlfriend!
  17. cowz

    DSLR cameras and lens options

    I have a Nikon D40 I love, but this winter I want to invest in a really good quality lens for calf pictures.  Does anyone here have any suggestions?
  18. cowz

    NAILE who all is going ?

    I am bummed that we are not going this year!  We really had a lot of fun with the Shorthorn Gang 2 years ago!  Chad and Mike .... you need to buy some heifers in the futurity sale this year! Hope you all have a great time and we will be watching you show online when we can!!!
  19. cowz

    American Royal Livestock Judging

    Hey Jim!  How did you survive your trip to KC?  Had fun I hope! For the rest of you, here is a link that will get you the top ten results for junior and senior college....maybe they will post 4H later, Cade. They even posted a few...
  20. cowz

    National FFA Convention

    Youngest son is going!  Email him at [email protected] He is excited!  Look for Douglas Co Colorado chapter.....high fives to you all around....hope you have a fabulous time!