Oh nancy, where art thou? (NC related)

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Well-known member
Feb 9, 2010
farwest said:
Look at the red/blue map of the house seats of the united states.  the blue is the far west coast and the far east coast.  The logical folks in the middle of this country have had enough and are rising up.  Sorry jbarl, i don't believe this is the same old losing control mid term that reagon and clinton had.  This is more.  People plain disuise this president.  They quietly still question his religious background, beliefs, and birthdate and real underneath personal agenda.  Scared to go cry out in public because the first thing that there gonna get nailed with is the race card.  This president doesn't stand a chance in 2012, the tea party will get stronger the next two years.  He didn't act quite so cool standing at that podium wednesday.

While true the red areas cover more area, if you look the Blue areas are where more ppl are living, more densely populated. These areas are also the ones that allow us to have programs like social security, medicare, large defense budget etc.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
obama would look a lot cooler out of office.

america should never save anyone who is being gassed.

just for arguments sake, is it worth overthrowing the US government if it ever gassed it's own citizens?


Well-known member
Mar 31, 2007
North central -- Nebraska on highway 183 - 30 mi
Lets not forget there are republicans full of just as much greed an hot air as the democrats , there all politicians working for big companies who furnish billions of dollars to get them elected an expect something in return ,until we cap the election costs  we weill continue this way of doing business ....My
family where I grew up was republican  but our partys have changed how they do business .. Many of them brag about their experience in politics an doing business in our government an I'm not sure that is a great asset ..... iI sure think we need more new blood back there,


Well-known member
Jun 20, 2010
Eastern Idaho
Bush2 was a social conservative and a fiscal liberal.  I would love to see a true fiscal person in the whitehouse.  Not sure who that is.  Romney has the ability but I don't think he is electable as he has wishy washed on too many items.  Reagan for all we liked about him was a spender.  Clinton and Bush 1 were no better on the fiscal end.  To me the best congress is a do nothing gridlocked congress.  I am not sure that we don't have about all the laws and bureaucracy that a country needs now.  National security and police protection is about all that we need a government for. 

For example we have a group that think we need a rec. center in this little town and that we should raise taxes to pay for it.  My solution is a rec center serves a small group of the community and if they want one pony up the coin and build one that is a private club.  Open it to the public at a cost and be done.  The problem is that a rec center is almost never self funding.  The O&M costs are just too high.  Sure raise taxes to pay for it.  Pay to play is the only way. 

We have a group that wants to have a tax payer built indoor arena at the fair grounds.  Sorry that is serving a small niche of society and should be funded by that group not everyone. 

Why do we need state funded nursing homes?  What ever happened to families taking care of their own.  State daycare same thing.  We need to get back to being neighbors and family community and the rest will all work out. 


Well-known member
Apr 14, 2008
LostFarmer said:
Bush2 was a social conservative and a fiscal liberal.  I would love to see a true fiscal person in the whitehouse.  Not sure who that is.  Romney has the ability but I don't think he is electable as he has wishy washed on too many items.  Reagan for all we liked about him was a spender.  Clinton and Bush 1 were no better on the fiscal end.  To me the best congress is a do nothing gridlocked congress.  I am not sure that we don't have about all the laws and bureaucracy that a country needs now.  National security and police protection is about all that we need a government for. 

For example we have a group that think we need a rec. center in this little town and that we should raise taxes to pay for it.  My solution is a rec center serves a small group of the community and if they want one pony up the coin and build one that is a private club.  Open it to the public at a cost and be done.  The problem is that a rec center is almost never self funding.  The O&M costs are just too high.  Sure raise taxes to pay for it.  Pay to play is the only way. 

We have a group that wants to have a tax payer built indoor arena at the fair grounds.  Sorry that is serving a small niche of society and should be funded by that group not everyone. 

Why do we need state funded nursing homes?  What ever happened to families taking care of their own.  State daycare same thing.  We need to get back to being neighbors and family community and the rest will all work out.   
That's why the chinese and japanese are kickin our buts.  They still have a family system.  They take care of their owne.  Here gma goes to nursing home, the family spends 5,000 a month to have her taken care of, and one of the kids is workin minimum wage in town ignoring her.  Makes alot of sense.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
someone's kid is working minimum wage at the nursing home while the nurses and staff get paid a lot more.

everyone should make the same wage.

also, there is theft at these places people should be aware of.  resist letting your relatives take valuable momento's to the nursing home.

we got disgusted with it all and my aunt, bless her heart, took care of grandma at home for a lot less money with 3 times/week home help.

grandma was a lot happier.


Well-known member
Jan 10, 2007
farwest said:
The rumor is Nancy and Knabe were seen having coffee yesterday morning in Hollywood.  Supposedly politics was the main discussion. (clapping)

I heard that there was a scuffle in the coffee shop when she ordered a soy milk decaf latte and the Karl Marx tofu sandwich.  Knabe, of course, ordered his burger medium rare with Idaho fries and a cowboy coffee.  Peta showed up to fine the coffee shop for allowing a meat eater inside.


Well-known member
Apr 14, 2008
cowz said:
farwest said:
The rumor is Nancy and Knabe were seen having coffee yesterday morning in Hollywood.  Supposedly politics was the main discussion. (clapping)

I heard that there was a scuffle in the coffee shop when she ordered a soy milk decaf latte and the Karl Marx tofu sandwich.  Knabe, of course, ordered his burger medium rare with Idaho fries and a cowboy coffee.  Peta showed up to fine the coffee shop for allowing a meat eater inside.
On Fox news Heraldo was sayin he had Nancy and some west coast conservative cattleman who is into full blood maines possibly heating it up on his show here in the next few weeks.  Might be a hair puller. <party>


Well-known member
Jan 10, 2007
I was thinking more along the lines of us getting Knabe a slot on "THE VIEW" talk show.  Maybe he and Whoopie Goldberg could swap beef tenderloin recipes! 

I am of the opinion that would be a spectacle to behold.  Whacha think Knabe, you up for the challenge?


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
cowz said:
I was thinking more along the lines of us getting Knabe a slot on "THE VIEW" talk show.  Maybe he and Whoopie Goldberg could swap beef tenderloin recipes! 

I am of the opinion that would be a spectacle to behold.   Whacha think Knabe, you up for the challenge?

only if i could show up in black face like her pal ted danson from cheers (he did jokes whoopie wrote).

i could maybe cut off one of her dredlocks and we could have that with some tofu and compare it to a dinner with meat.
