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  1. cowz

    Roan cows & Roan horses

    Shorthorn cows are the reason that there are push bars on the front of 4-wheelers!  haha
  2. cowz

    Running yearlings on grass

    Do any  of you planeteers like to gamble.....really buying a semi load of 500 lb steers and throwing them out on pasture for 5 months? Always tempting this time of year.  What are "background" yearlings bringing ($) in your part of the country?
  3. cowz

    Good Calves or Unethical Treatment

    Great point!   Giving you a karma point on that one!  In the 70's, the first simmies and chi's were bonafide cow killers......and then they had rotten attitudes to boot.   How soon we forget, that as "bad" as we think something is......we have made INCREDIBLE progress over the last 30-40 years...
  4. cowz

    Arizona rancher killed by illegals

    Since we are supposed to tighten our belts.......lets redirect the efforts of all those high paid contract engineers that work for NASA......I am very confident that they could design a laser protected boundary on both the north and south.    Common sense????  Do we really need to send an...
  5. cowz

    Votes for sale in Congress/Senate N/C (Way to go Nebraska!!)

    The Rumor on the Beltway that Fox News has not gotten ahold of yet is that The Obaminator has promised any Democratic Senator or Rep who gets blown out of office this November a cushy job with the IRS...........Big Brother from 1984 is now reality and he will make sure we buy insurance......the...
  6. cowz

    Votes for sale in Congress/Senate N/C (Way to go Nebraska!!)

    Bennett has been on TV spouting conservative messages.  He is up for reelection since he is an Obama appointee.  No wonder.  Clean sweep in November ..teeheehee
  7. cowz

    Steer Planet idea/request

    I miss those early morning phone calls from Cathy when she was really fired up about something.......I miss her giggle!  She is out walking in a meadow full of new calves in the rancher's section of Heaven!  We miss ya Red darlin!
  8. cowz


    Go to and look at Colorado listings.  There are many more to choose from than mentioned above. We have a private treaty sale at our place....see   We pride ourselves on structure, feeding potential and good attitudes.  If you cant lead them onto a...
  9. cowz

    slow down health care

    I am nominating this post to our HALL OF FAME!    Remember to watch FOX news!    Colorado's one term Democratic governor is not running for a 2nd term.  Kitchen got too hot!
  10. cowz

    What an expensive Denver

    Agreed...we all have one track minds!    Since you posted the picture of the really should post a picture of the ring.  (angel)
  11. cowz

    What an expensive Denver

    CONGRATULATIONS!   About time!    I'm sorry I did not see you at Denver. When is the date?   We will have to have a cyber shower with all sorts of Shorty stories and unsolicited advice for the happy couple!  (clapping) Keep us posted.  I am so happy for you! <party>
  12. cowz

    Denver Get Together

    Weather looking great!  UP to the 40's the rest of week with slight chance of snow Thurs night.  Looking forward to seeing you!  Will put sign on Pfizer trailer door on Sat.!
  13. cowz

    Denver Eating spots

    La Loma Good Mexican food!  Green Chile, chile rellenos, sopapillas  10 minutes from the show.  print out a map, not the easiest to find, but worth it.
  14. cowz

    Denver Get Together

    Bring your gloves and earbands!  -13 at 8 am here today......argh  Let's hope California blows some warm air this way!
  15. cowz

    Denver Get Together

    Sounds like a plan!!!!  You all will be tired after drooling over the bulls all morning!  See you kids at 2!
  16. cowz

    Denver Get Together

    What day and time do you want to meet at the Pfizer trailer?
  17. cowz

    Denver Get Together

    Would you like me to check on Hijacking the Pfizer trailer again this year?  I need to find out if they are having a trailer this year.  Another option is up in the yards sale arena before any sales begin.  Thoughts?    Maybe the guys can charter a bus to the "Gentlemen's clubs" and the rest of...
  18. cowz

    stealing the add the caption thread

    "Are you wearing the new cowfume from that Yves St. PooPoo?"
  19. cowz

    A Special Event here at W-T

    Very are making me cry.  Stu, may God give you peace in heart this Christmas.    Terry.....youre an old softy! Merry Christmas to you all.
  20. cowz

    H1N1 shots

    Yes, I work in the health arena.  Yes, I got the shot, whole family got it with no ill effects.....except for this darn twitch!!!    JUST KIDDING NORMA! In fact, we are exposed to the masses every day, lots of sick folks pass through our doors.  Everybody in our office of 10 people got the...