Votes for sale in Congress/Senate N/C (Way to go Nebraska!!)

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Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
JbarL said:
first the capitalists came for the janitors and service jobs...then they came for the maintance peoples jobs,they they cut everones benifits and increased the costs,and removed the coverage, then they came for the admistrative poeples jobs and for the outside contractors the politicans are comming for the hospitsls/pharmicutical, and insurance by the sword....die by the sword..jbarl

you really hate competition, don't you.  back to the old union protectionism and mandated pay increases for static skills.  live by the sword, die by the sword.

why don't unions start companies if they are so great and provide jobs?


Well-known member
Mar 6, 2007
I would think that the influx of illegal's would provide competition for some jobs, but apparently some American's are too lazy to go for those jobs?  I don't know, I think it's really too bad that some of the illegal immigrants live here illegally, because some of them would be such good citizens. What's so hard about coming here the right way if you just want to work to make a better life? 


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
Olson Family Shorthorns said:
I would think that the influx of illegal's would provide competition for some jobs, but apparently some American's are too lazy to go for those jobs?  I don't know, I think it's really too bad that some of the illegal immigrants live here illegally, because some of them would be such good citizens. What's so hard about coming here the right way if you just want to work to make a better life? 

nothing.  there are visa's for that.  we used to have a bracero program as well.

what about the one's who don't make good citizens?  that's why we have a process that requires having a working knowledge of english to attain citizenship so that every citizen can obtain government documents in one language and save money.  if someone needs a translator,  there are services and volunteers for that.  it should not be provided for with taxpayer money.  but for some reason, people who want illegals here for both reasons, cheap labor and votes, don't want to pay for it with their own money and simply transfer the cost to the taxpayer.

we are soon to be a country with no respect for the law.  i lost a lot of respect for it sunday.  i see no reason to obey laws anymore.  "the people" have more rights than americans.

our illegal alien policy is racist because we don't allow equal access to other peoples, hence the pressure for atzlan, lulac, la raza and other racist organizations.


Well-known member
Jan 29, 2010
knabe said:
cotullaguy said:
The USA is the only industrialized nation in the world with no universal health insurance for its citizens.  We are also ranked 37th or so by the world health organization in health care in the world:

So, what does this mean.  The insurance companies, whom I worked for 9 years, could care less about your health.  Same for pharmaceutical companies.  Our health system is broke.  We need universal health coverage.  We just had a baby and it cost for normal delivery $13,000.  No individual health policy would cover it.  I am sure this Obama deal is a mess.  But, the insurance companies need to be stopped from killing people.

BS.  all those countries combined will never donate as much as the US does to all the rest of the world.

why didn't you go to a midwife for your baby?  i mean really, what's so difficult about delivering a baby?

you didn't have to have a baby. 

insurance made 3% last year.  microsoft made 25%.  insurance companies have to buy products from companies like microsoft to stay in business, yet no one is screaming for microsoft or oracle's head.

first they came for the insurance companies.
then they came for doctors.
then they came for hospitals.
then they came for nurses.
then they came for the admin personnel.

sounds like all anyone needs is a boogyman, yet NO ONE will vote for anyone other than a D or R.  wake up people, they will not solve our problems which is them.  all they know how to do is buy your vote.  it's worse than the US government used to do with indians and liquor.  same deal in the end.  the end of freedom.

should you also pay for a firefighter if they come to put out a fire at your house and the police if you need them too?  the politicians gave enough money to wall street in the last 12 months under both Bush and Obama to pay for this health care deal 10 times over...$23 trillion so far...gave away for the rich bankers to gamble with our money on derivatives.  they gambled and we lost. 

the insurance companies may have only shown a 3% profit, I am going by your numbers, but why do they need gold plated silverware on their private jets?  that is fact.  why do they get to decide you should have known you had cancer 3 years ago when you got their health policy even though no doctor had diagnosed it yet and they deny coverage?  and then there is pre existing conditions...

all I know is this is not universal health care.  it is set up to screw us I am sure...but if you do not think universal health care works in other countries, you are simply listening to rush limbaugh too much and have not been to other countries...

for example, I take prescription eye drops.  they cost me $70 per bottle here in the usa plus a doctor visit to get the spain this past summer, i bought the exact same medicine for $7 per bottle!  same medicine by same that the kind of system you want?


Well-known member
Mar 19, 2007
knabe said:
we are soon to be a country with no respect for the law.  i lost a lot of respect for it sunday.  i see no reason to obey laws anymore.  "the people" have more rights than americans.

"The only power any government has is the power to crack down on criminals. Well, when there aren't enough criminals, one makes them. One declares so many things to be a crime that it becomes impossible for men to live without breaking laws."

No more Ayn Rand references……………
I promise


Well-known member
Mar 19, 2007
knabe said:
also, no one knows who the fellow travelers were either, or mary sanger and eugenics.

I had to google ol’Margaret.
Very interesting and worth while,

Show Heifer

Well-known member
Jan 28, 2007
cotullaguy: I am female. YOU CAN BUY "pregnancy insurance".  It adds about $100 a month in premiums, but it is available along with normal insurance. It would have covered every penny except for your deductable.
                  I live in a rural area with a volunteer fire dept, and WE DO PAY (donate) when the dept comes out on a fire call.  Price of donation depends on fire size and the ability to pay. It has kept our fire dept up and running, so THAT system must work ok.

The gov't will care even less about our health than does health insurance. But, they will make sure we pay heavily for all those "unhealthy" things, such as soda pop, candy, chocolate, meat, etc.  They might also track your use of over the counter pills. Yep, you just THINK your being taxed and tracked now.....

You forgot to mention all those other industrial nations pay HUGE TAXES. If I recall a foreign exchange student a few years back, she mentioned in Denmark, their tax was around 30% of ALL INCOME.  She then mentioned medical care was free WHEN YOU COULD GET IT.  She said her mother was having stomach and chest pains and was told the doctor could see her in about 6 weeks.  A many years ago, a woman in our community moved to Canada. She came back with her husband who had been diagnosised with testicular cancer and their health care system said it was "a death sentence, not worth treating as it is incurable"... Our Drs. treated him and he has been cancer free for 3 years. After some research, they said the Canadian gov't thought the the cost to society was considered too high versus the price of a single life.

As far as price of prescription drugs, I figure most of the cost is to fund future research. I doubt if any generic drug companies or other countries (spain, mexico, panama, etc)  are doing cutting edge research that is being done in the US. I guess that is one price I have decided it is worth the price.



Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
cotullaguy said:
should you also pay for a firefighter if they come to put out a fire at your house and the police if you need them too?  yes, but not a retirement package at 90% or greater depending upon if they worked fake overtime to boost their average salary the last 2-3 years and not beyond a cap of some sort that is adjustable but not greater than say 60K in todays dollar, and not until they reach retirement age.  if they want to dip into what they paid out of their paycheck before that fine, but not out of mine.  same for police and all government workers.  if we are going to have means testing for free benefits, ie 400% of poverty and taxing revenue starting at 200,000 which is small business, we can certainly have means testing for far to generous of a benefit.  when you start killing jobs, where will the money come from as even more people are unemployed and won't pick lettuce?

the politicians gave enough money to wall street in the last 12 months under both Bush and Obama to pay for this health care deal 10 times over...$23 trillion so far...gave away for the rich bankers to gamble with our money on derivatives.  they gambled and we lost.  we got some of that money back, and i would have let them fail.  i am for 20% down for a house payment.  no exceptions.

the insurance companies may have only shown a 3% profit, I am going by your numbers, but why do they need gold plated silverware on their private jets?  that is fact.  why do they get to decide you should have known you had cancer 3 years ago when you got their health policy even though no doctor had diagnosed it yet and they deny coverage?  and then there is pre existing conditions...why do government employees get all their gratuities? when there is gold plated anything, including parachutes from government jobs or revolving doors, there is obviously NO competition.  any good politician hates competition.

all I know is this is not universal health care.  it is set up to screw us I am sure...but if you do not think universal health care works in other countries, you are simply listening to rush limbaugh too much and have not been to other countries..  universal health care doesn't do research and develop new technology and i don't listen to rush, hannity, huckabee etc.

for example, I take prescription eye drops.  they cost me $70 per bottle here in the usa plus a doctor visit to get the spain this past summer, i bought the exact same medicine for $7 per bottle!  same medicine by same that the kind of system you want?  your precious democrat government allowed that in, that's why health companies supported the bill.  duh.  no one has any idea how research works.

show cattle that are not for food is the equivalent to gold plated forks to city people.  a total waste of money and anyone receiving a PIK payment or any other subsidy shouldn't receive it if they waste money showing cattle.  that's the problem with subsidies.  it's other people's money and all of a sudden, the  spotlight is on the other foot.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
Dingell: It will take a while for ObamaCare to “control the people”

no wonder progressives are smiling.  his objective is so clear.

he knows that all he has to do is keep moving in the direction of control as slow as necessary to eliminate freedom.

there has been little if any movement in the direction of freedom.  it's a logical path whose only readjustment is conflict.

i wonder what total control looks like?  oh yeah, eugenics and meiosis without an exchange.


Well-known member
Jan 29, 2010

You forgot to mention all those other industrial nations pay HUGE TAXES. If I recall a foreign exchange student a few years back, she mentioned in Denmark, their tax was around 30% of ALL INCOME.  She then mentioned medical care was free WHEN YOU COULD GET IT.  She said her mother was having stomach and chest pains and was told the doctor could see her in about 6 weeks.  A many years ago, a woman in our community moved to Canada. She came back with her husband who had been diagnosised with testicular cancer and their health care system said it was "a death sentence, not worth treating as it is incurable"... Our Drs. treated him and he has been cancer free for 3 years. After some research, they said the Canadian gov't thought the the cost to society was considered too high versus the price of a single life.

As far as price of prescription drugs, I figure most of the cost is to fund future research. I doubt if any generic drug companies or other countries (spain, mexico, panama, etc)  are doing cutting edge research that is being done in the US. I guess that is one price I have decided it is worth the price.


We don't pay huge taxes?  Where does our tax money go?  It goes to pay the interest on our national debt only.  This interest is received by a few families that own the Private Federal Reserve.  None of your personal income tax goes to anything that will personally help any of us.

Next, you figure that you are paying 10 times for pharmaceuticals and it is a good thing since it goes to research?  Try it goes to advertising.  Why do you think that no mass media will criticize the pharmaceutical companies unless they start killing people with their is because mass media is bought off by advertising dollars you and I pay for due to the pharma lobby control in congress which we also pay for. 

Stop trying to say so and so said so and so about foreign health care.  Why are we ranked 37th by WHO?  I have been all over the world and I personally know that the health care in France, Italy, Spain, Russia, Ukraine, Germany, etc. is all better than ours.  The doctors come to your home at 3 am if you get sick.  No Charge.  Takes about 30 minutes from call to when they show up. 

Stop listening to the lies of Mass Media. 


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
cotullaguy said:
We don't pay huge taxes?  so why aren't those countries helping everyone out? why are we the only ones whoever do it? Where does our tax money go?  It goes to pay the interest on our national debt only sorry, this is a lie..  This interest is received by a few families that own the Private Federal Reserve.  None of your personal income tax goes to anything that will personally help any of us. that is a lie.

Next, you figure that you are paying 10 times for pharmaceuticals and it is a good thing since it goes to research?  Try it goes to advertising.  Why do you think that no mass media will criticize the pharmaceutical companies unless they start killing people with their is because mass media is bought off by advertising dollars you and I pay for due to the pharma lobby control in congress which we also pay for.  your comments reveal you haven't looked at balance sheet.  what % of revenue is R&D of a typical company?

Stop trying to say so and so said so and so about foreign health care.  Why are we ranked 37th by WHO?   I have been all over the world and I personally know that the health care in France, Italy, Spain, Russia, Ukraine, Germany, etc. is all better than ours. that's a lie, it's too convenient to not supply specifics and speak in generalities.  The doctors come to your home at 3 am if you get sick.  No Charge because money grows on trees.  Takes about 30 minutes from call to when they show up.  and testicular cancer? 

Stop listening to the lies of Mass Media.  stopped a long time ago.  they are 95% communist.  hence my continual references to the fellow travelers which no one who has taken high school history seems aware of.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
cotullaguy said:
stop calling me a liar or I will meet you in Hollister i would love that, and what, we can go on a date?.  read closely, i said it was a lie, i didn't call you a liar.  stop calling everyone else a liar.

you are just talking out of your ASS when you say that is a lie but refuse to say what is the truth.  It is because you are telling your beliefs not facts, ditto for yourself, what's the big deal?.  The USA is ranked 37th by WHO. FACT!!!

Next, where does our tax dollars go then.  Base this off of received vs. our national interest.  You might learn something.  again, not true.  agreed, we are paying more and more interest and pushing that forward, but it is a simple lie.  debt is pushed off into the future and then printed or whatever other scheme you want to use.  caution, please read carefully.  i am not calling you a liar, just that the statement is a lie.

Next, Balance sheet?  I am a former CPA.  

What is the % of advertising for Pharmaceutical companies since you have audited them?  What is the % of commissions they pay their sales reps that push these drugs daily? i actually know the answer to that.  what's your anwser? What is their transportation expenses for their big private jets?what is the return on investment to shareholders?  you answer my question, and i'll answer yours.


Well-known member
Apr 14, 2008
The federal government will take over the college loan system, except in bismark north dakota of course.  Why shouln't they take it over.  Theres no risk for banks .  The loans are federlly guaranteed.  It's a freebee for big banks off of interest charged to our college students, the future of this country.  I see nothing wrong with this part of the bill, even though it don't pertain to health.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
farwest said:
The federal government will take over the college loan system, except in bismark north dakota of course.   Why shouln't they take it over.   Theres no risk for banks .  The loans are federlly guaranteed.  It's a freebee for big banks off of interest charged to our college students, the future of this country.   I see nothing wrong with this part of the bill, even though it don't pertain to health.

the risk is that loans will be forgiven at taxpayer expense.  every market the government enters, it raises the cost and redistributes.


Well-known member
Nov 23, 2009
Hillsboro, Ohio
KNABE, i was going to jump in and help ya out but looks like your doing fine on your own hehe, don't you wish there was a way to beat sense into some people.


Well-known member
Jan 10, 2007
The Rumor on the Beltway that Fox News has not gotten ahold of yet is that The Obaminator has promised any
Democratic Senator or Rep who gets blown out of office this November a cushy job with the IRS...........Big Brother from 1984 is now reality and he will make sure we buy insurance......the insurance companies will still hold us by the huevos!


Well-known member
Apr 14, 2008
knabe said:
farwest said:
The federal government will take over the college loan system, except in bismark north dakota of course.   Why shouln't they take it over.   Theres no risk for banks .  The loans are federlly guaranteed.  It's a freebee for big banks off of interest charged to our college students, the future of this country.   I see nothing wrong with this part of the bill, even though it don't pertain to health.

the risk is that loans will be forgiven at taxpayer expense.  every market the government enters, it raises the cost and redistributes.
I find it hard to believe they'll be forgiven.  The govern'ment don't forgive taxes, whether you're millionaire or makin 60k.. No offene knabe, buit if i listen to you and fox news much longer it'll be hard not to just walk out on the deck with the 45 and a shell in the chamber......