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  1. cowz

    This is so true!!! N/C

    Oh Mr. Doc,  my shorty friend, You forgot a few other fringe school lunches, ESL programs, mentoring programs, free immunizations, free birth control, rent control houses, energy assistance programs. We take better care of them than we do our own elderly population. I will...
  2. cowz

    Wacky word of the day N/C

    We have done the word association its time for a new challege.  Websters Dictionary grows every day with new words that work their way into our language.  For example, most of us did not use the word "bling" 10 years ago.....or knew what Yada, yada, yada meant.  Lets have a...
  3. cowz

    health care passes

    We need to be thinking of which conservative politician has the smarts and skills (Yes those two things are different) to pull it off in 2012. At the current pace, most small farms and ranches will never be able to pay their taxes and satisfy the carbon movement unless this administration...
  4. cowz

    health care passes

    NO, comrade Terry ve  Marxists joost talk like ze hav vays of making you pay!......hahahahha
  5. cowz

    Little bit of bragging on my kids just got state fair pics sorry its late

    NICE JOB kids.....both young and old! (clapping) Good to see ya back on our planet Gig!
  6. cowz

    judges you really like

    Ditto on Randy Daniels.  For reasons, I like listning to Jeff Sargeant, super on the mic.  (Doesnt it drive you nuts when some of these give the same phrase in reasons over and over?)
  7. cowz


    Yes, we are on the watershed divide (waters split to run either north or south) at 7300 ft.  Insane to run cattle here in the winter.  arrggh But on a positive note, it was the best hay year ever.  We still have 2 fields to haul bales from if it ever stops snowing....4th snow so far, not even...
  8. cowz


    It is comin your way Kids! No school or work here for the last 2 days.....supposed to end at midnite......I hope. I cannot tell how much snow we really have, but have 5 ft drifts.  Lots of wind....too early for this stuff! Haul some wood in the house and put on another sweater.  Hope all of...
  9. cowz

    Word Association Game

  10. cowz

    Unfortunately......the resurgence of CATTLE BUYER JOKES

    ::) The dean of admissions at a prestigious university's School of Agriculture was interviewing a prospective student...  "What do you plan to do with a degee in agricultural economics and finance?" the dean asked.  "I dream of making millions of dollars buying and trading cattle, like my...
  11. cowz

    Unfortunately......the resurgence of CATTLE BUYER JOKES

    <cowboy> The years had passed by and it was time for the cattle buyer to send his son off to college.  He told the boy, "Son, you can take the old blue pickup.  Its not fancy, but its dependable.  And take ol' Jake... That crazy dog will keep you company.  He's always in my way and follows me...
  12. cowz

    I'm back....take a look at what I have been up to! Is cattle related for once!

    Just to report back to you that CIM's internet bidding was a total trainwreck.  To those of you that tried to listen in, I apologize.  Thanks for your support.  We will try again next year!
  13. cowz

    Spruce Mountain Elite Standard Sale today!

    Well, we are having our first club calf auction today. It is at 4:30 Mountain Time.  Tune in if you can.  It will be on Here is the link to the videos and catalog. Let me know how your viewing experience goes.
  14. cowz

    6 Year Old Boy Floats Away

    Sounds fishy huh?  I dont watch tons of TV but I guess there is a reality show where families swap the wives to see how they fit into a new home situation.  This is a irregular family to say the least. Aj, I bet you don't get local news like that.  This state just gets weirder and weirder all...
  15. cowz

    Buy American....pertains to beef and other stuff too.....!

    With Christmas season ahead of us, wallets are thin and so many hard working Americans out of work.......Let's work to support the companies that have managed to stay alive in this rotten economy.  If we can help them, then they can hire more workers, need more transport, materials, etc....and...
  16. cowz


    Here is the schedule for the 2nd weekend: Friday, January 15 7:00 am Hunter/Jumper Classes - EC 7:30 am Collegiate Livestock Judging Contest - C 8:00 am National Angus ROV Female Show - SA 8:00 am National Hereford Bull Show - SA 9:00 am Collegiate Wool Judging Contest - Adams County...
  17. cowz

    6 Year Old Boy Floats Away

    He was on the evening news, admitted that he knew that his dad would be mad at him for messing around with the balloon, so he hid in the attic of their garage.  I am really glad he is safe.  So much better than the ending we were afraid of.    (angel)
  18. cowz

    6 Year Old Boy Floats Away

    I am not happy to speculate that a car from social services is heading their way.  Apparently, this family has been questioned about intentionally driving the family wagon thru tornados!  stay tuned.
  19. cowz

    Pet Peeves

    Good one!  Have you ever noticed that Shorty folks just have that "special brand of homor"?