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  1. cowz

    Just when I thought I had seen everything.... kinda cattle related

    Grant, we will have to have another lunch date this coming January in Denver.  We will wait until we have ate and have had our coffee....then I will tell you some good ones.  I usually get called in for a health opinion on several of these a year. My hubby is a very good sport.  I call him on...
  2. cowz

    the truth about health care costs and our economy (not cattle related)

    I couldnt stay away from this one!   First, I am pm-ing justintime to weigh in on this one! Since I just got back from the UK, alot of my conversations with them about national health are still fresh in my head. Simply, ask someone from Canada or the UK what they think of nationalized health. ...
  3. cowz

    Ideas PLEASE!!!

    Or go Hawiian!  Get a grass skirt and lei for the heifer and a hawiian shirt and lei for yourself that matches! ;D
  4. cowz

    I'm Back....finally!

    Thanks for indulging me with all my trip stories.........even the worst of us country hayseeds can make it to the big city!
  5. cowz

    I'm Back....finally!

    One thing we noticed and of course it is obvious, the cattle are all very calm and easy tempered.  The last picture was the largest herd I saw the whole time.  Small groups and a lot of interaction on foot or with a 4 wheeler.
  6. cowz

    I'm Back....finally!

    Since I am a fan of commercial cattle....they are the bread and butter for most folks.  Here is a common composite breed in the UK.  They are called Luing (pronounced LING) and are made up of Highlander, Shorthorn and Charolais.  Very hardy and thrifty.  They are kind of a light red brockle...
  7. cowz

    Help please

    Call your vet ASAP.....sounds very much like pneumonia or a bad respiratory infecton.  Take his temp if you can before you call.  You will need to get a course of antibiotics in him very soon..IMO, that was not enough ace to give him a should not be affecting his behavior a day later.
  8. cowz

    I'm Back....finally!

    We saw lots of belgian blue cattle and belgian blue you would probably guess from the pictures of the Charolais and Limi's that there might be a smidge snuck in those to (over there) My son spent 3 days on a Belgian Blue, Hog and potato farm.  They c section all the cows.  Only...
  9. cowz

    I'm Back....finally!

    Ok Shorthorn promised: I thought the shorty cattle were the most like our own cattle of all the breeds.  Great place to shop for an out cross.  The only bloodline that was redundant that I noticed was out of a K-Kim cow.
  10. cowz

    I'm Back....finally!

    I have to spend a minute picking on Limousin cattle.  Most showmen there have a power washer with their tack.  Now, no offense to any Limmy folks, but if my limmy acquaintances used a power washer on their bulls, they would come absolutely unglued.  ;D Attached here is the Limousin...
  11. cowz

    I'm Back....finally!

    You can see by the last picture that they do not use any glue.  No blowers.  They just take a horse curry and some dressing (Like old time "sweet georgia brown" or a glycerin bar) and rough the hair into swirls.  My take is that it makes them look more massive.....?    They still wash with big...
  12. cowz

    I'm Back....finally!

    To their defense, I did have a pretty good steak in a steak house in Glasgow.      Not to be a traitor to the beef industry, but if I lived in the UK, I would eat fish and chips every day!   I am addicted! I had an Argentinan Steak in Cologne, Germany that was really bad.   So enjoy that corn...
  13. cowz

    I'm Back....finally!

    A Lorrie is quite interesting.  For the exclusive horsey types, imaging a nice motor home with a cargo ramp in the back.  Drive up front, living quarters in the middle, horse hauling in the rear. I did not see one goose neck trailer.  Very few pickups, only saw a few......but of the toyota...
  14. cowz

    I'm Back....finally!

    Justintime, Here is my favorite story:  I was sitting along the big ring watching the "Parade of Champions" which happens every afternoon, and enjoying myself thoroughly.  An older gentlemen sat down beside me and we began a long and facinating conversation.  To all of us Yanks, the minute you...
  15. cowz

    I'm Back....finally!

    Hi Gang! I am back among the living!  I returned from my long trip a few days ago.  I am suffering from jet lag, but had a wonderful time!  Scotland and the Royal Highland Show was wonderful!  I can now fully understand why Justintime makes a semi annual trek! Wandered also through...
  16. cowz

    Funding The Future Sale

    There really are some good embryo lots.  We bought some last year at the sale and just put them in recips last week.  Cant wait!
  17. cowz

    what happens at Jr. Nationals

    I'm jealous, not going this year.  Hope you do well and that you all have fun! (clapping)
  18. cowz

    Most Hated Job On The Farm...

    In my older teen years, if I came home late......I got to clean out the chicken houses...yes we had 2!    The absolute worst would be picking chickens!  Yikes. And yes RSC, I married into Polish Nebraska family, where every farm truck had Polka music on the radio and my mother in law could do...
  19. cowz

    Journalism is dead

    Challenge for this discussion group: 1.  Find one person (a working person) from Canada or the UK who thinks national health is a great idea.    Then ask them how long it took to get "scheduled and approved" for treatment. 2.  Find a health care system that is impressed with our current...