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Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
JbarL said:
..same with insurance...those who dont want to participate dont....those who could be simpler than that.?? jbarl

the obvious problem is you have to pay for the public plan as well as your own. 

then the obvious problem is if you pay for your own and your money runs out, who will pay.  of course the govt wants your house and all your assets before they start paying, just like now.

for me, i want catostrophic insurance and no insurance for rest and pay directly to doctor and get rid of all the billing nightmares for routine doctor visits and meds.  that would save about 30% right there.  but, it would eliminate jobs, oversite etc, and people would have to pay out of pocket which is sooooooooo anti american. so no one will do it at least the group with enough votes to keep socialism creeping on track.  at some point it will fold.


Well-known member
Jan 10, 2007
Challenge for this discussion group:

1.  Find one person (a working person) from Canada or the UK who thinks national health is a great idea.    Then ask them how long it took to get "scheduled and approved" for treatment.

2.  Find a health care system that is impressed with our current Medicaid and Medicare system.......keep lookin!    (Hey .... why not fix what is already broke before we dream more crappola up!)


Well-known member
Apr 14, 2008
I have a brother in Canada. You won't find that person. End of challenge.


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2007
30deg 17' 11.73 N 81deg 35'59.94&q
Davis Shorthorns said:
JbarL said:
Jill said:
National healthcare IS a disaster and that has been proven by any country in the world that has it.  I am one of those that pays my own ins. and it costs me in the neighborhood of 1200 a month, that is a lot of money and it carries a high deductible, however, I make my own health decisions and if I want treatment it is my decision, not the governments.  Like most I don't have an answer, but I can tell you I can't afford to pay for every deadbeat out there that isn't insured and every illegal in this country that our socialized system WILL cover.  I can without a doubt tell you this much, thanks to roe v wade of my and aj's generation (as pointed out by jbarl), we now have a society that has places no value on life, how long do you think it will take to go to the other end of the life cycle and make the decision that elder care that is costing the system thousands a month per person for someone with say Alzheimer's or cancer or any of the other age related issues is of no value and will not be included, I guess from where I stand that part scares me more than any of the rest of what they could come up with. 

big issues.....many poeple...roe v wade....
issue....moms and dads decided who got abortions.....they were done in station wagons/ storage buildings and hotel rooms....just as many then as now...only safer...why do you think it passed??....theres more poeple screamin' aobut it now than when it was debated???> that the same as telling me i cant have a vasactomy???....
.many people....every woman in the united states was effected by this decision...those who choose to have abortions do....those who dont...dont...what could be fairer than that??....i'm pro life....but i dont care what my neighbvor and his wife do about ...when and if they start a family....
..same with insurance...those who dont want to participate dont....those who could be simpler than that.?? jbarl

so, if everyone has the chance to get good health care for free, most people will switch to the Govt. health care thus causing the current health insurers to go out of business then all you have left is govt. health care.  Yes we do have a choice... for now but what happens when we no longer have a choice, or even a choice to go back to??? 
our mail isnt free either....but we seem to think it is....out of the united states mail service....was services and private sectors can coexist.....hows about mass transit vs. buying a car....a va or fha  loan to buy your house...vs.  a conventional bank loan?....we seem to overlook  all the other govt/private sector choices we have at the city/state/national governement level every day....jbarl

Davis Shorthorns

Well-known member
Feb 8, 2008
JbarL said:
Davis Shorthorns said:
JbarL said:
Jill said:
National healthcare IS a disaster and that has been proven by any country in the world that has it.  I am one of those that pays my own ins. and it costs me in the neighborhood of 1200 a month, that is a lot of money and it carries a high deductible, however, I make my own health decisions and if I want treatment it is my decision, not the governments.  Like most I don't have an answer, but I can tell you I can't afford to pay for every deadbeat out there that isn't insured and every illegal in this country that our socialized system WILL cover.  I can without a doubt tell you this much, thanks to roe v wade of my and aj's generation (as pointed out by jbarl), we now have a society that has places no value on life, how long do you think it will take to go to the other end of the life cycle and make the decision that elder care that is costing the system thousands a month per person for someone with say Alzheimer's or cancer or any of the other age related issues is of no value and will not be included, I guess from where I stand that part scares me more than any of the rest of what they could come up with. 

big issues.....many poeple...roe v wade....
issue....moms and dads decided who got abortions.....they were done in station wagons/ storage buildings and hotel rooms....just as many then as now...only safer...why do you think it passed??....theres more poeple screamin' aobut it now than when it was debated???> that the same as telling me i cant have a vasactomy???....
.many people....every woman in the united states was effected by this decision...those who choose to have abortions do....those who dont...dont...what could be fairer than that??....i'm pro life....but i dont care what my neighbvor and his wife do about ...when and if they start a family....
..same with insurance...those who dont want to participate dont....those who could be simpler than that.?? jbarl

so, if everyone has the chance to get good health care for free, most people will switch to the Govt. health care thus causing the current health insurers to go out of business then all you have left is govt. health care.  Yes we do have a choice... for now but what happens when we no longer have a choice, or even a choice to go back to??? 
our mail isnt free either....but we seem to think it is....out of the united states mail service....was services and private sectors can coexist.....hows about mass transit vs. buying a car....a va or fha  loan to buy your house...vs.   a conventional bank loan?....we seem to overlook  all the other govt/private sector choices we have at the city/state/national governement level every day....jbarl

You are right, there are many different programs that the govt. has that COMPETE with private business.  If the Post Office came out and said that they would ship all of your packages anywhere in the world for a fraction of what UPS would cost everyone would be using them.  If the mass transit came to every house when ever you wanted and picked you up for free everyone would use that, if the VA or FHA loan was 0% interest everyone would be trying for those.  If the Govt. will provide this health care to COMPETE with the private sector(same price and produce) then I wouldn't be upset. 


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2007
30deg 17' 11.73 N 81deg 35'59.94&q
as it stands now....there are no limits for what insurance can charge....youi leave wrok on firday and they say ...oh ya, by the way...starting next month your insurance premeium is going up 42%.....have a good weekend.....some one recently quoted a monthly premiium of over a thousnd a  month....who many years ago was that same policy 450/ month...thats what has to stop....who ya gonna call??    jbarl


Well-known member
Mar 24, 2008
I would love to have access to the same health insurance policy as Congress does . (after all they really don't need it. What they all need is hung) And I would like to pay the same premium as Congress does. However, I do not under any circumstances want to pay a dime toward J Bar L having ANY kind of insurance. Let him pay for his own.


Well-known member
May 7, 2008
North Texas
Did you know, (Knabe does) in border towns Mexican women sneak across our border about 2 weeks before they have their baby and have it in our hospital, then we allow the baby to be a citizen. We pay for the whole thing. Closing our borders would save a ton of money.

Since when has the US Post Office made a profit or done a very good job(worth giving your business to)???? Would you ship a semen tank with the USPS?  I get my neighbors mail daily and who likes going to the post office to mail something???

Who you gonna call??? Lets call Obama. How about individual responsibility?

DYN, 84% of Americans who want health insurance, have health insurance.



Well-known member
Jan 20, 2007
Gardner, KS
JbarL said:
Jill said:
issue....moms and dads decided who got abortions.....they were done in station wagons/ storage buildings and hotel rooms....just as many then as now...only safer...why do you think it passed??....theres more poeple screamin' aobut it now than when it was debated???> that the same as telling me i cant have a vasactomy???....
..same with insurance...those who dont want to participate dont....those who could be simpler than that.?? jbarl

These statements couldn't be further from the truth, there is a vast difference in a vasactomy which I don't personally care if you have or not and ending a life, surely you're old enough to know there is a difference.
When the government goes to a health care system you will NOT have the option of not participating, you don't have to be covered by it, but you WILL be paying for it, have you ever tried to opt out of medicare/medicaid since you are privately insured, the new system isn't going to be any different, it isn't a dem or rep thing, it's a government thing those that work pay!


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2006
western kansas
I heard Ofama killed a fly the other day. He must be one tough son of a buck. Health care is a tough subject. People are born....people die......things get interesting in the life cycle.....there probably is a god......I still think he was an Irishman wearing a celt but the pictures at sunday school don't portray him as such. Could it be that god has asense of humor?  He created the lama....I rest my case. ;D


Well-known member
Jan 20, 2007
Gardner, KS
Now that's what we should be raising, have you ever seen the auction reports on those alpaca sales, unbelievable!


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2007
30deg 17' 11.73 N 81deg 35'59.94&q
I would love to have access to the same health insurance policy as Congress does . (after all they really don't need it. What they all need is hung) And I would like to pay the same premium as Congress does. However, I do not under any circumstances want to pay a dime toward J Bar L having ANY kind of insurance. Let him pay for his own.
i have my own of those unioun things...still like to get it a bit cheaper, though, seems like i ought to have something done for the 6grand i paid last year....maybe i'll get sick this my uncle in law....hes the one your paying for now....he has nothing but cancer....the last 9 onths or so  has been probally a 250 K bill that ole gone west is chippin' in on now...i'm sure they'd thank yoiu personally if they was quite a load off there minds when they realized since they didnt really have anytihng...they didint have to pay "anything"......just like the mexicans sliippin' across the border....who do you think is paying for it now...???....jbarl


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2007
30deg 17' 11.73 N 81deg 35'59.94&q
cowz said:
Challenge for this discussion group:

1.  Find one person (a working person) from Canada or the UK who thinks national health is a great idea.    Then ask them how long it took to get "scheduled and approved" for treatment.

2.  Find a health care system that is impressed with our current Medicaid and Medicare system.......keep lookin!    (Hey .... why not fix what is already broke before we dream more crappola up!)

1a   find a person in canada or uk who kept there old insurance. .....and if it slipped away gradulally and slowely became over run by governement insurance....or if they went directly to "socicalized medicine"....ask if they had private choices?

2a   the only health care system that uses medicaid and medicare is us??yoiu can look all you want, .....medicare and medicade is socialized medicine for people over 65 ( ?) yoiuve been paying into it since your first pay check....everyone i impressed with it??...not sure.... not old enough ....( like social security) to get it yet.....everyone i know that uses medicare and medicade seem pretty pleased with it....samw with social security....everyone that pays in complains...then a year before they get it...thats all you here them talke about...cant livew  with out it.....then  after they get it...they complain its not id say that those folks arent to impressed with it.....jbarl


Well-known member
May 7, 2008
North Texas
DYN that Sonja Sotomayor has a brother who is a doctor and he does not accept medicare/medicaid.

Also, Hawaii had free health care for all children who didn't have it. It went broke in 7 mts. because everyone who had healthcare for there kids dropped it and went to govt. provided healthcare for "free".

Also for everyone who does not know, I have paid over 50k in the past 2 1/2 years in medical expenses. One having a child w/o maternity insurance cost 20k, so we saved and paid cash. Also,  My son was in ICU and it cost about 30k out of pocket. Church, friends and family helped  more that you could imagine. I don't wont government run health care for myself and wonder why people would want it for me?


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
Socialism ALWAYS begets unemployment - ALWAYS.

hawaii did socialized health care for kids and went broke in 7 months.

i think the overall plan of progressives is to do away with money.  can't really figure out what the end game is.

buggy whip manufacturing must be eliminated, but in an ideal progressive world, they get subsidized at the expense of improvement.


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2007
south webster ohio
“We should measure welfare's success by how many people leave welfare, not by how many are added” right now welfare fails, and if you make drug tests mandatory, you bet your going to lose a lot. but won't the doctors and hospitals lose revenue?. im with dusty on this one, why should we pay for the crack head in section 8's baby without a father and she doesn't make an effort to get a job.

and come on aj, just say it, its osama or obongo  :D


Well-known member
Feb 12, 2007
It's easy for us to sit back and say we shouldnt do this or should do that for all these messed up pregnant mothers.  But when one shows up at the hospital about to give birth, would you really have the guts to kick them to the street if you were a doctor or nurse?  These premie babies - do you put them out on the curb and let them die?  This whole mess really comes down to those simple questions that doctors have to answer.  Church on Sunday tells us the answer over and over.  Shouldnt have to do it, but we do.  I like to think we'll get our reward later.  Probably ought to have a mandatory sterilization law for those that have to accept that help though.  Good luck getting that passed though.     


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2007
30deg 17' 11.73 N 81deg 35'59.94&q
Jill said:
JbarL said:
Jill said:
issue....moms and dads decided who got abortions.....they were done in station wagons/ storage buildings and hotel rooms....just as many then as now...only safer...why do you think it passed??....theres more poeple screamin' aobut it now than when it was debated???> that the same as telling me i cant have a vasactomy???....
..same with insurance...those who dont want to participate dont....those who could be simpler than that.?? jbarl

These statements couldn't be further from the truth, there is a vast difference in a vasactomy which I don't personally care if you have or not and ending a life, surely you're old enough to know there is a difference.
When the government goes to a health care system you will NOT have the option of not participating, you don't have to be covered by it, but you WILL be paying for it, have you ever tried to opt out of medicare/medicaid since you are privately insured, the new system isn't going to be any different, it isn't a dem or rep thing, it's a government thing those that work pay!

actually.... to a pretty big organized church ( and all the politicians they like to suppoert) a vasacatomy is equally as sinful....but i dont belong to that church...i thinks its come back around to the basics again...this coutries founding fathers all had one thing in common...there wasnt whole lot of em'.....but they all didnt like the way the country they were living in was doing they left and started this country....if we've learned one thing about us amercians ..itsthat that we like to do like we darn well please.....but we had those libertys  overseas  so long ago, and we left al that was the tarriffs  that drove us here.....they were obvisiously very adament about there cause....and then they  came here....and not so long after...taxes were deemed necessary...large scale governement social programs were born with both the signature of repulicians and again a small amount of adamently motivated "citizens" obvisoulsy think its time to leave again....there arent that many "citizens" now to stop this.....your way to small in numbers  to make it happen.....and to spoiled and unorganized to make it on your own.......jbarl