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  1. P

    University of Illinois Sire Test

    How do we address the issue of the ISG hole for Shorthorns? Isn't ISG basically Simmental leading the way with other breeds collaborating? Would it help if people put Shorthorn Bulls in as Foundation animals in the Simmental database and turned in data to Simmental. Would it help to put...
  2. P

    University of Illinois Sire Test

    Knabe raises a good question on the thickest bulls thread.  It would be real interesting to see the Sire test use say bulls representing the top 10% for the same traits of Shorthorns and Simmentals on this same cow base under the same conditions during the same year. I realize to do this would...
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    University of Illinois Sire Test

    My next question is about fescue hay for you guys in fescue country .  How does fescue hay compare to Bahia and Bermuda hay?
  4. P

    University of Illinois Sire Test

    Knowing the whole story helps explain the weights.  Thanks for the info
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    University of Illinois Sire Test

    That is what I thought to to start with until I saw this in the report "Weaning weight data listed is adjusted to a 205 day weaning weight. All data has been uploaded to Digital Beef."
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    University of Illinois Sire Test

    The weaning weights shown in the test are not exactly going to appeal to most commercial cattlemen. When I look at the data it makes me ask are the females in the U of I herd that low of growth and/or lacking milk production or is the Shorthorn bulls lacking in growth. At least the Sire Test...
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    University of Illinois Sire Test

    Thought we might start a discussion on this since the "Top 5 thickest shorthorn bulls available" thread headed this direction to allow discussion on the Sire Test and allow the other thread to return to the original intent.
  8. P

    Is he stout enough for you?

    I will share an experience of mine with goats.  In  2008, i took goats ( low input, low maintenance herd) from Dothan ( Southeast AL) to Shelby County, AL (just outside Birmingham) they adapted quickly and maintained the low input, low maintenace standard.  I also purchased local goats from low...
  9. P

    Is he stout enough for you?

    it is a fairly common statement in South Alabama that you can take cattle North but not to bring them South.  I have seen bulls brought South that just never really looked good but there calves out of the local acclimated females did fine and performed.  I think it has to do with grass quality...
  10. P

    Shetland Cattle Pregnancies in the U.S.

    intersting breed it seems.  just be carefull not to ruin the breed by pampering and over caring for them.  think back to Boer goats,  the original goats were fairly hardy. however cost, rareity  and demand were high so the vast majority lost their hardiness and soon they were considered a very...
  11. P

    Shorthorn sire test and progeny test at Univ of Ill.

    Best I can tell, about 15 bulls are represented  and the calves are about a month old. The only real data to look at right now is the birthweights. 
  12. P

    Asterik free Shorthorn X Lincoln Red! Whats the scoop?

    JPS is this the study This looks like a short write up or summary for a magazine.  It would be interesting to read the detailed study. Did they study relationships between other breeds as well?
  13. P

    Shorthorn historians... help pic updated###

    Yes, that is the case with any group or organization. Case in Point, Hangin' Tree Black Bear and his owner Gary Ericson it was so bad he left that breed and started a new breed the Hangin' Tree Cow dog.
  14. P

    Canadian DNA test for determining breed composition

    I would question the accuracy of breed determination especially with breeds having open or appendix herdbooks. Also, DNA is only as accurate and the database.  I have a dog that I had to submitt DNA 3 times I kept getting letters telling me the sample was a bad sample.  I know that the samples...
  15. P

    Shadybrook Scotty Daughter and calf in South Alabama,

    Duncraggan, Scotty 83K maybe the best overall bull, I have used.  I have been running homeraised Scotty 83K grandson out of the 12U cow for cleanup. Probably going to keep the the RS DV 034 329 08 son out of the 23Z cow (Waukaru Goldmine 2109 x Shadybrook Scotty 83K) as his replacement.
  16. P

    Shadybrook Scotty Daughter and calf in South Alabama,

    Pictures of a cow family, I snapped yesterday with my cell phone. First picture is Shadybrook Scotty 83K daughter.  2nd Picture is her Waukaru Goldmine 2109 daughter.  Third picture is a 7 month old bull calf out of the 2109 daughter and RS DV 034 329 08.  No creep and momma on grass only. ...
  17. P

    Shorthorn question

    I brought this question up because in the 90's there was a pamphlet listing related breeds and what percentage shorthorn they could be brought into the ASA herd book.  If memory is correct it listed Milking Shorthorn, Illawarra Shorthorn, Lincoln Red, and Maine Anjou.  I can not find the ...
  18. P

    Shorthorn question

    Bringing  this old topic back up. Excerpt from Rules and Regulations Related Breed Entry: Other Shorthorns (i.e. Milking Shorthorns) shall enter the American Shorthorn Association Herd Book at same level in which they are recorded by their herd record. Lincoln Reds shall enter the American...
  19. P

    Shadybrook Scotty Daughter and calf in South Alabama,

    This cow, her daughter and granddaughter are all bred  to Rob Sneed's bull  (RS DV 034 329 08).  Looking forward to seeing those calves.
  20. P

    Shadybrook Scotty Daughter and calf in South Alabama,

    Screenshots of Semex International Catalogues Scotty was last listed in 2014, but no price listed. Scotty was not listed in 2013. Scotty was listed in 2012, for $20 a unit. I do not know if that helps or not.