Canadian DNA test for determining breed composition

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Cabanha Santa Isabel - BR

Well-known member
Aug 15, 2012
Rio Grande - RS - Brazil
Interesting....if it can "really" determinate the breeds composition. will to be a great tool to clear suspicious cattle.
Do you know how deep is the ability to find the breed introgression? Or if it is expressed on %? How many breeds they are on the archives to compare and detect?


Well-known member
Sep 2, 2007
We deal with this company through our breed association, I find that there reliability on just sire verification can be suspect at times.  We are a small herd and had a spot test for verifying a calf to both dam and sire, it came back as not a match to either.  It was the only calf born on our farm in 3 days, I know what cow it came out of and it was tagged right away.  I have heard of lots of tests from others that came back as not a match then another sample sent in and its a match.  Makes me wonder if there handling process has some flaws. 


Well-known member
Sep 19, 2014
I would question the accuracy of breed determination especially with breeds having open or appendix herdbooks.

Also, DNA is only as accurate and the database.  I have a dog that I had to submitt DNA 3 times I kept getting letters telling me the sample was a bad sample.  I know that the samples were done correctly and sent to the lab in the correct manner.  The problem comes from the fact that one company started the DNA process and Database for what ever reason a  different company now processs DNA.  Instead of collecting new DNA on dogs previously processed (expensive)  the new company said it could adjust the DNA markers as the first companies markers and the current ones markers are not exactly the same.  The problem is the sire of my dog was DNA'd early on with first company.  They will not admit that the real problem was the DNA database.  However, when I submitted the 3rd sample I called and we had a conversation.  It was a little heated on both sides.  In the conversation, I requested to be informed of the problem with the sample rather than a form letter listing 7 or  8 possible problems.  In addition, that this was my 3rd and final submission and I would be thru with that registry.  Amazingly the DNA sample went thru and  parents verified.  The results read the the results were adjusted.



Well-known member
Jul 26, 2013
Knox County Nebraska
I agree with doubts that the results would be definitive enough to establish breed "purity".
I think it's more interesting in terms of the implications for branded beef programs.
"- Maintain a certain percentage of a breed in your herd to optimize breed complimentarity or to qualify for a branded beef program."