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  1. P

    Shorthorn Bull Opinions DRC 101VM (Dover) and RS DV 034 329 08

    I am attaching a spread sheet of bulls I looked at and considered.  Some of the information may have changed since creating it this Fall but I included all the information I had on the bulls at the time. I went ahead and ordered the semen on the two bulls listed primarily based on the...
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    Shorthorn Bull Opinions DRC 101VM (Dover) and RS DV 034 329 08

    Below is a pic. of the Shadybrook Scotty female.  She currently has a Goldmine 2109 bull calf.  The other female is her daughter out of Waukaru Goldmine 2109.  The daughter is has not filled out quite as much the mom.  She did a good job with her first calf so she was bred to Ar Su Lu Osage and...
  3. P

    Shorthorn Bull Opinions DRC 101VM (Dover) and RS DV 034 329 08

    Here are pictures of the bulls taken from Cattle Visions web site.
  4. P

    Shorthorn Bull Opinions DRC 101VM (Dover) and RS DV 034 329 08

    This year I am letting the home raised Goldmine 2109 son tend to the Shorthorn cows.  However I am going to AI both his dam and full sister to one of either DRC 101VM (Dover) or RS DV 034 329 08. Both bulls on paper pretty much accomplish my goals of moderating size keeping birthweight low...
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    would like to visit a farm on upcoming trip

    I would like to thank lucky p for an invite to his farm but I was. Only able to visit one farm on my tri on my way to the National FFA Convention .  I visited Martindale. Shorthorns.  Welooked at some very nice cattle and visited with the nicest people.  They were open honest and took the time...
  6. P

    What bulls work best for Angus cattle?

    The bulls I mentioned are not traditional clubby bulls but just good Simmental bulls that are heifer safe and provide good growth.  I have seen a few Uno Mas calves shown that worked both as functional and clubby.
  7. P

    What bulls work best for Angus cattle?

    Simmental wise I would recommend for these heifers.  All these are available form select sires. WLE Uno Mas X549 -  probably the most showy prospect RCR STETSON T17 -  come small and grow like a weed, smaller framed. TNT JUMP START R238 - come small and grow like a weed lot of natural thickness.
  8. P

    What bulls work best for Angus cattle?

    You looking for clubby claves or just good scale mashers out of the heifers?
  9. P

    New Simmental Heifer, Suggestions?

    Purebred bulls that should work and have a blaze face.  Also should give you a functional heifer to put in production when finished showing. REMINGTON LOCK N LOAD 54U Flying B Final Cut-  I have known the Brown's for several years and they breed functional cattle that also have eye appeal.  I...
  10. P

    Shorty hf bulls

    Shadybrook Scotty daughter 
  11. P

    would like to visit a farm on upcoming trip

    Any of you shorthorn or simmental guys in TN, KY, or IN  located near I65 South of Louisville, Ky or within an hour of Louisville, KY.  Would like to visit a farm or two if possible on upcoming trip.  Reasons. 1. See differences in management. 2.  Learning experience
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    Shorty hf bulls

    A little off topic but does anyone know the mature weight and frame size of Ar Su Lu Osage 502.
  13. P

    What do you think of this heifer?

    nice looking heifer, pleasant on the eyes. How good or how pretty??  Time will tell, pretty is a pretty does.
  14. P

    Canada vs U.S. Shorthorn purity

    Sue I agree the Scotty females I have are larger than I prefer but he did take the cattle in the right direction.  However, I am unsure if the size is all Scotty or the influence of some of the larger Shorthorn I started with and AI sires I used while  focusing mainly on growth. It may take a...
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    Canada vs U.S. Shorthorn purity

    Thank you for the compliment XBAR.  I am simply a young guy who grew up around cattle and hogs.  Sadly pork production is pretty much a thing of the past down here.  I am a High School Ag. Teacher that loves the lifestyle ag offers.  I can think of not better place to raise my 1.5 yr old...
  16. P

    Shorty hf bulls

    Coyote,  I really like the Beowulf bull, but as I am a member of the "Red" group. I probably would not use him unless I was trying for a roan show calf.  I have learned to be very careful with roans.  In South AL roans get labeled as Longhorn Cross regardless of quality, and I am not in a...
  17. P

    Potential genetic defect in Shorthorn cattle

    Till Hill, I bought a 3 shorthorn cows in 1999 and I also have been breeding up on shorthorns and simmentals.  All of my simmentals to date are the product of breeding up and most of them were bred up off of Shorthorns.  Myself and my dad both have jobs off of the farm, with about 40 cows with...
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    Canada vs U.S. Shorthorn purity

    In my opinion, At the end of the day, breed purity is a breed association issue.  Commercial guys simply want a product that is consistent and performs ie. form and function.  Breed purity main purpose is in providing consistency.  This  can be obtained given that the unpure blood is not up...
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    Potential genetic defect in Shorthorn cattle

    Till Hill Not to question your experience I can only tell that is what happened years ago when PHA and TH first became a concern.  XBAR and Till Hill        I am not saying simmentals are better than shorthorns.  I have both shorthorns and simmentals so I don't have a reason to badmouth one...
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    Potential genetic defect in Shorthorn cattle

    I think the primary difference is in how genetic defects are managed by the different breed associations.  some associations do a better job than others.  When TH and PHA came out  the Simmental association would not register anything with shorthorn in the pedigree until verified by testing or...