Some of the old time breeders in Canada have told me they think the introduction of Maine genetics saved the breed. The attributes the Maines brought to the table outweighed the negatives.
Overall, I think anything that can move Canada and the USA closer to harmonizing the definition of "purebred" is a good thing. Seems crazy to me that a NAILE grand champion shorthorn isn't eligible to even show at the local fair here. And if you try and bring one out that is purebred in the USA but not recognized as such in Canada the Shorthorn police will probably show up. (clapping) (clapping) <party> Well put-I think there are extremes in all breeds-and maines-fullblood and purebred alike have come an awfull long way JUST LOOK AT THE 2 BULLS ABOVE THIS COMMENT

r maybe check out a bull named 1-80-We just had a 72 pound hiefer out of a large (MIN.110 BW) bull from Okotocs who is a real good looking bull,but hes as hi off the ground etc as alot of maines-her dam is a very moderate Free For All-who has a bunch of Maine-from Sonny-Draftpick and Double Vision out of a grandaughter of Huberdale PM Luara who has never really produced anything very big-Lonny thinks shes a real nice hiefer-and the mating was a lucky one JMO-because she'll be a tad larger than her dam-at least as thick-and will carry on the easy calving-THATS why I go entirely different-and try to mix new blood-for a few generations-tuff to do it all-but shooting for a phenotype that will work either show or go (to the pasture). So:I will eventually use a relative to everything EZ calving FULLBLOOD on her.O0