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  1. looking4champions

    Ringworm Around Heifers Eye

    MTG is useless on ringworm.  I have never put any kind of grease on a ringworm either. Flake/scratch up the ringworm with a comb as best as you can to remove whatever build up, layered up dead skin.  Scratch it up until you start to see a little blood.  That's when you know you have gotten...
  2. looking4champions

    New Show barn for kids ideas and pictures please

    I would see if there is a builder/contractor in your area that could help. A civil engineer or architect that freelances could help also.  A builder/contractor would be helpful to make sure whatever you do is safe and to code. 
  3. looking4champions

    New Show barn for kids ideas and pictures please

    If you have the budget to consider using 8x8's, then you probably have the budget to invest in having your barn designed by a professional.  Let your design needs dictate what material you need. 
  4. looking4champions

    New Show barn for kids ideas and pictures please

    Where do you live? That definitely plays a part in the pitch of your roof.  Roof pitch comes into play for heating, cooling, shedding rain and snow, etc. You should also pay attention to the orientation of the barn.  This will help take advantage of the natural prevailing wind in your area if...
  5. looking4champions

    Market Steer Show Judging

    I agree with your assessment of the various shows and variance in size. I disagree with setting aside the finish.  I would rather see a mediocre steer thats finished win than a great steer thats not finished. I say that because we all know that the majority of folks in the steer game can pick a...
  6. looking4champions

    Market Steer Show Judging

    I bet you have never seen a steer in the ring at the stockyards with his hair fluffed out and full of showsheen either. LOL  I agree, some steers you can look at and just tell they are NOT market ready.  And even evaluating market readiness has visual indications.  All I'm saying is there needs...
  7. looking4champions

    Market Steer Show Judging

    You know, don't get me wrong fitting is a part of it. But..... The champion is supposed to be the one that best combines it all. (Soundness, conformation, and most important market readiness). However, when I see a steer win a market show that is not finished but pretty. I'm confused.  A lot of...
  8. looking4champions

    Market Steer Show Judging

    I'm just curious to know what is the opinion of the judging thats being done across the nation.  I'm starting to see more and more animals that are flashy with a bunch of hair , groomed to have an explosive "appearing" quarter, so forth and so on.  Judges don't even feel the animals to evaluate...
  9. looking4champions

    shampoo for fungus/yeast/bacteria

    Mane & Tail Pro-tect Antimicrobial Medicated Shampoo
  10. looking4champions

    Top Five Show Steer Bulls.

    Almost every club calf bull anyone will list will either be a son or grandson of Heatseeket. That says a lot.
  11. looking4champions

    Top Five Show Steer Bulls.

    You can not. I repeat. CAN.......NOT......... Even have this list without Heatseeker.  Heatseeker completely changed the show cattle world.
  12. looking4champions

    Help with getting some weight on heifer

    Its always good practice to transition slowly over seven days or so I dont have much experience with PreCon, but just for the sake of saving bulk I would take it away.  Plus give her hay and mineral as Purina suggests with the Full Range.
  13. looking4champions


    I've used all sorts of shampoo in the Sullivans fogger. You need to put the right insert in the nozzle.  It comes with 3 and they are different colors.  One of them works good with all types. Can't remember which color it is though.  Trial and Error.
  14. looking4champions

    Help with getting some weight on heifer

    I would switch her to Full Range.  In my experience, I've used Fitter's Edge for fine tuning before showtime to get good bloom and polish them off.  If I use it early it is one one that is easy feeding.  My experience with Full Range is it has enough enegy to get one going and to grow,  even...
  15. looking4champions

    Program for 4H kids

    I think first and foremost you have to determine the generic nutritional requirements of the show animal. Only from there you can further enhance your ration to meet additional requirements specific to a certain animal.  Good feeders think endpoint first, then develop the feed program...
  16. looking4champions

    Buying Cattle

    Better be calling them "Experienced"  (lol)
  17. looking4champions

    What to feed my steer and what to do to build muscling

    If you are looking to add muscle to your steer then protein is the way. Purina Champion Drive is a protein supplement.  Just be careful adding protein. Too much can lead to joint issues.  Look out for popping pasterns or swelling/fluid at the hock on the inner leg.  I think Fitters Edge does a...
  18. looking4champions

    Feeding question

    Just my two cents.... If they are eating, who cares how?  In order for you to even get any indication of how well they are eating..... and converting, you need to weigh your steers.  At the end of the day what counts is ADG (average daily gain).  Long term you expect to visually see a...
  19. looking4champions

    Minnaert WATCH ME WORK bull

    This video of a Watch Me Work Steer was on Youtube
  20. looking4champions

    Best show calf feed?

    Purina Honor Show. Full Range or Fitters Edge. Period. Point Blank...