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  1. looking4champions

    WELLA WELLA WELLA its that time uv year

    Hey Mark, I know you're probably having fun posting your pics and stuff.  Just be decent enough to change the title of your pics before you post. It doesn't really matter to me how you feel, but show some class. Invest as much time searching for adjectives as you do selecting livestock. It will...
  2. looking4champions

    Feeding a slick steer VS feeding a steer for hair show

    The rice bran that you found at tractor supply for horses works great for steers also.  It should be the stabilized rice bran.  It works great.  Use it.  You may have to do some additional research and formulate your own ration.  Just judging by the post of the phone screen shot, it looks like...
  3. looking4champions

    Feeding a slick steer VS feeding a steer for hair show

    It is amazing to me how this post has had over 500 views...... But zero comments.  Especially with all of the comments, posts, political comments and other jargon that goes on here.... We finally have someone who needs help, who is doing it for ALL of the right reasons. TO HELP KIDS IN 4H WITH...
  4. looking4champions

    calming agents for 4H steer

    If the calf is 1000lb or heavier I would give more than the minimum.  Keep working it until you get the dosage to where it works.  Plus keep in mind its all natural, so you can't overdose it.  I would try it 20-30 minutes after you give it to him. Not 3 hours.
  5. looking4champions

    calming agents for 4H steer

    FOCUS ORAL CALMING LIQUID.!!!!! (period) Sold By Sullivan Supply. All natural. No withdrawal and drug free.  Order 8 oz and try it at home before the show.  Trust me it works.  Drench the steer with it using the recommended dosage.  Give it time to take effect. Then see how he reacts. Its kind...
  6. looking4champions

    Feed Help please

    730 lbs × 0.02 (2% of Body Weight) = 14.6 lb/day 21 lb/day is like 2.8% of body weight/day.  Thats a good bit of feed for a 730 lb steer. First, get with an experienced feeder and determine how you want your steer to turn out at his end point. Keep in mind, you want your steer to grow. The...
  7. looking4champions

    purina ppower fuel mixing with supplements

    Powerful is high in fat, so it is meant to add conditioning.  The ultra full and depth charge are similar in that they are meant to a) add fill for a full look prior to showing b) add depth of body if fed over a longer period.  The depth charge and ultra full target different areas of the body. ...
  8. looking4champions

    Stubborn steer! Hhheeelllppp!!!!

    I've seen that video before, but I have never seen or heard of anyone breaking a show steer using that technique....... The main tools you need to halter break a steer is time, a tie-up post, rice root brush, wisdom or a donkey. You need to break a steer while they are at their smallest size and...
  9. looking4champions

    Stubborn steer! Hhheeelllppp!!!!

    Basically your steer won't lead.... How old is the steer? You want the steer to respect the tension applied to the halter as well as whomever is at the end of it.  Its all the steer respecting that control.  1st, lead the steer in a straight line.  Whenever he stops or plants his feet...
  10. looking4champions

    I need some advice for our steer

    My son started showing when he was 7.  Like someone said in the posts, its something with small kids and steers.  I don't know.  The steers tend to mellow out as they mature, and as they get more familiar with the kids.  Start slow.  Let your daughter walk the steer for short distances to start...
  11. looking4champions

    Andis clippers

    I started with a pair of the maroon Andis 2 speeds.  I bought a pair of the 5 speeds and to me its like night and day. The 5 speeds are much much better.
  12. looking4champions

    Youth Stock Shows in the Southeast....A dieing thing?

    Shows in Louisiana are about the same. Over the years the same families from 20-30 years continue to show with few new comers here and there. However few of the newcomers stay the course. The only families with longevity from years ago that continue have younger family members that are brought...
  13. looking4champions

    Online Sale Steer Size

    Sometimes I notice in a lot of the online sales, they say a steer would make a good lightweight at Fort Worth, or Middle Weight, etc.  Since I have never had the pleasure of attending the show in Fort Worth, when they mention lightweight or middle weight, what is the associated weight range. ...
  14. looking4champions

    hair falling out

    Usually the indicator of a lice problem is a calf scratching against a fence, post or whatever else they can lean against. Then having patches of hair missing in small or large spots. Steers begin to shed hair this time of year anyway. Feeding a steer a hot ration will cause their "internal"...
  15. looking4champions

    Feeding Stand Alone w/ or vs. Power Fuel and Champion Drive

    First and foremost, the foundation of a good feed program is a good ration. The better the ration, the less supplement needed.  It should all be in the sack. Secondly, you need to know what is it that you are trying to accomplish. You can find reviews of each product you are talking about on...
  16. looking4champions


    Notice I said the middleman is not your friend.... Didn't say he was an enemy.  A jockey can buy one from that ends up in who knows where..... How do you as a breeder remain connected.  Or should I saw how do you as a breeder get acknowledged for breeding that animal...? How does a jockey help...
  17. looking4champions


    One thing that has tainted the whole steer project is that a lot of people don't want to turn a calf with potential into a champion. They want to buy a champion and just feed him. That's why you see people paying upward of $10K for a steer with ease. Because they want to buy the Grand Champion...
  18. looking4champions

    Thoughts on /Reviews of stierwalt fitting clinic?

    Attending clinics will definitely help you.  I recommend buying the DVDs by Guyer (Sullivans), Stierwalt (Weaver), and McCullough ( Sullivans).  Get familiar with the desired conformation qualities of steers or heifers, whatever it is you'll be fitting.  Learn from the DVDS how to clip to...
  19. looking4champions

    Livestock judge question

    I wouldn't be concerned about a judge potentially judging one of his own and showing favor. To me that's as much of a concern as showing a $2500 steer against a $15K steer.  The judge can't tell how much either costs, but he sure better be able to tell which one is the better at that very moment...
  20. looking4champions

    Stand Alone Supplement...

    Did you use the "Regular" or "High Fat" version of Stand Alone.  Or did you start with the regular and switch to the high fat.