Thoughts on /Reviews of stierwalt fitting clinic?

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New member
Sep 24, 2014
My kids are brand new to showing, and neither my husband nor I grew up showing.  Would like to learn some basic fitting.  There is a Stierwalt clinic coming to our area, would love to hear some thoughts/feedback from anyone who has attended.  We've never held a pair of clippers, so starting from complete scratch here.  Kids are 8 & 10, best for me to be the one to "participate" and them to be the one to "observe"?  Or visa versa?  Thanks!


Well-known member
Feb 23, 2015
I went to one last year, and it was much more helpful than a Stock Show U clinic because they also gave good feeding advice. I'd suggest you all attend because you never know what the kids might remember that you may not. If it is a hands-on experience then sign up 1 calf and have the 3 of you work on it together. Plan to attend multiple clinics over the next couple years because you will always learn something new. Also, observing at big shows is a great way to reinforce the principles and strengthen your recollection between the clinic and your own shows.


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2013
Clinics are a great opportunity to learn. When your there ask questions. Practice, practice, practice at home it's only hair it will grow back let the kids grab the clippers combs and adhesive. There is something to be said about the feeling of doing well especially if you did all the work.


Well-known member
Jan 9, 2012
I have known Kirk for a long time and used to teach Ag in the same county his kids showed in. I would highly recommend going to the clinic. Kirk can demonstrate and explain the clipping and fitting process as well as anyone. You will learn something if you are new to showing or been around for a while. I never visit with Kirk that I don't learn something. Go and take your kids and enjoy a great learning experience.


Well-known member
Jun 30, 2008
I have never been to a Stierwalt camp so I can't comment on them, but I have been to 4 Stock Show U camps in the last 4 years and they have been excellent.  I take all 3 of my kids and we all learn something every time.  They split you up into beginner, intermediate and advanced groups.  I highly recommend them and they are free.


Well-known member
Jun 8, 2015
Attending clinics will definitely help you.  I recommend buying the DVDs by Guyer (Sullivans), Stierwalt (Weaver), and McCullough ( Sullivans).  Get familiar with the desired conformation qualities of steers or heifers, whatever it is you'll be fitting.  Learn from the DVDS how to clip to accentuate those qualities.  Learn how to use the clippers and blades properly. Don't skimp on cheap equipment.  Practice to build your confidence and learn how to correc/hide conformation faults, and how to handle mistakes you make while clipping. Remember that "You can always clip the hair off, but you can't put it back on". Last but not least pray about it and ask for guidance.  You have not because you ask not!


Well-known member
Mar 13, 2008
I think it is easy to get lost in the crowd at these fitting clinics.  If you are totally new to this, I think you need to establish a certain level of knowledge before you pay to attend the big clinics. I knew one new family that didn't even know what they were talking about half the time.  To get the biggest bang for your buck, hire someone to come to your place for the day. Find someone with the heart of a teacher, not just a great fitter.  Be really clear that you are hiring them to teach you and not just fit your calves.  You can ask any question you want and not have to worry that someone will think you are stupid. After your kids become teenagers and have practiced a ton, send them to the camps to develop their skills and knowledge.  They are fun and they will meet some long time friends.


Well-known member
Dec 20, 2009
I have been to 2 of Kirk's clinics. I can guarantee you that you won't get lost in a crowd at his clinic, he only took so many at the ones I was at. Kirk is a awesome teacher and cattleman. There were a lot of young families at his clinic.  I've texted and emailed Kirk with questions and he has always gotton back to me with answers or gave me a name and number of who can help. I would recommend going to everyone that is going to show cattle and take the kids when they are young. Learn the right way right off the bat.