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  1. jconner2088


    Ok guys i feel like i should know this but i dont. We have a cow that we are looking at flushing. First time doing it and so this is a new venture. We have been doing natural service for last few yrs and no ai just time consuming and dont have the time. So fast forward cow we are wanting to...
  2. jconner2088

    Cool Room Question

    We always just wanted it to be in the 60s.We are in Texas so as long as it wasnt 100 we were really happy sometimes. Our main goal though is to have it dark and have as much air moving as possible.
  3. jconner2088

    Fly control in barn - help!

    Sorry we also spray down all our bedding down with Permethrin. We have even used a fogger in the past. I mean i am not saying we have no flys but it is not like we walk into the barn and you have to keep your mouth shut.
  4. jconner2088

    Fly control in barn - help!

    We are in central texas, so this cold snap helps us out but also we have so many fans that its tough for flys to stick around. and we use cedar fiber and with all that combined our fly problems are very minimal.
  5. jconner2088

    Show to replace the Fort Worth show for Juniors!

    Sugar Shane strikes again, great oppurtunity and great place to have a show. Have had Shane trim hooves on our central texas calves for a while now and this is right up his alley. Always in it for the kids. This past summer we took a few down for some families that show calves from us and took...
  6. jconner2088


    I am needing a couple of heifers hauled from Iowa to Texas, wondering if anyone knows of anyone.
  7. jconner2088

    Herd Bull Pictures

    Another on out of our red white toan bull...we actually went all herd bull no ai this past year just to see what our bulls could do on all the cows ... we are very impressed so far.
  8. jconner2088

    Fort Worth Stock Show 2021 canceled.

    There is already something in the works for a show to go on...the state fair and heart of texas show was awesome so much more room than normal.. so something will go on just not to the scale and outside ppl
  9. jconner2088

    Herd Bull Pictures

    Im telling ya if I didn't already have three bulls to rotate and find enough pastures for all of em I would make a deal to lease. Sure would be neat to see though. 
  10. jconner2088

    Herd Bull Pictures

    Man if we still had some herefords around i sure would like to try penny stavks i dig that dude alot.
  11. jconner2088

    Herd Bull Pictures

    Both out the white shorthorn
  12. jconner2088

    Herd Bull Pictures

    Dig that calf man. Really like the bull be fun to see him on some brangus or beefmaster cows man.
  13. jconner2088

    Herd Bull Pictures

    Id put that legend with some of my clubby red cows and laugh all the way to the bank man thats a good looking one right there
  14. jconner2088

    Barn ideas/suggestions

    First couple of times we actually tie up in the alleyway to the squeeze chute.. we like it cause you can put em all in thereand the like it a little more being they are touching each other....
  15. jconner2088

    Denver Stock Show 2021?

    Yes the Nebraskan Livestock Show and now the Cattleman's Congress are both being done for exhibitors to take to. They are being done at the same time so I am guessing Cattleman's will appeal more to us southern boys. and Nebraskan more for midwest folks. I could be wrong but we will see.. OKC...
  16. jconner2088

    Herd Bull Pictures

    Thats what we are hoping for.
  17. jconner2088

    Herd Bull Pictures

    Here are two calves from the red american bull
  18. jconner2088

    In your opinion, who is the best show calf producer?

    let me rephrase depends what part of country and what time of yr your fair or end point is... several breeders have calves yr round but a most breed for certain times of yr. 
  19. jconner2088

    In your opinion, who is the best show calf producer?

    Depends what part of country your in...