In your opinion, who is the best show calf producer?

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Sep 12, 2020

I'm new to this whole thing so I apologize if this is an annoying question, but I'm trying my best to learn and be successful. I understand that there isn't a "best" producer and that it's up to personal opinion. I also understand that buying from an excellent producer isn't a guaranteed ticket to win anything, but just one piece of the puzzle. So, with that being said, who is a producer who, in your opinion, most consistently produces grand champions at major livestock shows?


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
the question probably is better framed is who are reliable people who can find animals in your price range that will make you competitive in the show you are interested in.

asking out of the box who produces calves for the top shows there is if you are "new to this whole thing" is probably a little unrealistic.

that way you won't be kicking tires for calves you can't afford or do justice with that someone with more experience can do.

there are probably far too many people with expensive calves and insufficient experience and resources that get frustrated because of the money spent on the calf thinking that that has the enough impact to make up for the same effort in other areas.


Well-known member
Mar 22, 2010
Centerburg, Ohio
In my opinion Quinton Keernan has about as competitive a group of calves in moderate price ranges as anyone I know. He’s in western Ohio. Durbin Cattle Co I believe is the farm name.

Justin Olson in Illinois would also be an excellent source to make friends with. His cattle are top notch. 

Will Lane on here has some good ones and seems like a great person to do business with.

Braden House in Texas another good guy to meet.

I’d suggest learning from folks like this as much as possible.



Well-known member
May 5, 2019
I think some good breeders who are definitely at the top are prob: rogers livestock, Competitive edge genetics, goretska show steers. there are a lot of other breeders that have really good ones. But i just find these ones to always have something real good. but everyone has a different opinion. maybe some more experienced steer planeters could pitch in  (lol) goodluck <beer>


Well-known member
Apr 8, 2013
Brownwood, TX
let me rephrase depends what part of country and what time of yr your fair or end point is... several breeders have calves yr round but a most breed for certain times of yr. 


Well-known member
Jul 24, 2007
If your looking for a good one, don't mind paying for it and are going to put the work in (biggest factor) Blaine Rodgers, Rodgers Livestock will be able to mach you up with one.
I think Dave Guyer's Daughter has been dragging one around this year and doing very well, along with a host of other calves that have been well. Blaine has some awesome cows that produce time after time.


Well-known member
Jul 22, 2012
jconner2088 said:
Depends what part of country your in...
I think you are absolutely right.  Find someone near you that you can trust and learn from.  The good breeders always offer extra service after the sale, if they just load them and that is the last time you have any contact with them, they probably won't have the repeat business.  We have had very good luck with purchases from Winegardner, Jones Show Cattle and from Schroeder's, all fairly close to us and we know that we can call or text any time.  They can also find the good ones and/or have them available.


Well-known member
Mar 5, 2007
Remember there is a huge difference between a producer and a trader depending on what you want to do and what your budget is if you want/need someone to sort through the calves that are out there being raised by many producers go to a trader / dealer. If you have an eye or know someone that you trust and want to try to save a little coin, find some local producers to guide you.
  Sydney if you would include your local in your profile users could point you to good producers in your home area and depending on where you are from, different areas like somewhat different types of calves especially haired verses slick calves.


Well-known member
Jun 21, 2012
CAB said:
Remember there is a huge difference between a producer and a trader depending on what you want to do and what your budget is if you want/need someone to sort through the calves that are out there being raised by many producers go to a trader / dealer. If you have an eye or know someone that you trust and want to try to save a little coin, find some local producers to guide you.
  Sydney if you would include your local in your profile users could point you to good producers in your home area and depending on where you are from, different areas like somewhat different types of calves especially haired verses slick calves.

Ya, Producer vs Trader makes this question complex.  There really aren't very many producers that do huge volumes.  Reimann/Doris, Stoltz, Wade Rodgers, Blaine Rodgers, Eckloff, and maybe a few more.  It takes a huge number of cows to produce a volume of show steers (not steers that are shown, SHOW STEERS). 

Where is SouthWest.....Colorado, Arizona, New Mexico, California...find someone local to you and let them do the leg work.