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  1. T

    Need a steer 700-900 pounds

    Like the topic says I need a steer 800-900 pounds. Steer would be for a county fair in South Florida. just needs to be a good fat steer nothing super special. If you have anythingor know of anyone who would  please pm me and I will get back with you asap, weigh in is in a month and would like to...
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    Weaver Livestock Products

    If you look in the daily hair care part it says its 1:4 ratio pro charge to sheen. That's it then maybe once a week you can use the aerosol whenever the hair needs it. The good thing about the concentrate is that its basically like a liquid revive but not as heavy on the hair. That 1:4 ratio...
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    ft worth sale on RFD

    185,000 for grand and 125,000 for reserve. That is actually very dissapointing. It a low for quite sometime I heard. last years grand sold for 205,000 and that was a low as well. they expected it to go up to atleast 225,000 this year and I believe it would have if this s torm wouldnt have hit...
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    PETA They are one class act

    anyone ever look up thr dictionary definition of Vegetarian? I think its.... Vegetarian (Veg-ah-tary-an) Noun - An agriculture term used for someone that cannot hunt or fish.
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    Supplement Help

    as far as fat goes i would be cooking corn and barley asap. that should do the trick. feed about 3 pounds morning and night if they need alot I would do 2 ibs corn 1 ibs barley otherwise just keep it at 1.5 ibs a piece. Muscle you can get a number of supplments from sullivans but make sure they...
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    In Ft Worth if anyone needs help

    Hey guys just seeing if anyone needs help on showday at ft worth. I'll be there from the 25th thru the 5th. I have posted pictures on here before of my clipping and fitting abilities. $25 a leg
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    Big Time Heatwave Steer For Sale! Perfect for Royal!!

    Make an offer guys/gals the worst I can say is no!
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    Big Time Heatwave Steer For Sale! Perfect for Royal!!

    Have a April Heatwave Steer For Sale. PRICE 6000 OBO Please Call if interested. I'm on the road and don't have time to check my pms constantly. Thank you. 386-453-5110
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    Opinions on Steer!

    Yeah he tried to jump a fence earlier and hurt his legs but we got that worked out and he's walking pretty good now. I guess its just the angle of the picture but I think he has plenty of depth. I'll upload another picture today and another one I just sold
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    Opinions on Steer!

    Lol my bad karlton, I'll edit that
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    Opinions on Steer!

    he weighgs 1205 right now
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    Opinions on Steer!

    I sold this steer last year for a friend of mine out of Nebraska, he is on the boards here and I just fot done clipping him out for the Family I sold it to and figured I'd get some opinions on him. I'd like to know how competitive you think he could be and at what level. Thanks He's a Chill...
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    Pumping/Airing of Showsteers-Any way to control this?

    I dont want to really get into the middle of this but I just couldn't help but look at it in this way. Yes, your technically cosmetically altering your calve and changing its appearance to win. But look at it this way. Women who compete in pageants "fit" themselves up and even get "cosmetically"...
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    For Hire, Fort Worth!!!!

    Hey guys just bumping this post up, trying to get some work at Ft. Worth now or get some new families to work with. My usual family I go with to all the majors is having some medical issues and can not attend any this year so I'm jobless  ??? let me know if anyone needs an extra hand!
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    Monopoly Clones

    Neither one is actually to the T just like monopoly. Its been proven that the embrotic sack that the calf is in some genetics from the cow its in. Even though there clones there embryo has to be put in a surrogate cow therefore there is a slight difference in each clone and the original...
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    What to breed Meyer heifers to

    Northern Improvement would be a good choice imo, If I were you I would maybe take a chance and breed one to silverais style. I saw him in person last year and in my mind people need to get on board. He's got style, bone, guts and what every angus needs a hip and a**  (lol) (excuse my french)...
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    Fitting a heifer need to make her more feminine

    get that shoulder down as tight as possible but leave a little hair to blend that line out. That really the only thing you can do. even when fitting you don't put glue in there shoulder. I would use a coarse blade that oster makes and peel all the hair back to about halfway down her kneck to...
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    Mini Aussies For Sale

    Got any Video???  (lol) just messing with you. I would love to have one of these guys but being a college student 550 is alot to spend. Had a full size aussie get kicked last year and die. there great dogs. Good luck getting these guys a home.
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    Monopoly Clones

    I don't think theres anything wrong with clones, I mean obviously you look at what heatwave has accomplished and all of the national, state and county levels his calves have dominated and the promotion al sires he has produced. Monopoly imo is better than heatwave he can really soften up and...