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  1. S

    Breeding suggestion

    I definitely agree that she is a bit tighter made, I am against Angus because her full sister had an Angus calf this year and it didn't click very well (no growth). She is also a very moderate heifer. I would definitely like to square her up a bit. She is not registered because all of her dams...
  2. S

    Breeding suggestion

    I am looking to breed this heifer in the next couple months. I am open to any breed except Angus. I was thinking along the line of a Dream On son but give me your opinions. She is a Limousin (7/8) Cross Shorthorn (1/8).
  3. S

    What to breed to

    We bought a small herd package of commercial Gelbveih/Red Angus cows and they are really good mothers. The Gelbveih are VERY protective when they calve for the first couple days. We breed them to a Limousin bull and have had good luck producing feedlot cattle. The person buying the calves love...
  4. S

    Calves that refuse to eat

    We have never had this problem before, we always have good luck getting them to start on grain at a couple weeks old. This gorup just seems to be more stubborn. It is a pellet/baked corn feed with lots of molasses on it, it smells so good that I would almost eat it! I have tried separating...
  5. S

    Calves that refuse to eat

    We have a pen of 3 heifer calves being usd as 4-H heifers this summer. The first show is the beginning of July. The calves were born the first week of January of this year. They get tied every afternoon (3:30 pm) and untied each night (8:00 pm), we leave them with 18% calf starter for that...
  6. S

    Limousin January Heifer

    In the past I have started my show heifers on beet pulp in the middle of May or so. What can I do to help her drop in the flank a bit, as in my opinion, she pulls up at her flank?
  7. S

    Limousin January Heifer

    She is sired by SL Bullet Proof and out of an Anchor B the Smooze first calf heifer. She is bred back to calve at 23 months. ] What do you recommend to give her a little more rib capacity? Keeping in mind our first show is in July.
  8. S

    Limousin January Heifer

    This is my first post here....I have been looking at this forum for a number of years and decided to get opinions on this heifer. She will be my 4H heifer this summer.