2012 bulls

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Well-known member
Nov 29, 2008
WB ShowCattle said:
GoWyo said:
Ohio1 said:
AsburyCC said:
Wouldn't be opposed to the deadliest catch that wade has dude takes a mean pic would like to see him in person also would like too see two tone has anybody either?
I have seen a cell phone video of two tone and he seemed to be the real deal

Two Tone looks like a dwarfy little pud -- is that what beef cattle are supposed to look like?
gowyo i feel that people say this all the time no two tone doesnt look like what "beef cattle" are supposed to look like because he is a club calf bull. beef animals are bred for there maternal qualities such as growth, milk, feed efficiency, and lbs of finished product... club calves are bred for terminal qualities such as heavy muscle, less marbling, less milk, more hair, more bone, and a  freaky front...

I understand the difference, but Two Tone seems to take it to the extreme.  His head shape even looks like a dwarf.  Maybe he will throw winners and maybe I would even use him in a year or two, but at this point I will take a wait and see approach.  Knock yourselves out.