Yep HerefordGuy is right!
If your Angus doesn't have any EPDs ---testing with 50K will give them CED, BW, WW, YW, YH, MW, MH, DMI, RFI, SC, Doc, HP, CEM, Milk, CW, Fat, RE, Mar, Tenderness EPDs that are enhanced to a .35 accuracy instead of a .05 accuracy.
HD 50K marker information provides the equivalent of EPDs that include: equivalent EPDS of
-30 progeny with ultrasound scan records
-20 progeny with calving ease, weaning and yearling weight records
-10 daughters with production records fro maternal traits.
Its definitely the way to go if your calves' parents have no EPDs, is from a flush and has no EPDs, or have no contemporaries.