A Country founded by geniuses but run by idiots!! N/C

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Well-known member
Aug 29, 2010
mark tenenbaum said:
Sorry -but Barbara Bachman easily outshines Nancy Pelosi as idiot of the year-if not the century-she just got four pinnochios from the Washington Post for outright fabrications,made against the President and everyone else. Even the Blasta from Alaska hasnt continually said things that STOOOOPID-I know there are smart republicans too-but having people like these speak for you doesnt bode well for your image or public sentiment for having any kind of competence. (lol) (pop) O0

(lol)    (lol)    (lol)    (lol)

You seem like you really care for honesty.  Glad to hear that.  Surely you bothered by the following big woppers by the Dear Leader, I just threw in a few of the latest and big ones.  An entire list would take WAY too long........ 

So did Obama say he didn't propose the sequester cuts?  “The sequester is not something that I’ve proposed. It is something that Congress has proposed.”  And then when he was busted by the Washington Post- did the Whitehorse make threatening remarks to the reporter?   

And while we are on the sequester, did Obama not say that it would affect teachers, and police officers, and fire fighters pay?  How can that be when they are employed at the state level?  Yep, he's surely a saint.  http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/fact-checker/post/sequester-spin-obamas-incorrect-claim-of-capitol-janitors-receiving-a-pay-cut/2013/03/01/3407535c-82a9-11e2-b99e-6baf4ebe42df_blog.html

“Planned Parenthood provides mammograms”
Spero News

“We got back every dime we used to rescue the financial system”

Benghazi violence was caused by an internet video & demonstrations
State Department      American Crossroads: "Act of Terror"
But of course, "What difference at this point does it make?"  Hillary  (angel)

Because of Obamacare, “over the last two years, health care premiums have gone up — it’s true — but they’ve gone up slower than any time in the last 50 years.”

“I think it’s important for us to understand that the Fast and Furious program was a field-initiated program begun under the previous administration”

My budget will cut the deficit by $4 Trillion over 10 years.

The American automobile industry has come roaring back…So now I want to say what we did with the auto industry, we can do it in manufacturing across America. Let’s make sure advanced, high-tech manufacturing jobs take root here, not in China. And that means supporting investment here. Governor Romney … invested in companies that were called ‘pioneers’ of outsourcing. I don’t want to outsource. I want to insource.
Forbes- Outsourcer-In-Chief: Obama Of General Motors

What about GITMO? 

Do you want to defend his claim that he has increased drilling on Federal land? 

“All of the increase (in oil and natural gas production) from FY2007 to FY2012 took place on non-federal lands, and the federal share of total U.S. crude oil production fell by about seven percentage points,” writes Marc Humphries, the government specialist in energy policy who authored the report.

During this period, oil production on federal land fell from nearly 1.7 million barrels a day to 1.6 million. At the same time, the share of overall production on federal lands shriveled from 33% to 26%.

The story is similar with gas. Production on federal land decreased from 5.5 trillion cubic feet to 3.7 trillion cubic feet. The federal share collapsed from 27.8% to 15.5% of the total. In the case of gas, both onshore and offshore output on federal land have fallen, with offshore tumbling 50%.

Do you really want to try to defend his claim for transparency???  ;)   

Keep buying into this: Familiar Rhetoric, Failed Record  good stuff right there. 

Oh forgot, there is also this little issue...  http://www.examiner.com/article/a-perfect-storm-of-errors-obama-s-supreme-court-birth-certificate-hearing-pends  but hey, surely it all just a bunch of bs.  Completely baseless law suits are sent to the Supreme Court all the time. 

If you think Bachmann outshines Pelosi, you really should get checked out.  Tell you what, lets drop the biggest loser and lier and just talk about senators for the moment, you bring the lies Bachmann has made and I'll do a little research.  What do you say?    (thumbsup)  (pop)



Well-known member
Aug 29, 2010
mark tenenbaum said:
Gargan-weve been outdun by them rugbeeters-I just read the Taliban is holding off the high tech forces of the world with low tech weapons-aint nobody watched moonshiners lately?-We need to gather up a group of suicidle hillbillys and be like the flying Elvises on Leaving Las Vegas-they just wont have parachutes and will have low level nukes in thier capes when they jump out of the airplane over Kabul- The similarity between rugbeeters and hillbillys cant be denied-they both disappear into the wilderness,as rugbeeters love thier camels,hillbillys love thier farm animals,not many of either have indoor plumbing,and not many of either have telephones so communications are hard to track,and in both worlds-everybody is related:and in the last 20 or so years-both groups have supplemented thier incomes raising herbs,of sorts.Im sure there are revenuers who equate certain hillbillys with the Taliban:and Im sure for the right amonut of money-mountain people would turn in a weapon or two-and swear on a bible they didnt have no more lol O0

It is good to know that none of the good old boy hillbillies were ever harassed by the Feds.  I guess I miss understood that premises have been searched, peopled jailed or even killed over something as silly as making it illegal to brew a few spirits without a license.  Surely the Feds couldn't act aggressively toward hillbillies??    Funny stuff right there.....

I'm sure you keep your still in the front yard right?    ;)


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2007
NW Arkansas
knabe said:
al qaeda and the taliban seem quite adept at holding off much superior forces with pennies on the dollar with mostly minimal low tech weapons for decades.
Not to take sides with our "enemies", but, you're absolutely right. The desire to defend their beliefs and uncommon valor goes a long way, that's why Afghanistan ran the Soviet tanks out.



Well-known member
Feb 12, 2007
The Afgan's tenacity and "no quit" allowed them to hang on against the Soviets till we decided to give them stinger missiles that allowed them to take out the helicopter gunships which were the Soviets real weapon in mountainous terrain.  Tanks are no good in that kind of country or in urban areas. 

Heaven forbid we ever do have that situation here that so many of you worry about, but if we do  hillbilly's best friend will be homeade bombs or molotov cocktails just like in they use on us in the middle east, not .223s.  And you'll still get to use just one before you get splattered.  But, the Govt might eventually get tired of having to mess with you though.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
obama's own words seem to confirm the concern.

“We cannot continue to rely only on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives that we’ve set. We’ve gotta (sic) have a civilian national security force that’s just as powerful, just as strong, just as well funded [as the United States military]”–Candidate Barack Obama, 2008.

perhaps the lapdog press should ask for clarification on that statement.  the other thing that is annoying is that president after president is hell bent on their version of a domestic peace corps.

mark tenenbaum

Well-known member
Mar 23, 2009
Virginia Sometimes Iowa and Kansas
Why I never made fun of Obama-I believe every thing all politcians say-thats why I was just horrified by the fun-making article about wutsit-stating the that the tax payers were paying a projectionist $100000 per year to show videos on airforce 1 to the Obama family,along with an executive chef-and there were 4 other things just as OUTLANDISH-heavens I just cant remember. I dont have time to do the huge amount of research it would take to go find the article-but I do remember 4 pinnochios for her. LOL. As far as revenuers -theyre still around-except now they have the gall to do fly overs in helicopters looking for poor country boys growing pot in deep mine shafts across Appalacia-even the rugbeeters have a right to openly grow poppies and in some cases Hasish base.I dont think there will be a hillbilly war against a well armed US military-they aint got as many teeth,but got more sense than that.Rather than disect the sequester etc and who struck John and who put it out there as (initially) a stopgap to be put off for years-being the astute reseasrcher that you are-I think it would benefit everyone if you listed WHAT BOTH SIDES ARE SAYING-they are BOTH RESPONSIBLE-and pointing fingers with at least as much hypocracy on BOTH SIDES.We went from the largest lender in the World-to the largest debtorfrom the time Busch took office to the time of Obamas imitial innauguration-explain that in a couple sentances-And mortgages did notas a single factor,bring down the US Economy. All kidding aside-when a person has no food-or cannot feed and or provide for thier family-THEN (JMO OF COURSE) anarchy could be emminent.YEA YEA-we see the comments where Obama wanted to re-build crumbling infrastructure like the New Deal-when people were starving-and programs like that helped-including some of my illilerate relatives. HOWEVER-he cant get the money for that or alot of other things that he thinks might help,yatta yatta-He isnt lying about anything there-we had a long discourse about the 9-11 deal allready-mishandled-but juvenile to think Obama was in conspiracy-to what end?? He really doesnt want to get out of the Middle East-nor does his most of the time republican supporter-John McCain-and on and on.Alot of things alot of politicians say are in self interest and in conflict over time -the statements wutsit made were just plain ludicrous;all that aside my initial comments concerned Bachmann versus Fienstien and had nothing to do with Obama or any number of changes of heart expressed by his recent compettior for the presidency-especially about how "we are going to take care of the elderly and the sick" it doesnt take alot of reasearch to see the platform he and his running mate are espousing-and trying to push through-they are politicians-ALL OF THEM-sorry-Im not a follower and believer-and go with what I think has a general chance of working. O0


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
"fathom the hypocrisy of a government that requires every citizen to prove they are insured..... but not everyone must prove they are a citizen."

"and now, any of those who refuse, or are unable to prove they are citizens will receive free insurance paid for by those who are forced to buy insurance because they are citizens."

ben stein

mark tenenbaum

Well-known member
Mar 23, 2009
Virginia Sometimes Iowa and Kansas
knabe said:
"fathom the hypocrisy of a government that requires every citizen to prove they are insured..... but not everyone must prove they are a citizen."

"and now, any of those who refuse, or are unable to prove they are citizens will receive free insurance paid for by those who are forced to buy insurance because they are citizens."/// Show me where iilegals are guaranteed free health benefits-plus-with the new budget-many of those who paid for insurance and social security all those years may not get anything-I would venture a guess that come the midterms-alot of "let them eat cake" bragadocios are gonna "have a change of heart and or direction",or get voted out LOL. "ITS not medicare,its medicaid,or is it the other way around? And which one did a former president bring into the forum without a budget? O0

ben stein


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA

Plenty of other scenarios, especially at the state level where illegals must receive health care without paying for it.

They are also entitled to schooling.

There probably wouldnt be so much resistance to illegals if they would pay their bills.

One way they could do this is comply with occupany restrictions and pay more property tax through rent or outright ownership.

Perhaps the dnsity restrictions are just racist.

For instance there are 3 families on my road who have people living in barns.


Well-known member
May 5, 2010
Western Colorado
knabe said:

Plenty of other scenarios, especially at the state level where illegals must receive health care without paying for it.

They are also entitled to schooling.

There probably wouldnt be so much resistance to illegals if they would pay their bills.

One way they could do this is comply with occupany restrictions and pay more property tax through rent or outright ownership.

Perhaps the dnsity restrictions are just racist.

For instance there are 3 families on my road who have people living in barns.

What gets me about the illegals is they come here for a job, bring their family get free health care, free school breakfast and lunch, reduced tuition for college, no drivers license, no car insurance, 15 or 20 people in a 2 bedroom house, free diapers and formula for their babies and of course welfare and they drive a freggin Cadillac Escalade! Just how does that work? I'm not against helping people that need help but this is blatant abuse of the system, and to boot they are in the liquor store buying booze with food stamps! The system is just way to flawed and both sides are to blame, but the things that have happened the last 20 years just keep getting more and more ridiculous. Clinton started a lot of this mess, Bush made it worse with his own spin on things and now what we have is a tanker load of crap!


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
Really the bulk of it started with Roosevelt Wilson Roosevelt Johnson Nixon carter Reagan bush Clinton bush Obama.

No one has the answer to frame the debate that voting yourselves other people's fruits of their labor is a bad idea.

So it will keep going.

At some point you could easily argue it started with slavery. It was wrong then and its wrong now.

Hamilton probably made half or more of the country mad trying to pay for the war.

Freedom has a price.  On the other hand one could say the illegals are paying the price.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
yup  forgot him.

add in his dad, and the three brothers.

with the government replacing the male as a provider, the family unit will cease to exit and may be even outlawed.

you can bet progressives have that on their agenda.


Well-known member
May 5, 2010
Western Colorado
I read an article a couple of years ago that stated the Christian family or family of any other religion would become obsolete in the future because we don't have large enough families, I think in america the average family is like 2.3 children and to self sustain it needs to be around 4 children, where as the Muslim families have like 6 children per family unit. The statistics were much worse in the UK and European countries. So I guess it doesn't make much difference what we are trying to protect they are going to take it over anyhow!!!


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
It might have been mohammed who said our greatest weapon is the womb

To be honest, lots of dictators either said it to or at least practiced.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
If we should ban guns, we should ban cigarettes.

They kill far more people than guns do.

Perhaps they are tools for a soft war economically by straining our enemies health care industry and thus their economic output.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA

The basis for a felony is getting lower and more numerous by the day.

Who has the right to commit domeone to a mental hospital?

Watch out, it's starting to get slippery.

Grounds for a felony used to be so high they had a special case called grand theft auto for auto thefts where the value of the vehicle was less than the cutoff for a felony.

It's getting easier and easier for the government to take your rights away,yet they still won't fire government employees delinquent on their taxes.

mark tenenbaum

Well-known member
Mar 23, 2009
Virginia Sometimes Iowa and Kansas
knabe said:
If we should ban guns, we should ban cigarettes.

They kill far more people than guns do.

Perhaps they are tools for a soft war economically by straining our enemies health care industry and thus their economic output. /// Interesting twist on getting rid of the enemy-its alot easier just to make fun of them and watch them kill each other-Drugs like heroin and opium have en-slaved people for centuries-the only thing valuable at all in Afghanistan (other than old camel trails and a few boarder to boarder roads) is the fact that it is basically the motherlode of all poppy producung opiate nations-and has been the "graveyard of empires" since history has been kept-DO I SEE A pattern here?-In terms of controlling the huddled masses-to bad crack got invented lol.Niether ciggarettes or guns are banned-moot point -other than certain areas one smokes-certain types of guns and people allowed to use them O0

mark tenenbaum

Well-known member
Mar 23, 2009
Virginia Sometimes Iowa and Kansas
knabe said:

The basis for a felony is getting lower and more numerous by the day.

Who has the right to commit domeone to a mental hospital?

Watch out, it's starting to get slippery.

Grounds for a felony used to be so high they had a special case called grand theft auto for auto thefts where the value of the vehicle was less than the cutoff for a felony. /// Yup-the population of poorer people grows exponentially every minute-and with that comes more crime and no place to put them-Once on 60 minutes or something they did a piece on Texas jails-releasing some pretty bad people because there was no place to put them Criminals are actually being encouraged-to a point-or growing up and conditioned to go to the hotel-which is part of thier culture now-and a focal point for thier education-and alliances wid de bad doggs. O0

It's getting easier and easier for the government to take your rights away,yet they still won't fire government employees delinquent on their taxes. /// I hate to say it-but I do not think anyone can be fired for tax deliquincy unless it directly affects the assets of the employer-RE-Liens upon its income or assets-moral judgements dont countYea they can be fired,but there may be cause for wrongfull termination..In  O0


Well-known member
Aug 29, 2010
mark tenenbaum said:
Rather than disect the sequester etc and who struck John and who put it out there as (initially) a stopgap to be put off for years-being the astute reseasrcher that you are-I think it would benefit everyone if you listed WHAT BOTH SIDES ARE SAYING-they are BOTH RESPONSIBLE-and pointing fingers with at least as much hypocracy on BOTH SIDES.We went from the largest lender in the World-to the largest debtorfrom the time Busch took office to the time of Obamas imitial innauguration-explain that in a couple sentances-And mortgages did notas a single factor,bring down the US Economy.

Actually, pointing out the sequester only becomes important when the head man in charge starts trying to blame someone for his, and his alone own administration's doing and then tries to tell America how not spending MORE unnecessary money is going to be horribly bad.  

Yes there are individuals that "claim" to be conservatives that will vote for any spending possible.  Most come from places like New York.  They need to be help accountable and voted out- yes.  I don't go along with the, "they all do it" band wagon and so it is okay.  It is not.  And if you look at numbers, one party seems to be worse.  The other needs culled.   

The housing bubble was and still is a very big issue.  You can't create a financial system on a house of cards.  You can't force banks to loan money to be people who are not credible with no security.  Many people predicted the fall before it happened, and Bush's administration was latter on worried about it.  But they also in the beginning had thought that home ownership would turn directionless people into responsible citizens  Housing is a huge part of the economy, but no it isn't all the economy.  It should have hurt and then went away like a bad dream.  The problem, is that we try to fix it.  And fixing it is where we hurt ourselves more.  Bush messed up by advocating congressional spending for TARP.  That was a failure and should have never happened, and is not forgivable to me.  And neither is what has been going on the last 4 years of spending like a mad man trying to reduce the debt????  Taxing the job producers and trying to create jobs????    But speaking of financial down turn, what happened half way through Bush's last term.  If you look at the debt of the US, there is an important finding there.  It isn't the President that originates authorizing the spending, it is Congress.  So when we have a debt problem, it is primarily a Congress problem.  And when you look at the debt that was added under Bush and who had control of Congress, and who maintained that into Obama.... the Democrats.  Is it only their problem, no.  I want many out.  But to not hold them accountable for the crazy spending while in control is ridiculous.  Who is running the Senate that hasn't passed a Budget in how many years?  That is crazy.  There is no excuse.
