Oh, I hate to think of the grief that getting involved in this is going to cause me, BUT
I have had it with the name calling and bullying that is going on in this thread. The Truth, if you don't like the other poster's ways of life, cattle production, selection, ect. then you are entitled to your opinion. By everyone else isn't. There are probaly many folks who don't agree with your operation. I know that I don't agree with my neighbor's operation, but I don't tell him this, I'm not rude to him, and I don't tell him how he is a corrupt and bad person for doing business the way he chooses. Stating that you prefer the less show orientated cattle is not a big deal in most cases, if said in a nice "this is my opinion" manner, but choosing to flat out dog the people on STEERPLANET (an oviosly show oriented sie) about having show cattle, it's just looking for a fight. Showing cattle provides an excellent way for families to bond and for people to get off the couch. Many club calf producers see the need for young people and adults alike to have a show animal. They produce the cattle that give 4Hers the opportunity to have the Grand Cahmpion Steer or Heifer.If we are out at a calf show, then that helps keep some kids that would other wise have nothing else to do from making bad choices. Good club cattle are just as good as any animal. it all depends on what you are looking for. In general, any breed's animals who win in the shows are the wide based, bold sprung, stouter and more complete animals. I've heard countless judges place an animal down for structural integrity, so the champion cattle are not always cripples. In my opinion, Its hard to beat a good simmy cow for mothering abilitys, but I prefer that she also have the quality to produce calves who will compete in the showring and make attractive real world bulls for my customers. if someone wants to do this idea with maines, shorthorn, chi, angus, herefords, limo, char, gelveigh, or commercial cattle, they should be praised rather than tormented for "ruining a breed".
No one on this forum either for club calf production or against should be allowed to curse, name call, or bully no matter if YOU are right or not. Lets all be a little more considerate of others feelings before we call each other rednecks, hillbillies, or Bin Laden supporters, and remember that if we like it or not, each and every one of us posts on this forum for a love of producing CATTLE.Period. We all have our quirks, no one is perfect, but leave people to their business decisions for whatever reasons they have. They must have found something that works for them, and everyone wants to find their niche in cattle production.
Please noone hound on me for this. I really don't want to be downed. This is just my opinion stated in as kind and straightforward of a way as 16 year old me knows how.