A couple of updated pics from Oakbar

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Well-known member
Jan 20, 2008
North Central Iowa
We snapped some pictures of the Vortec heifer on Sunday--we're not very good photographers.  Also a picture of Sonic after winning his class at the Iowa State Fair.


  • Fancy 8-24-08  #6.JPG
    Fancy 8-24-08 #6.JPG
    72.2 KB · Views: 543
  • Oakbar Sonic at ISF 08.JPG
    Oakbar Sonic at ISF 08.JPG
    81.7 KB · Views: 558


Well-known member
Apr 19, 2007
I like the both of them, especially the heifer. I think she has TONS of potential stowed away for later on down the road. She should make you very happy as a show heifer and ultimately accomplish the main goal and make you a super momma cow. It has probably been mentioned before, but what are the specifics on these calves? DOB, pedigree, etc. Also are you planning to keep the heifer and show her or is she being sold?


Well-known member
May 26, 2007
Saskatchewan Canada
both calves look excellent. What is the pedigree and stats on the bull calf ( Sonic). He looks like he has good potential.He appears to be very straight in his lines, is clean made and it also appears that he has adequate muscle for his age. by the way, the pictures look fine. Better than average in fact.


Well-known member
Jan 20, 2008
North Central Iowa
Hey Showman Q,

Thanks for the positive comments.   I agree with you, I think "Fancy" has a lot of potential and frankly "Sonic" (the bull calf) looks small in this picture although he weighed 580 pounds at 5 months and is out of a first calf heifer.   The details are that they were both born on March 1st---actually I had just weighed the bull calf when I looked at the Myrtle Bo cow and her calf had already started the birth process.   They've pretty much been side by side ever since.    

The heifer's registered name is Oakbar Myrtle Bo VT 3U and she is out of JM Vortec and our Myrtle Bo donor cow.   She weighed 80 pounds at birth.  

"Sonic" is an ArSuLu Tonic and is the first calf out of my daughter's Sonny X Charmer show heifer from last year.  He weighed 90 pounds and  his registered name is Oakbar Sonic.

These are just two of the calves we have on our private treaty sale that ends Sept. 14th.   We have six full sib embryos to "Fancy" for sale  a Sonny X Myrtle Bo bull calf ( maternal sib to" Fancy"), an excellent Who Made Who heifer who's already been Reserve Champion at the Battle on the Border show, a Who Made Who steer out of our Pretender daughter, and a really neat, wild colored black and white heifer out of our Calberta Paydirt cow and our bull, KC Chiefs Pride.    If you're looking for something a little younger, we have a May heifer out of our Vegas show heifer and our bull that will be really good in a few more weeks.   We started with 13 calves this spring and we have two calf champions and the cow/calf champion from our local fair, a reserve champion heifer from the Battle on the Border prospect show, a class winner at the Iowa State Fair, and a calf that we sold early this summer that has already won an overall title at another prospect show.   I guess you'd say we're pretty happy with the quality of the crop.   All the calves are for sale until Sept. 14th.  

Come take a look if you can and keep an eye on our website as we'll be posting more pictures in the next 3-4 days.

Sorry this got so long,  I intended to PM you but I guess I'll just post it rather than rewrite it.

Thanks again for the positive comments!!


Well-known member
Mar 2, 2008
I like them both Oakbar. 

Especially the heifer, who is also out of that fantastic Myrtle Bow cow of yours.  (thumbsup) (thumbsup)

You deserve two thumbs up for both animals. 




Well-known member
Jan 20, 2008
North Central Iowa
Thanks Shorthorn Junkie---its always good to hear from the great state of Georgia. 

Are you coming up for Schrag's sale this year?  I see, that now the Shorthorn Pride Sale has been moved up, that Schrag's, Vogel's, and Shorthorn Pride are all the same weekend.  Also the next weekend is the Cyclone Trace, Generations of Excellence, the Leggs sale, and Sullivan's.  Seven shorthorn sales in 9 days---I hope there's enough buyers for everyone.  We'll almost certainly be at Vogel's, Schrag's, and the CYT sale.  Probably a couple of others if I can make it!!

Let me know if you're going to be in the area and we'll try to get together.  That goes for any of the SP "family"!!