A little gun history

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Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
sawboss said:
My wife and I are both licensed concealed handgun carriers,

“I am not in favor of concealed weapons,” Obama said. “I think that creates a potential atmosphere where more innocent people could (get shot during) altercations.”

i'm pretty sure comparing thinking and the facts is off the table.  the facts pretty much show otherwise, that's why we can't use them.

i think therefore i am just never added up for me.

at some point, we will be sterilizing deer, perhaps adopting them and getting rid of slaughtering them for meat, similar to other horse rescue programs that were successful.

there's going to be a lot of paranoid lambs with all the lions around some day.


Well-known member
Feb 12, 2007
Prices down here aren't because we don't have deer - I suspect we have more per acre than yall do up there because we have more cover.  It's just because there is such a demand for hunting.  Instead of letting some people hunt cheap or for free, serious "managers" get permits from our state wildlife agency to go in and "cull" the herd by shooting about 80% of them and leaving them where they fall - especially on high-fenced ranches. 


Well-known member
Feb 13, 2008
chambero said:
Prices down here aren't because we don't have deer - I suspect we have more per acre than yall do up there because we have more cover.  It's just because there is such a demand for hunting.  Instead of letting some people hunt cheap or for free, serious "managers" get permits from our state wildlife agency to go in and "cull" the herd by shooting about 80% of them and leaving them where they fall - especially on high-fenced ranches. 
I may be wrong, but I doubt you have more deer down there than there is in Iowa.  Drive on I-80 from Omaha to Des Moines sometime during rut and count how many dead deer you see.  It is ridiculous.  The coyotes actually hang out in the interstate right-of-way because of all the deer hit on the road.


Well-known member
May 31, 2007
Nacogdoches, TX
In Texas there are basically two types of hunters.  Those that hunt because it has been a family tradition, enjoy the fellowship with family and friends in hope of killing a respectable buck.  The other is the financially loaded trophy hunter that cares nothing more than a Boone and Crockett score.  Price means nothing to this guy and it is all about ego, just as with the people that will drop $40,000 on a show steer to win Fort Worth.  Our game laws our steered towards allowing the big ranches do as they please, kill offs, extended seasons and bonus tags.  All of this is funded from the little man that buys the license to hunt on his own property, and then told he can not shoot a certain buck because it does not meet their criteria for being large enough.  The city weekend warriors do not blink an eye at spending $5000 to $20,000 to shoot a deer in a "managed pen".  Our particular region has the criteria that if it is not 13" inside antler spread it is illegal to shoot.  It is pretty tough to run down there and measure the spread and get back to the stand to shoot them before they run off.  Yes I am being very sarcastic, because this is a sore spot with me.  I am of the mind set that whether I own 20 acres or 200,000 acres we should go buy the same laws.  Off of my soapbox and back to work.

Davis Shorthorns

Well-known member
Feb 8, 2008
I live here in Kansas.  I have been hunting all of my life, and hate having to pay to hunt.  But when one of my neighbors is getting paid $6500 for a 4 day hunt per person and 4 people come out that is pretty hard not to think about.  I personally have been offered a good amount of money to lease my land to hunt, but have always turned them down. 


Well-known member
Feb 12, 2007
Davis Shorthorns said:
I live here in Kansas.  I have been hunting all of my life, and hate having to pay to hunt.  But when one of my neighbors is getting paid $6500 for a 4 day hunt per person and 4 people come out that is pretty hard not to think about.  I personally have been offered a good amount of money to lease my land to hunt, but have always turned them down. 

On an individual level, you'd be crazy to let people hunt for free when you can get that kind of money; however, I worry what its going to do to the sport overall in 20-30 years when actual numbers of people that consider themselves hunters decrease dramatically relative to the overall population.


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2007
south webster ohio
red said:
wow! our deer are fat corn/bean fed beast! you see at least 1 a day driving. Herds of 15 along the side of the road. I bet zach has it even worse.

Wild turkeys making a comeback too. Lots of set aside ground here.


actually... after years of some poaching and the blue tounge outbreak, its pretty rare to see one except at night, in my little town which is a whole valley, we used to have to swerve to miss them , now its a sight to see one, BUT go about 25 miles and at night you'll be lucky not to swerve 5 times lol, its that bad, maybe im just not seeing them, but there just not around anymore in my local area. Go outtta here and there everwhere, with all the corn and soybeans, they taste as good as fed beef IMO lol


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
i'm sure this buck will never get in the crockett or boone score. 


i think the second link, the deer got stolen once, and was recovered or something strange.

sold maine's
sold shorthorn's
sold lowline's

bought deer.


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2007
south webster ohio
lol yea, that deer aka goliath has semen for like 3k a straw its rediculous but people think messing with cattle is rediculous lol, what ever floats there boats


Well-known member
Mar 2, 2008
Thanks for posting this Doc!  (thumbsup)

I just copied, pasted, and sent this to several people.

I'm a firm believer in the 2nd Amendment. 


Active member
Feb 24, 2008
Western Colorado
I live in the San Juan Mountains in Colorado and hunting is a big part of the economy of our little town.  I agree with the op ion of hunting being a rich mans sport but we do lease our place out during deer and elk season.  On our 280 acers we currently have a herd  of 100 elk and another of about 50 that show up almost daily. Elk cause a tremendous amount of damage to fences and eat a lot of pasture.  Every spring we have to fix fence. When a herd of elk get spooked you can watch the first few jump the fence by the time the end of the herd gets to the fence they they are just running( the whole fence is one the ground) I have seen a metal post bent in half after a herd of elk has crossed. We figure the amount of money we get from hunting helps to offset the damage of the elk. The DOW will give you a few posts every couple of years to cover game damage - what a joke. They will also give you m-80's  the shot a the elk and deer - they will run about 100 yard and start grazing again ( or the elk will tear down the fence running away) We also have a lot  of deer on our property. About 10 year ago it was not uncommon to see 200 head of deer on our hay field, something happend and the deer population really dropped, the population seems to be on the rebound. We welcome are friends to come shoot cow elk  on private land tags once the regular season is over. We also have about 300 turkey on our place and always allow friend to hunt them. My husband and two boys are avid hunters and they sometimes wish they could hunt on are place - especially when a 350 bull gets killed.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
A little gun facts

The most common gun violence, by contrast, is drearily predictable and is the source on average of nearly ten thousand homicides a year. Such violence occurs overwhelmingly in certain locations of cities—over the past 30 years in Boston, for example, 75 percent of the city’s shootings occurred in 4.5% of its area, whereas 88.5 percent of the city’s street segments experienced not a single shooting. Urban shootings are retaliatory or the product of the most trivial of slights. They are committed by handguns, not assault rifles. Victims and perpetrators usually know each other, absent bullets going astray. Reforming the involuntary commitment laws and beefing up mental health services are largely irrelevant to these shootings, since though the shooters have serious problems with impulse control and are clearly a danger to themselves and others, few would be deemed mentally ill. And both victims and perpetrators are disproportionately minority, by huge margins. New York City is emblematic of the country’s gun violence. According to victims and witnesses, blacks commit 80% of all shootings in New York, though they are 23% of the city’s residents. Add Hispanics and you account for 98% of all shootings. Whites commit a little over 1% of shootings, though they are 35% of the city’s population. These disproportions pertain across the country.

Similar statistics like these are repeated across the country.
It’s just a shame that you risk being labeled a racist for pointing out the obvious.

Interrestingly, companies business plans rely heavily on impulse buying.



Well-known member
Jul 5, 2006
western kansas
60 years ago seemed like there were a lot more smaller farms. Every kid had a 22 rifle. Now there are few farms. You can't shhot off the front porch anymore. I think less people connect with guns as every year goes by.


Well-known member
May 5, 2010
Western Colorado
This was found on a Taco Bell door, I agree with the owners stance 100%.


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