as a former drug user/purchaser/seller, i can attest that the solution is incentive to be actively doing something. we eliminated the separation of child and adults with the 50's and 60's and perhaps no one even aspires to be an adult anymore as we knew them when we were kids, i only recently have begun to realize this for myself. the incentive to being involved in the economy should be greater than the disincentive to doing things you shouldn't be doing. i asked my brother's kid, who is 22 or something, how many models he made when he was a kid. my mouth dropped as he said, "one or two". we have basically taught our kids to be consumers rather than participators/creators. we buy our kids love with ipods. another example. my brother purchased a $400 dollar cell phone for his other kid. he had it maybe a month and broke it on a ski trip and did not feel one iota of guilt, not really knowing what $400 dollars was, but also fully knowing his dad would purchase another one. the problem is us adults and our refusal to accept our role in society, and act like it for that matter.
i had an great uncle who was a tail gunner who survived over 70 missions in WWII and was an alchoholic the rest of his life. i had another great uncle who committed suicide. my greatgrandmothers's first husband committed suicide after he divorced her with two kids. though these examples are not related to recent drug/addiction based models, i can attest personally that it is a great struggle. drugs are a strange receptor seeker. without a market, the dealers, who in most cases are excellent businessmen will find other areas to contribute to society. illegal activity loves a vaccum. Road Warrior, with your name, i am entrusting you with an evangelical responsibility to get parents and kids involved in anything that involves the involvement of hands and minds. don't think of payback, think of pay forward.
grammar and rules citation is one of my weakest areas, so yes, i would need a grammar expert.
KNabe - My entire point here is that it will take drastic measures to combat illegal drug use. Shut it down at the source, on the streets and schools that is the dealer. My theory being start at the bottom and work your way up. Short of a military strike against the drug cartells, I'm not sure what to do with them. IMHO the DEA has failed miserably mostly because their hands are tied by beurocratic B S. Drug dealers whether at the top or bottom of the net work have no rights to violate. Catch them, Prosecute them and make examples out of them. The county I live in is one of the largest meth producing counties in the state, very rural with limited or no drug enforcement. I ask you this question - If you and you're friend were dealing drugs, he gets caught and you don't. The next day I have a public hanging and let him swing . Wouldn't you at least think about changing carreers? If not I guess I'll see yoiu at the tree sooner or later.