Well-known member
Howdy folks!
After a long hiatus, I'm back! The operation has changed some in the last couple years. 2012 was just plain bad. We had dang little rain, 45 days straight of 100+ degree temps and lost over 2000 acres in a major fire. Made it through it though and after 30 days of rehab that fall, I came home better than ever! Lol. We thinned the herd in the spring of 2013 due to things still being extremely dry and sent a potload of registered pairs to JT Moreland Farms in Ohio. It began raining in June of 2013 and herd rebuilding began. We calved over 350 cows this year primarily in April, few in May. About 70 registered Shorthorn cows, 180 Angus and 100 commercial Angus and various crossbred cows. We have changed our breeding program to where only the very best purebred females get bred for purebred calves. Most of the Shorthorn cows are being mated to Leachman red Stabilizers and a few to Leachman Red Angus. Half the Angus cows are being bred Shorthorn and Black Stabilizer. And it just depends on breed composition as to what the crossbred cows get bred to. Generally, Stabilizer sired get bred Shorthorn, Shorthorn sired get Stabilizer or Angus and Angus sired gets Stabilizer or Shorthorn.
Here's a few calves:
After a long hiatus, I'm back! The operation has changed some in the last couple years. 2012 was just plain bad. We had dang little rain, 45 days straight of 100+ degree temps and lost over 2000 acres in a major fire. Made it through it though and after 30 days of rehab that fall, I came home better than ever! Lol. We thinned the herd in the spring of 2013 due to things still being extremely dry and sent a potload of registered pairs to JT Moreland Farms in Ohio. It began raining in June of 2013 and herd rebuilding began. We calved over 350 cows this year primarily in April, few in May. About 70 registered Shorthorn cows, 180 Angus and 100 commercial Angus and various crossbred cows. We have changed our breeding program to where only the very best purebred females get bred for purebred calves. Most of the Shorthorn cows are being mated to Leachman red Stabilizers and a few to Leachman Red Angus. Half the Angus cows are being bred Shorthorn and Black Stabilizer. And it just depends on breed composition as to what the crossbred cows get bred to. Generally, Stabilizer sired get bred Shorthorn, Shorthorn sired get Stabilizer or Angus and Angus sired gets Stabilizer or Shorthorn.
Here's a few calves: