You may wonder why I am going to go here, but I am. I graduated with a kid who was definitely NOT the smartest kid in the grade. He was a year older than us all, yet spent his entire school life with a teachers assistant, or in the special education class. He comes from a rather underprivileged farm family and happenned to be one of the kindest kids I grew up with. Once he graduated, he went straight to the oil rigs. He can barely make it past the lowest worker on the payscale, but he is the most determind S.O.B. around. This was BIIIGG money that he was making...and he was not used to that. Either way, he set out on a plan. He was going to be a rig manager, and owner. He started spending his earnings quickly. He bought a new truck, bought a few rigs, paid some bozo $10,000 for a fancy website, started designating himself as a manager, and other past coworkers as his various necessary employees. Problem is...this whole setup was bogus. None of these designated workers work for him. They have other jobs with other rigs. He bought oil rigs from Texas...which don't exactly stand the test of time in Canadian winters, and the guy that "helped" him with his website, and start up screwed him out of several thousand more dollars.
The problem he is probably going to have to go bankrupt. Awe....poor kid. The thing is, people told him this was ridiculous. They told him...this is harder than it looks, and much more difficult. They advised him, and tried to get it through his thick determined head that this was not a real world scenario in his mind...but he didn't listen.
This goes back to the statement I made about a kid with a "good bull". If some 17 year old kid worked hard to promote his 120lb BW, structural mess of an ugly bull, and spent $10,000 promoting him thinking he is the next Heatwave...that you would want to tell the kid " something is not right here."
Shortyisqueen, and OH Breeder, you think I am on some personal attack here. Like I am after OH's whole cowherd, and his/her life too. I am NOT, and that is what you cannot figure out. That udder is his/her idea of near perfect, and I am disagreeing and explaining myself. I though forums were for discussing things, not playing nicey nice, and roses and fairy's all day long.
No, I wouldn't go up to someone at a show and tell them their animal was bad if it was just standing in a stall. If they had a poor calf, and wondered why they didn't get Grand Champ, well then I would probably say something (like I did here). Or if they thought their fitting job was superb, and it wasn't, I might tell them that they could definitely do better, and help them in doing so. I know a lot of things that go on at shows, and nobody tells anybody about them to their face....but they sure don't have a hard time telling their buddies once the whisky bottles come out after 6pm tie-outs and stall cleanup.