HERE ARE SOME FAMILIAR AND MAYBE A LITTLE DIFFERENT ideas-all these bulls will produce -COWS.I think Frank over at Masonic has done a great job-the cattle are very good all the way around.1: Bradley Eisminger-who is STRICTLY a maternal beeder has Studers Precision:whos by Roanoke Flashback (TPS Leader 21stxRPS Tribunexa real good Shouflers Bonito cow)-and I think hes the best bull Bradley ever used-Hes a changer-and makes them deeper and thicker than just about any non-clubby bull Ive seen-ask Frank About him-the roan hiefer is out of him-and the pic just doesnt do her. 2: NBS Lowrider-Steve French has him-CUSTOM made for a Jack Fost-Trump etc, 3: Sull Red Demand-for functional LOW Bws etc 4: Just go up a few notches (or down) to the thread on HC BLUEBOOK-or see the new red bull in Okotocs (I think) avatar-HC also has the roan bull in his avatar-and hes a moose: I would not say low BW the way hes bred-but if the cow is-hed really work-There are also a number of other very good Canadian bulls.CALVING EASE: NO 1 choice jmo- FOR a CE hiefer bull that makes cattle that show-WILL LANES ELBEE bull is by far one of THE BEST available-hes already produced a bunch of hiefers and a nationally competitive show bull. Of all the Captain Obvious etc-JT Moreland probaly has the most usefull of the bunch JMO-although he isnt going to have the performance (NOR THE BIRTH WTS) of some of the others.His bull will be with the the better CE HIEFER bulls around. Another CE bull: FF Redman-is the mature red bull pictured-hell have probably the highest growth curve of the PROVEN DOCUMENTED CE deals-and goes back to alot of good Brockmueller and Shalimar performance cattle that had some maine in em-you can see it in the way hes made-and as deep as your cow is-and the way shes bred-HE MAY BE A GOOD ALL AROUND CHOICE for what Id want LAST BUT CERTAINELY NOT LEAST-IS: Martindale Enticer; the roan with a couple pics.-again- PROVEN CE-there are 4-6 pages of calves registered to him-and hed be an A$%%^&*(S kicker on a cow like her-Hes owned by Brent Elam-who breeds almost as maternal as Bradley: and there have been some real nice calves out of him. The Martins have JMO the best cattle for the money IN THE BREED-PERIOD.O0