DL said:
Tallcool1 said:
I know that you are very intelligent, and I know that you are well versed and understand the rules for proper administration of animal drugs. (I darn sure know that you spell better than I do!) I would never question any of that. I just don't agree with you. And the truth is, there are plenty of other people on this site that are intelligent enough to make their own decisions regarding how they choose to sedate their cattle before they go to a show. The member just asked a simple question. Why not give that member the information in the form of a simple answer, and let them make their own decision? I really don't understand why there needs to be any kind of "bullying" because of it. Unless the site starts a new Bullying Section in which case I could see the need for that type of behavior. That is probably not a good idea, although it may have some merit? That is another post.
TC1 - I am well aware that there are many people who disagree with me and that certainly is their right - I am also well aware that people drug their calves and use the excuse that they are protecting their children and the public from a potentially crazy animal, these same people have no understanding of how the drug works or the potential side effects - people need to be aware of the laws and rules - which many are not - to make informed decisions. In addition to the legalities I think drugging show cattle is cheating - I know many do not
However - to specifically answer your question Why not give that member the information in the form of a simple answer, and let them make their own decision? I am not willing to lose my license to practice by either giving someone tranquilizers for show calves or recommending a dose of a drug that is not legal to use according to the ELDU and AMDUCA on a public forum. You can call it bullying I call it rule #53 "just the facts ma'm" (Sergent Friday, Dragnet
That is actually pretty funny! Love the Dragnet reference!
I see your point as well, especially in terms of the liability that you would be exposing yourself to from the point of your profession.
For the sake of conversation, how do you view these "herbal" calming pastes that are on the market? What about Melatonin? Melatonin is certainly not being bottled for use in show cattle. I realize that there are not labeling issues with Malatonin. Are your opinions of drugging show cattle as cheating exclusive to chemicals that are restricted from a pharmaceutical angle, or is it more of an ethics thing for you? FYI, this is a legitimate question, and not an effort to start an argument. I value your perspective on this.
One other thing that I feel is worth saying, especially for the younger readers is that Ace/Rompun/whatever is a last resort for us. We don't like to use it because it does funny stuff to the appearance of the cattle. They just plain do not look as good when they have it in their system. They drop in their back. Some will drag their feet a little. They don't want to hold their heads up. And the list goes on and on.